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Musky Madness

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We headed out at 4:45 am and did all the big fish spots that we know first, then worked down to lesser spots where we have hooked a few small fish in the past. That was the plan anyway. After 2 hours, we had not seen a follow or boil.. nothing, zip, zero! It was discouraging. So the fish were clearly not feeding on our spots, so instead of doing all the smaller spots that gave us a few small under thirty inch fish in the past we decided to only look for new spots. So we stoped casting, looked at the map, and established a route for areas that seemed promising on the map so we could get a look at the vegetation and structure.

We scouted the first two spots, which had little to no weed growth on it, and only big rock reefs, but still not a follow or any sign of life, so we kept moving. The third spot we tried had a rock reef where you saw the current break and loaded with the right sort vegetation on a shallow shelf. First cast, FISH ON! Mike hooks a scrapper! It was a very cool fight. You cannot help but immediately feel good about yourself when you look around to try new things and it pays off.




Great looking fish, markings are very clean, and so was the rest of the fish, not a scratch on her.

Second cast: FISH ON! another decent fish.. on my Mike's spinner bait. Wow, two fish in two casts.






A perch's worst nightmare...


That's why you use long pliers to unhook muskies.


Third cast: big fish (upper 40s) swipes at Mike's spinner bait at boat side, then missed the bait during the figure 8 again then took off. Less than five casts later, Mike's spinner bait again, has a follow on it all the way to the boat, he is about to do a figure 8 and she crushes it! Fish on, I start reeling a bit faster to bring mine in to land the fish...


Suddenly my rod heaves over... (no way?) I set the hook, DOUBLE HEADER!!! We were so excited from the adrenaline of having two decent fish at the same time, both fish rolled and threw both our baits.. My spinner bait was bent backwards, which is probably how I lost mine and was unfortunately the end of that spinner bait's life, the wire had been bent so far over that when I tried to straighten it I noticed the wire was about to break off.


We had finished casting the one of several sides of the structure, so we moved up and casted the second side of the structure. My first cast over a patch of weeds 2 seconds into the cast, rod heaves a bit, I set the hook FISH ON! Another decent musky!




At this point we are just laughing as this is the coolest day we've ever had (short of catching a 56incher or a 40+ pounder in the fall of course).


We saw another 4 fish hit our lures and throw our hooks in that same pass, all low to mid 40s, nothing really small. Mike decides to throw top water at em now. His second cast a big fish grabs it and runs deep with it. Mike set's the hook hard! Fish on, Mike fights the fish up to the boat and again the fish spit the hook out.. DAMN!!!!!


Two more casts by the edge of the reef, top water hit! She let's go yet again. Mike keeps reeling, she comes back for it, but the excitement at this point is starting to make us lose our focus and we start making mistakes, hook set to soon, or too late.. missed another one.


The other sides of the structure we saw five or six fish more take a swipe or come at the boat looking for a snack with one or two close to the big 50 inch mark.


Then just as it was on, it turned off! No more follows, no more boils, no more fish.

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H*o*l*y C*r*a*p !



I just did a double take on the calendar to be sure it was April fools.... what a great day for you fellas !



Jeeze I'd often be happy just catching a glimpse of one of the ones you missed so I knew I was sorta at the right place sorta doing the right things :)



Great report and beauty clean fish - thanks for sharing ... feel free to PM me the lake name ;)

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Well that is just gross! So it is that easy to catch musky? Just look for a few rocks and some vegetation and a shelf. Bingo. Thanks for the lesson. LOL. Seriously though, that was a great read and those are some beuty fish. I need to get me one of those fish this year. Congrats on a great day of musky fishing!

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