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In Response To Photoshopping.


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i agree on several topics...rick you got that right man...and yes the net sure has some but not much of a direct decline in steelhead numbers....thats why i have a boat so i dont have to listen to whiny crap standing shoulder to shoulder....i heard all that crap 20yrs ago.....rrrrrrrrrrrrr :angry::angry: photoshop your pics its not like we all dont know where all the spots are i was steelheading 25yrs ago and walked every dang mile of every creek from pickering to brighton.....so its not like we dont know where the trout are....want me to show you.... :angry::angry::angry:

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Going back to Bojangles first post, it's his choice what he wants to do with his pics, whether to post, photoshop, or blur.


I don't like the fake backgrounds so I have stopped reading his posts, but it's not personal and as he says, it's my choice whether or not I look at his reports.


What I do appreciate is his passion for the fishery. I'm sure stocking, water levels, angler numbers etc. have all affected the trout numbers, but it would probably be in better shape if more people cared about it.



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Fishindevil, just to clarify that comment about shoulder to shoulder fishermen, I was in no way whining about it, just passing a comment on the situation 40 years ago. It's just the way it was. I was merely pointing out how word got around quickly long before the advent of the internet. I would also like to point out that the vast majority of those guys cooperated and got along well and if someone hollered "fish on" all other lines were pulled out of the way. It really was pretty civilised, all things considered.

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I agree Pinch someone who can identify a spot from a picture has been there a few times!


Personally i think it`s ridiculous to photoshop pictures and I have tendency not to look at threads with altered pictures attached but hey they are your pictures do what you want with them.


And your right you do have a lot to say for 17 year old who has never had to buy a license yet and don`t be to tough on us older guys we have released many more fish than you,we have bought many more license`s than you and we have put many more tax dollars back into the system than you.

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lookinforwalleye, couldnt have said it better myself... It is the elitist attitudes that drive me crazy... and these pics are part and parcel to that attitude.


Blarney, had a fantastic post concerning it... wish it would have stayed up for others to read. It was interesting and a great read!



Edited by Gerritt
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Now I look at the photoshop pics and I get a good laugh as the first thing I say is why even bother, a fish pic is about the fish the scenery etc... and if the need to photoshop it is required, for fear that the background shows then why bother as its done for no reason other then to show boat on the internet chat boards.



Louis im actually surprised by your response, if leaving backgrounds and showing locations is ok by you then why on the forum of your non governmental organization (CRAA) the first rule is

1. No naming any trib or small water body when refering to catching numbers of fish, including posting pictures that show the location.

Unless by scenery you mean a picture of a fish laying on the banks covered in mud

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Well, I was gonna abstain .. but just couldnt ...



Here the FACTS ....


In the late sixties and early seventies before anyone had a home computer (in fact before anyone ever heard of Bill Gates) ....


We used to fish the Credit (right near the flour mill near streetsville) for .... wait for it ....


Sockeye !!!


Most amazing runs of them ... and I can tell you that within a day or two of the first fish being caught the river was shoulder to shoulder until the run was completely over.... this stopped ... not because of overfishing


... nor because of the internet ...


but because these were not indigenous fish and the MNR had no more interest in that program ... they switched to coho .. and guess what ...


suddenly there were hundreds upon hundreds of avid coho fishermen ... and along came the Great Star Salmon Hunt .... big Coho wins first prize ... one coho is tagged for a million dollars ... richest derbyon the planet (at the time) ... this suddenly and very abruptly dies ....


(Editors note : in those days the best locations were published in the newspaper along with what lures and depths were producing)


Not because of the hundreds (or perhaps thousands of fish kept by the newly exciting angling community who can now catch fish regularly along shore and in the lakes even when the run isnt on ) .... but because the MNR pulls back - and ultimately stops that stocking program


in favour of .... Chinook .. the bigger ... more exciting fish .... so they think ....



me I say ... get back to the stocking of COHO's and Rainbows .. and perhaps Atlantics or Pinks .... thats when the fishery was at its finest .... and when the fishing is good advertise it .. so the MNR gets the poitical support to continue spending our taxes on the things we love most.


by the way .... I hate photoshopping out backgrounds (except perhaps the most obvious of landmarks) ... I enjoy trying to see if I know the spot or have ever fished it.... if I cant recognize the spot chances are nobody else who hasnt/or doesnt already regularly fish will either ... so leave it alone ... just my 2 cents.


Oh ...another 2 cents ... talk to any CO and they will tell you nothing kills a stocking program faster than NOT having a lot of fisherman at any given location ....

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Gerritt the post that was up and deleted was an unrefined version of an article I wrote for Aaron Shirley's on line magazine the refined version is up on his site in his current e magazine.


Fishfinder let me shoot straight at you, your what 15 not that age matters but I was standing in the credit( camillj good memories I recall standing at ried when you could fish it and having the nooks crash your legs as they swam around) and you were far from being a twinkle in dad's eye, so maybe you might do good to listen to some of the guys here and on other boards with a bit more savvy and understanding of things.


That rule is in place to protect bodies of water that are sensitive to being expolited by anglers who have no concept of ethics simple enough, secondly who needs to post numbers unless your bragging about it hence that simple rule and thirdly pictures of locations is a no no on most of the steelhead boards for obvious reasons and if you truely dont understand that then I suggest you ask an older member from any board to take you out and show you the ropes.


Here is an example of a shot that is awsome in my opinion but shows no background and I believe is suitable for internet posting



and here is one that was taken that same day is for personal use and is being posted to prove a point, the water is closed until April so I guess its safe to say the fish will be gone from here by then

but none the less a pic I wouldnt photoshop to post anywhere I think I said it earlier photo composition is what makes a nice picture not photoshoped backdrops of sobey's



and Fishfinder dont be suprised at all every board has its rules and they are to be respected........


I have heard of some guys fishing some out of season water recently and that they photoshoped thier pics and posted them on the internet for all to see, too bad those anglers neglected to mention that the fish caught were illegal and out of season in the location they were caught you see its all a matter of perception

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Louis, i see your point with both pictures i was just wondering why you posted some pics with full backgrounds when the rules on the CRAA were so. I see your point and nice water shot, I will start taking more pictures like that, should satisfy everybody and probably better for the fish I release too.

Edited by FishFinder
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Heres my opinion on photoshopping the steelhead pictures...


If the picture has some really recognisable landmark in the background (ie roadsign, bridge with name etc) then sure, photoshop it out. BUT if the picture is just that, a picture of a river, with a person with a fish, lets be serious, it looks the same as ANY other river in S. Ontario.


"but people will recognise the spot and go fish there"


Now lets think about this, if someone recognises a spot well enough that they can pinpoint it from a picture of the creek with some trees in the background (because we dont have many of those in ontario :rolleyes: ) than chances are they have already fished it many times and will have their own opinion of how the spot produces. In my opinion it is MUCH worse to post the name of the river than a picture of the place. I could take 100 pictures of the river right near my house and there would only be a handful of people that could name it, and they would be people THAT ALREADY FISH IT. Lets be serious, you cannot recognise a place that you have never seen. If I had all my trib pics from the old site i would post some examples, but it seems they are gone into cyberspace forever.


well, thats my flu/antibiotic/advil induced rant for the day. Time to wobble my way back to the couch.

Edited by kemper
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Okay I think since this is turning into a debate about the rules of other boards we'll stop it here. We have no rules in favour or against what you do with your images. If you feel you must edit a pic to protect a spot, fine. If not..thats fine also.

IF you ever receive harassing PM's because you did or did not edit an image, forward the PM to a moderator and we will deal with that person quickly.

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