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Tough New Drinking and Driving Law


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This is just yet another McGuinty flash in the pan tack-on to the Highway Traffic Act that simply doesn't need meddling with. It's already in the books.........great, so why jerk around with it? I can't see how anybody could have a problem with a 12 hour administrative suspension for 0.05......that is unless you're corporate special interest group whose entire livelihood and reason for existence is to continually keep pushing the boundaries, no matter what.


The real reason these bans, amendments and new laws keep cropping up is the Libtards need to keep everyones attention pointed in other directions from what is really happening in Ontario. We have gone from the economic engine of the most democratic country in the world to a have-not province in the capital of nanny-states in a very very short time. Cell phone bans which aren't really bans, street racing laws that have caught more municipal trucks & OPP cars "stunt driving" than actual street racers, and now yet another bone to throw to the suburban soccer mom voting masses.



Seriously, nobody else sees through these smoke & mirror tricks that end up mugging peoples wallets on the side of the road on the word of one officer while actually accomplishing absolutely nothing?



And I've blown two "warns", both times I've had exactly ONE drink. Want to talk about how accurate the magic box is and how everybody knows exactly how off target it can be? Now is the reason the threshold is currently set at 0.100 because police are lenient with charges or is the real reason equipment deficiencies? I'm not a criminal, but I'm becoming more & more anti-cop with every new, unneeded, "law" AND how they are applied. I look forward to the reporting on how "successful" the new 09:00am RIDE programs are going to be, busting everybody going to work with a hangover.


I should subscribe to The Star and get into the tow truck business, sounds like growth industry!

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Everyone changes their tune once one of their loved ones is taken away from them by a drunk driver. As Lew how many families he's had to extract from vehicles after they were in a crash where alcohol is involved.


And if you are so passionate about listening to the news, I guess you didn't hear the news break where the Star has come out and said that driving hungover is driving drunk.

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If the cops were doing there job in the first place we wouldn't have this debate! I just went for a timmies and the guy ahead of me ran the red light and was speeding while the officer was at the drive thru window facing the intersection and he just watched and waited for his coffee, I thought he will get it and radio ahead or go after the guy, nope he proceeded to pull in the parking lot and drink his coffee while i went through the drive thru. This is at 12 in the afternoon wonder what there doing at 2 am?



I usually stay very clear of any of these types of debates but.......


"If the cops were doing there job in the first place we wouldn't have this debate!"




Please please please tell me that you do not really intend to imply that the situation you described above and that drinking and driving etc. is the fault of the police because they are not doing their job?? Human beings make choices, good or bad but WE decide to follow the laws or not and WE are responsible for the results that come from our decisions even if we are not always held accountable.


IF the day ever comes when "I plead innocent your honor as there was not a police officer present to stop me from committing said crime" because a valid defense.......God help us all.

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hmmm...perhaps he was getting lunch...wow, i guess because we wear a uniform we can't eat, sleep, be tired, hungry or cold.....


did you ever wonder if he was actually on duty or on a training course? did you stop and think whether it was a cop or a civilian in the driver seat? Perhaps it was the fleet manager, who does wear a uniform and was on his way to the mechanic with the car and decided to stop off for a coffee....


and wondering where he would be at 2 AM....i'm not even going to start because everyone judges what they see without understanding the circumstances....


who's to say that the guy was speeding....people complain that cars are speeding and todays cars are designed to look fast. I've clocked cars at 50km/hr with civilians standing beside me who swore they were speeding.....


and if there weren't people like you complaining that their neighbours dog is crapping on their lawn and that the kids in the street are playing roadhockey too close to your car and that there is a guy sitting in a parked car minding his own business but because he's there he's suspicious and you need someone there to check him out right away I wouldn't be so busy and I could take care of the drunk drivers, drug dealers, armed robbers and thugs out there...95% of my time is spent dealing with stupid complaints because people can't talk to one another and can't be bothered to deal with simple things themselves. How in the world can you say we're not doing our jobs because someone stopped to get a coffee. That's like saying while you're working a 12 hour shift and probably commuting an hour to work at 4am that you can't get a coffee or take a piss during your entire shift.


Perhaps if people didn't drink and drive, we would have to have this discussion


Thank you for everything you have said on this thread.


Those of you that criticize either our drinking and driving laws or the men and women who are charged with enforcing them should give your head a shake! They should be considerably tougher similar to European laws. Unless you have seen first hand the carnage that the drunk, inebriated, intoxicated, (choose your own word), cause on our roads each and every day you are kidding yourselves and are in denial. Unfortunately, I have.


I don't necessarily support MADD, nor do I particularly like what they have become. HOWEVER, I have a wonderful wife, a son and a daughter, along with 5 grandchildren that share the roads each and every day with those who believe that they can have a few drinks and then drive to wherever they are going. I for one will continue to call 911 and report those who I suspect may be driving while intoxicated. I may make some mistakes, but hopefully one time I will manage to get an idiot off of our roads, (however temporarily it may be).


If you think that the current limits for blood alcohol are too tough, consider this. I was at a party had enough to drink that I was told that I was slurring my words and blew under .05! By the way, this test was at the party and the person who administered the breathalizer was experienced with the process.

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It's not the fault of the police, they only enforce the laws that premier dad comes up with to distract from all the other problems in the province lke clofchick mentioned. I don't drink but I see this as just another stupid law to appear to be governing. Cell phones, pit bulls, street racing, and now this. When will the government realize you can't legislate responsibility or common sense.

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The safety check is used all the time, but mostly for the Commercial trucks and the little kids with their modified street racers.

We just get the seatbelt blitz 3-4 times a year. 2 officers standing in the middle of the road peering into each vehicle as it slows. Last inspection blitz was 8 years back and it was a good one. They pulled 60 something vehicles off the road in one weekend. Some of the better impounds were a number of expired plates, lack of insurance, 2 drivers under suspension, along with all the usual mechanicalreasons for pulling plates. The MTO does all the commercial inspections as we have the 2 chicken coops here.


I do remember when the safety blitz was a regular occurrence spring and fall. The one uncle was a police auxiliary. He spent every April and late October doing inspections around the GTA. Then there was the Xmas safety blitz (before ride existed).

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We just get the seatbelt blitz 3-4 times a year. 2 officers standing in the middle of the road peering into each vehicle as it slows. Last inspection blitz was 8 years back and it was a good one. They pulled 60 something vehicles off the road in one weekend. Some of the better impounds were a number of expired plates, lack of insurance, 2 drivers under suspension, along with all the usual mechanicalreasons for pulling plates. The MTO does all the commercial inspections as we have the 2 chicken coops here.


I do remember when the safety blitz was a regular occurrence spring and fall. The one uncle was a police auxiliary. He spent every April and late October doing inspections around the GTA. Then there was the Xmas safety blitz (before ride existed).


The safety checks have become more covert lately. For us, our Project ERASE (eradicate racing activity and speeding everywhere) team takes care of that. People think that the Stunt Driving law is a joke, but when your kids are putting improper safety equipment etc in their cars it's a problem...hence all of the safety checks.... I'm not sure what the OPP does in regards to this but for the most part our Commercial Truck Unit takes care of that stuff.

Edited by FishnNAutographs
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It's not the fault of the police, they only enforce the laws that premier dad comes up with to distract from all the other problems in the province lke clofchick mentioned. I don't drink but I see this as just another stupid law to appear to be governing. Cell phones, pit bulls, street racing, and now this. When will the government realize you can't legislate responsibility or common sense.


You can not legislate responsibility or common sense. However we can pass your so called stupid laws that try to stop those who continue to put the lives of others at risk.

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Sorry never been arrested, probaly shoulda a few times but I guess the cops were on "Lunch break" :o . I guess according to these cops in here we shouldn't even listen to the news or newspaper. Sorry have no respect, I grew up in an area down here where my Bouncer buddies used to do drugs with the on duty cops in the bars restroom, have seen guys get let go driving like a excellent person being hammered because who there father was... I'm sure there are some great Cops out there and you probaly are one, the crack dealer in my old neighborhood seemed to get along great with the cops they visited him every week for a few minutes and were on there way, 10 minutes later some cracked out hooker's come knocking on his door!

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Sorry never been arrested, probaly shoulda a few times but I guess the cops were on "Lunch break" :o . I guess according to these cops in here we shouldn't even listen to the news or newspaper. Sorry have no respect, I grew up in an area down here where my Bouncer buddies used to do drugs with the on duty cops in the bars restroom, have seen guys get let go driving like a excellent person being hammered because who there father was... I'm sure there are some great Cops out there and you probaly are one, the crack dealer in my old neighborhood seemed to get along great with the cops they visited him every week for a few minutes and were on there way, 10 minutes later some cracked out hooker's come knocking on his door!


Interesting how we got from drinking and driving to cracked out hookers in no time......

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Sorry never been arrested, probaly shoulda a few times but I guess the cops were on "Lunch break" :o . I guess according to these cops in here we shouldn't even listen to the news or newspaper. Sorry have no respect, I grew up in an area down here where my Bouncer buddies used to do drugs with the on duty cops in the bars restroom, have seen guys get let go driving like a excellent person being hammered because who there father was... I'm sure there are some great Cops out there and you probaly are one, the crack dealer in my old neighborhood seemed to get along great with the cops they visited him every week for a few minutes and were on there way, 10 minutes later some cracked out hooker's come knocking on his door!


Must have been Metro right????

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Everyone changes their tune once one of their loved ones is taken away from them by a drunk driver. As Lew how many families he's had to extract from vehicles after they were in a crash where alcohol is involved.


And if you are so passionate about listening to the news, I guess you didn't hear the news break where the Star has come out and said that driving hungover is driving drunk.


This is such a good point FNA.


For ten years I worked in hospital admin in TO. To us summer is "Transplant Season". That's because the best donors are the result of DWI fatalities. I will not go into the medical details for it, as I'm sure it would offend many. I can tell you that the transplant teams worked every long weekend, and that was over 20 years ago when Dr Cooper was perfecting the double lung transplant

Edited by bigugli
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in all fairness I think the new law may be a little extreme for being "legal" but if we all conducted ourselves accordingly we wouldn't need laws such as this.

Also I only have more than 1 beer at home no need to travel to find a bar (ok sometimes i venture over to big cliff's for a beer), i would think that the person that gets caught three times may need more help than a couple suspensions and a interlock will solve

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Should we be driving around drunk? NOPE

But should you be at risk of a mark on your record, and losing your license for 3 days without a proven conviction either? NOPE


once again "the man" has decided that we cannot govern ourselves accordingly and has "temporarily revoked" our rights and freedoms for the benefit of the whole.


This is what I have an issue with. Do I like it when police search a suspected drug dealer and find what they are looking for only to have the case thrown out because they couldn't wait for a warrant? No, but at the same time I don't want them shaking down every passerby just because they "look like a tree, act like a tree, must be a tree mentality"


Your rights and freedoms are something most people do not even realize they have until they are taken.

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Drinking 2 beers will not result in a warn unless you are 3 feet tall and weight 30lbs.


Ummmm, not necessarily true at all. A very good friend of mine once dropped by the house after work on a sunny afternoon. We had a beer on the porch while we were chatting. He left about 10 minutes after his beer was gone......was stopped on the way home in a ride program.....admitted to a beer........blew over. He's 6 feet tall, 170lbs.


There are countless factors that affect how alcohol affects anyone. Full stomach, empty stomach, size, weight.....


In my opinon, thats really bad advice to be spewing out in the first place.


As a cop you probably shouldn't be telling people to go ahead and have a few 'cause ya won't blow over. Very irresponsible of you.

Edited by fish_finder
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Ummmm, not necessarily true at all. A very good friend of mine once dropped by the house after work on a sunny afternoon. We had a beer on the porch while we were chatting. He left about 10 minutes after his beer was gone......was stopped on the way home in a ride program.....admitted to a beer........blew over. He's 6 feet tall, 170lbs.


There are countless factors that affect how alcohol affects anyone. Full stomach, empty stomach, size, weight.....


In my opinon, thats really bad advice to be spewing out in the first place.


As a cop you probably shouldn't be telling people to go ahead and have a few 'cause ya won't blow over. Very irresponsible of you.


Nobody's telling you to go ahead and do anything. You chose to take someones words and manipulate them to suit your argument.

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Should we be driving around drunk? NOPE

But should you be at risk of a mark on your record, and losing your license for 3 days without a proven conviction either? NOPE


once again "the man" has decided that we cannot govern ourselves accordingly and has "temporarily revoked" our rights and freedoms for the benefit of the whole.


This is what I have an issue with. Do I like it when police search a suspected drug dealer and find what they are looking for only to have the case thrown out because they couldn't wait for a warrant? No, but at the same time I don't want them shaking down every passerby just because they "look like a tree, act like a tree, must be a tree mentality"


Your rights and freedoms are something most people do not even realize they have until they are taken.


You don't have rights and freedoms to put other peoples lives in danger.

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He left about 10 minutes after his beer was gone......was stopped on the way home in a ride program.....admitted to a beer........blew over.



As a cop you probably shouldn't be telling people to go ahead and have a few 'cause ya won't blow over. Very irresponsible of you.


#1 - mouth alcohol....read through the posts...alcohol needs approximately 15 minutes to leave the mouth area or else the sample is contaminated...it would happen even if you used mouth wash before leaving your house.


#2 - never once did i say go drink and drive... i simply said if you have 2 beers you probably won't blow over...

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Should we be driving around drunk? NOPE

But should you be at risk of a mark on your record, and losing your license for 3 days without a proven conviction either? NOPE


once again "the man" has decided that we cannot govern ourselves accordingly and has "temporarily revoked" our rights and freedoms for the benefit of the whole.


This is what I have an issue with. Do I like it when police search a suspected drug dealer and find what they are looking for only to have the case thrown out because they couldn't wait for a warrant? No, but at the same time I don't want them shaking down every passerby just because they "look like a tree, act like a tree, must be a tree mentality"


Your rights and freedoms are something most people do not even realize they have until they are taken.

You don't need a search warrant to search a person....


and the law wouldn't be passed if it violated your rights....i

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You don't need a search warrant to search a person....


and the law wouldn't be passed if it violated your rights....i


you should not just be able to search people just because you think they are up to something either, but you sum it up to probable cause and nail them with something, most of the people can't afford to fight the system so they plead or make a deal or whatever...


As for passing laws that violate our rights... that's just your opinion which you have no shortage of, but everyone IS entitled to one of those... atleast for the time being

We are just to dumb to do anything until it's too late...

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