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I have two Labs.. a chocolate and a yellow... The yellow (Hunter) is 7mths old now and growing like a weed.. He is going to be huge!


I have a problem with him however... He will not stop eating the other dogs poop.. the poor Chocolate (Rusty) cannot even take a crap without Hunter up his butt eating it.. if they are out together...


now running after Rusty everytime he takes a crap is not realistic... we have a large yard...


When Hunter is let out that is all he is doing.. is eating poop...


Is there anything I can do to prevent Hunter from eating Rusty's poop? I am afraid he is going to get sick..



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lol my yellow lab named Hunter used to absolutly love to eat cat crap! we talked to the vet and afew other people about it and they all said it was just a phase thing. its a wierd one but should just be a phase. our pup still eats the odd little morsel but for the most part whe quit eating the stuff. so hopefully your pup will outgrow this phase.. its just never soon enough though

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How's this?



Why Dogs Eat Poop: 20 Reasons

1. Your dog might be hungry. If your dog doesn't have access to food, he might eat poop.


2. Some dogs will eat poop to clean up an area like a housekeeper. This is most likely if your dog is confined to a crate or kennel, or when he's chained up or otherwise restricted. He's taking care of his space.


3. If your dog likes to carry poop, and then eat it, it could be genetics. Some dogs have instincts to carry stuff in their mouths.


4. Your dog might be eating poop because of parasites or worms. They can suck nutrients out of your dog, driving him to eat poop. It might also leave him extra hungry because of the lack of proper fuel.


5. Your dog might be eating cat poop or other animal poop to get key nutrients and minerals not available in his own food.


6. Some dogs will simply eat poop to pass the time. Dogs will eat poop because they are bored or lonely. It can be a sign of neglect.


7. Your dog might eat poop because he's anxious, nervous or otherwise upset. Stress will drive animals to do odd things.


8. Some dogs will eat poop to hide the evidence. If you punish your dog for pooping, he might eat it to stop you from getting angry.


9. If your dog has puppies, she might eat puppy poop. This is an instinct to hide the poop from predators. Poop is evidence. Getting ride of it keeps her puppies safe.


10. Some young dogs and puppies will eat poop as a novelty. That is, they'll eat poop as an experiment. They don't know better.


11. If your dog watches you pick up poop, he might learn to do the same. This is called allelomimetic behavior. Your dog observes you and learns from you, by putting the poop in his mouth you put poop in a bag.


12. Your dog might see others dogs eating poop. From this, they learn to eat poop too.


13. Many dogs simply like the taste of poop. This obviously doesn't make sense to dog owners but that's irrelevant. Some dog like to eat it and that's that. It's warm, moist, and very much like what your dog was given as a very young puppy.





Now please excuse me while I go get lunch ready...

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When our black lab was a pup, she started eating cat turds out of the litter box. We solved this after a while by sprinkling tobassco sauce on the turds. She wouldn't touch them after that.


But.....I told this to a buddy of mine that was having the same problem......his dog liked them even better with the hot sauce. :lol: So you never know.

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I know a few labs that do that. My buddy has one that eats its own crap......its friggen hilarious to see. It gets down for the crunch, drops a load, and turns around and eats it while its still steaming........I don't let her give me any lovin.......LOL. She's a great retriever though!



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I know a few labs that do that. My buddy has one that eats its own crap......its friggen hilarious to see. It gets down for the crunch, drops a load, and turns around and eats it while its still steaming........I don't let her give me any lovin.......LOL. She's a great retriever though!




Talk about threads that need to be locked. Holy doodle!!


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Guest gbfisher

You guys need a super duper pooper scooper.... :D

Well now that I think about it..................Then yer dogs would starve.... :w00t:


So much for lunch.... :blink:

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Gerritt, I had the same problem with my dog when she was a pup. I contacted the breeder who suggested teaching the dog the "Leave it" command. Once I taught the dog the command using training treats, I could walk her on a leash right up to dog poop and say "leave it". Should would immediately look to me for a reward, which I of course had!


Eventually your dog will learn to leave the poop along because it becomes a "leave it" item.

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My dog used to eat it. I talked to my vet, she said to give the dog 1/2 a dried fig a day until he stopped. I did it for 2 day and he never touched it again. I was told the fig on the way out has a very bad bitter taste. Just a suggestion.

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