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Nipissing Report *PICS*


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Well its been a while since I've been out, and we finally got out for our annual trip to Lake Nipissing this weekend. We stayed at Grump and Grumpy's for our 4th year now as we've always had excellent service and good fishing.


There were supposed to be 14 of us, but 2 broke down on the highway on the way up and couldnt make it, too bad, but as they say, fecal matter happens.


So 12 of us made it up on Friday afternoon and got started right away. Half of us were there to fish, half of them were there to party. The fish didnt really seem to care on Friday afternoon though. Within minutes, pretty much everyone had some decent perch on the ice. After about an hour, my buddy's girlfriend, ice fishing for her first time, landed a nice 4-5 pound pike on 4 lbs test, pretty impressive I must say. The action was decent even through the night, lots of perch and a few herring being caught. My buddy Ian lost a big fish on the stick, but we never got a glimpse of it before she snapped the line, probably a toothy critter.


Saturday, 2 of the 3 huts were on fish most of the day, but the one hut had some troubles, the fish seemed to bypass them. The partiers still had it goin on and were loving every second of it, to them each fish was just an added bonus, nice to see them having so much fun. Lots of perch and herring again. Missed one good fish at night, but pretty slow night.


Sunday was pretty hurtin, a front rolled through and though we marked lots on the vex, they showed NO interest and we only landed 6 perch before packing up to head home. Getting ready for a big fish fry this week!


After we left is when Sunday became interesting... Just south of Huntsville I had 3 passengers in the back seat and they were all sleeping when one of them started convulsing. We pulled over and called the ambulance and he was quickly admitted to the hosptial in Huntsville. We met him there and he was released after about an hour. The doctors said it was likely caused by over exhaustion and severe dehydration. He had drank only beer all weekend, no water and slept for maybe 2 hours, he just kept fishing straight through. So note to all: Play safe, stay hydrated and get your rest, even though it is tempting to fish from bed. He's fine now, he doesnt remember it at all, but all seems good.


Then when we were dropping them off at home, my girlfriend reached into the truck to grab a hat and sliced her finger open on an ice auger tat was covered by a jacket, okay, now to the RVH in Barrie.... a couple hours and 4 stiches later, we were finally on our way home and glad the day was over!!!


Okay, now for the fish porn...









Funny story behind this fish... my buddy had a fish on the vex for a good 15 minutes that would follow his minnow up and down up and down, finally it bit and stole his minnow. As he was rebaiting I dropped a small tube down his hole, watched it come up for it, shook it a little bit and caught this herring... haha.





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Looks like a great time. I am looking forward to the upcoming weekend in South Bay myself!


Just curious, you mentioned that you were catching Perch and Herring through the night?


I am surprised as usually once the sun sets the action seems to shut right off...might be more confident to spend more time fishing than around the poker table :thumbsup_anim:



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Looks like a great time. I am looking forward to the upcoming weekend in South Bay myself!


Just curious, you mentioned that you were catching Perch and Herring through the night?


I am surprised as usually once the sun sets the action seems to shut right off...might be more confident to spend more time fishing than around the poker table :thumbsup_anim:




Yeah we actually caught lots of perch at night this weekend. I always keep lines down because every year I've caught a few decent whitefish at night. No whities this year but lots of perch after dark, our biggest bunch came after 10pm.


To the earlier post also, no walleye this year. Kinda dissapointing, but it didnt seem like many people were getting them.

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Sounds good Steve, it will be a good excuse to stay away from the card sharks at the poker table :)


One more question, how deep was the water under your bungalow? 25-30feet?


We were only in 15 feet. Seemed te shallower water was producing better than the deeper water this weekend.

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Awesome report dude!! Glad ya had fun!!


He had drank only beer all weekend, no water and slept for maybe 2 hours, he just kept fishing straight through.


Thought you were talking about me... lol

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Great report and pics Steve, thanks for that. Sorry to hear of your girl's mishap. I winced when I read it and to tell you the truth, after reading the report and arriving at the pics, I scrolled pretty quickly through them and once I saw there was nothing that looked too bad I went back to the top and looked at each pic more closely. I'm not very good with seeing anyone hurting.

Thanks again for sharing.

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