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Holmes on Homes site up again (NF)


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I agree with pikehunter


The sad thing is how stupid these homeowners look on TV.


If you give someone $10 or $20K or even more down, and they dont do any work and don't show up any longer, how stupid do you have to be to give them more money.


I don't feel sorry for them if they lack intelligence and don't do their homework and just go with the first fly by night contractor they come across, then they get everything they deserve.


BUYER BEWARE! Everyone hears or sees that phrase on TV or in the news. Papers, radio, all the Judge shows out there, Judge Judy, yet a high percentage of people don't live by that saying.

Edited by diggyj
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If there is one person more annoying than MH, it's gotta be Judge Judy. :wallbash:



I agree she is annoying, but she has great tips that can be used in everyday life. If the people on Holmes on Homes watched her, maybe they wouldn't be in those messy situations.

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I agree she is annoying, but she has great tips that can be used in everyday life. If the people on Holmes on Homes watched her, maybe they wouldn't be in those messy situations.


I agree, but it's not her tips - it's the fact that I have to turn the volume down on my TV when she opens her mouth. I have a new 57" and I don't want to blow the speakers.

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I think Mike Holmes is not arrogant so much as ANGRY and to me that is good thing!!! So many people in so many of the trades have knuckled under and been beaten down so they ALLOW the shoddy workmanship to happen just to make a buck. I can understand how and why it happens too, lets face it they have to feed their families somehow, and if quick and dirty is the only way to earn a paycheque what can they really do?


Almost everyone who says they work or worked in the trades knows minimum code is a joke. Which is MH's biggest gripe. The thing is if anything is going to happen to improve minimum code then it will take a TON of arrogant ANGRY people who won't bend until the problem is addressed!!!!

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Would you rather have a situation where every tradesman who is involved in building a house - from the general laborers to the concrete and drain guys, to the framers, to the brick layers, to the drywallers on down - be certified/licensed? And have inspectors at every site inspecting every phase of the construction of each and every house? Because some guy on a TV reality show leads you to believe the sky is falling?


I haven't had a roof fall on my head in any house I've lived, nor have I had the floor fall out from under me nor the walls collapse over onto me. In fact, I don't know a single person, nor have I ever in my entire life met or even heard of a single person who has ever been injured in a faulty house.


The bottom line is that in any industry, you can get a character like MH to go on TV and brainwash the sheeple. It's a scam. MH is about one thing. TV ratings. Period.


If MH was such a consumer advocate, he should take on industries like auto, pharma, tobacco, etc... Industries that actually kill people.


Wake up.

Edited by jonnybass
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A lot of us are pretty well clueless when it comes to renovating or building. I enjoy Mike's show because I learn a bit every show I watch. The one thing that he finds a lot is something that has been checked by an inspector and it is not even up to code. I would love to see the other side of that show, the homeowners going to court with the info that Mike finds and see if any of the homeowners do actually come out ahead of the game by successfully getting there money back.

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That was nice of you. By doing that, you technically proved the homeowners point.

I did it because the guy who signed my paycheque, the builder, told me to. Not because I wanted to. Like the old saying goes, one is either the horse or the driver.


As I said before it was the last housing project I worked on. This was not the way I liked to do business with people.

Edited by bigugli
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If MH was such a consumer advocate, he should take on industries like auto, pharma, tobacco, etc... Industries that actually kill people.

Wake up.


That is complete nonsense. You torpedoed the credibility of your own argument with that one line.



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he is arrogant as all hell





You guys need to watch "HELLS KITCHEN" or the "F WORD"


Now thats arrogant. I could slap that guy silly. Bet it,s happen,but never aired.LOL



Anyone want to go fish,n? Im off friday, and it,s going to be cold as h e double hockey sticks,so the weatherman says ????????

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Would you rather have a situation where every tradesman who is involved in building a house - from the general laborers to the concrete and drain guys, to the framers, to the brick layers, to the drywallers on down - be certified/licensed? And have inspectors at every site inspecting every phase of the construction of each and every house? Because some guy on a TV reality show leads you to believe the sky is falling?


Wake up.


I absolutely do WISH that everyone in any industry had the guts and authority to stand up for what is right what sane person wouldn't want that?


And just because I happen to disagree with you doesn't mean I am not awake LOL

Edited by Canuck2fan
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Let me rephrase: Is he really a consumer advocate?


What were not talking about pharma, tobacco and such being a requirement for advocates anymore? :P


Merriam-Webster definition of ADVOCATE:

1: one that pleads the cause of another ; specifically : one that pleads the cause of another before a tribunal or judicial court

2: one that defends or maintains a cause or proposal

3: one that supports or promotes the interests of another


He has done all three at one point or another. He is making noise, has a pro-consumer effect on things and has a career.

Who is going to give him time and/or money to do it full-time?

What do you want, David Horowitz?




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I absolutely do WISH that everyone in any industry had the guts and authority to stand up for what is right what sane person wouldn't want that?


And just because I happen to disagree with you doesn't mean I am not awake LOL


Don't get me wrong, I'm all for standing up for what's right! Trust me on that point.


I just think that the masses are being brainwashed in this case.

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What were not talking about pharma, tobacco and such being a requirement for advocates anymore? :P


That is called comparison.


Merriam-Webster definition of ADVOCATE:

1: one that pleads the cause of another ; specifically : one that pleads the cause of another before a tribunal or judicial court

2: one that defends or maintains a cause or proposal

3: one that supports or promotes the interests of another


He has done all three at one point or another. He is making noise, has a pro-consumer effect on things and has a career.

Who is going to give him time and/or money to do it full-time?

What do you want, David Horowitz?






What he is doing is acting like a consumer advocate. On a reality TV show.


Hence my question: Is he really a consumer advocate.

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Would you rather have a situation where every tradesman who is involved in building a house - from the general laborers to the concrete and drain guys, to the framers, to the brick layers, to the drywallers on down - be certified/licensed? And have inspectors at every site inspecting every phase of the construction of each and every house? Because some guy on a TV reality show leads you to believe the sky is falling?


To answer your question. No to labourers, painters, drywallers. Yes to framers, drains should be done by someone who knows what they're doing, don't you think? There are some aspects to each job that is demanding, and some labourers that I've met have been there for 20+ years and know and understand exactly whats going on on site. Sometimes more than the super does. Site supervisors aren't what they used to be, either. The last two residential sites I was on (in high-rise now), the supers regularily left early, NEVER EVER walked the site and accountability was a joke.


There are some very reputable builders out there, just do your homework.


There are inspectors that should oversee every aspect of a build. Their name goes on the dotted line and can be held against them if anything goes wrong.


What people outside of the trades don't realize is that when piecework began happening, thats when the product really started being diluted.


MH does overkill his jobs and alot of whats being done can be simplified, but hes got a show to do. He does seem like an arrogant guy and not one I'd like to work with. But he has pride in what he does along with a great many tradesmen/women that I've known over the years. And hes real good for the consumer. The problem with MH, as a professional, is when a homeowner takes a half hour show and then becomes a pro themselves.

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That is called comparison.

What he is doing is acting like a consumer advocate. On a reality TV show.


Hence my question: Is he really a consumer advocate.


Yes, he has acted as an advocate for the consumer and has the spirit of an advocate. The way he is doing things is the most effective way he knows how (its more than just the show)..



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I wouldn't buy a subdivision home.......even if I built it myself.


After 12 years of building custom homes, going to a subdivision was enough to get me to rethink my trade!!


Some of the stuff guys will do blow my mind. I couldn't walk away from a job doing the work they do.


Exactly why, when we were in the market last year we didn't buy a home in a newer subdivision.


That and the tiny postage stamp sized lots, zero landscaping and zero privacy.


We bought a house that's 35 years old with everything upgraded and done (and I mean everything :) ). 85X160' lot with mature landscaping and total privacy.


As far as Mike Holmes goes, I think he's cool. B)

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Where are the building inspectors in all of these cases? I work in construction and in my neck of the woods, you don't get away with any of this crap. When you buy your permit, you can expect inspections. And you better be sure that you are a ticketed tradesman or you're in big trouble. The Ministry of labor checks us for tickets. I know of cases when the drywall was out up before the insulation was inspected. Nope. Take all of the drywall off so the insulation can be inspected and passed. Perhaps this is the fault of shoddy construction practices in southern Ontario? Not enough enforcement? A friend of mine who is a builder had to rip the finished drywall off of a finished staircase because the handrail was 1/2" lower than code. He had to replace the backing to raise the hand rail 1/2". You won't get away with any of this stuff here. Why aren't these houses inspected by competent inspectors as they are being built? And why are they being built by unqualified workers? I live and work in the same Province. You'd be in jail if you tried to pull this stunt in the north.

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Solopaddler - I Hope the renovations done to your home were done by qualified tradesmen ! : ))


And I think Dan C has a good point.


The market place peice recently done that included MH as the guest "inspector" did key in on that point also - it certainly looked like the inspectors involved in the cases in Hamilton weren't doing anywhere close to their job. Wonder why ? Pressure from the builders/city hall/contractors to get things passed so projects keep moving, permits keep getting issued and taxes/revenues keep coming in ? Makes you wonder. Inspectors are supposed to be there to ensure minimum code (which appears to be sub standard as it is according to MH) is met, things are done safely and shoddy work isn't tolerated... aren't they ? Where are these guys ?? As a consumer I'd like to think the legislators that are paid with tax dollars are doing their jobs properly.

Edited by Rob V
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as for inspectors go i find alot of them young and dumb. they have never touched a hammer or 2by4 and they dont know anything. they are under qualified and they dont catch poor workmanship, if it looks like a nice neat job then it passes. i feel some of the older respected carpenters should go back to school and do the inspectors course and do that cause its not a reall physcially demanding job.

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