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Port Posse


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Many of us fish the winter months in Port Dalhousie, St.Catharines.


We gave our selves the nick, Port Posse.


We made it in our local paper.


From right to left,

Bing, Lee, Tommy, Brent, Canada (John), Knightfisher (Dan),

FishinFeldie (Chris).





Nice to see the Posse make the paper.



Edited by knightfisher
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That's one of the risks of fishing Port D. They don't much like outsiders. Every year same story. Pushing, shoving, threats made, fists flying.


What are you talking about Bruce ?


I have been fishing Port D for years and almost daily during the winter, and

never once has their been fights.

Actually during these years we have never once seen you out on the wall.


We have seen you on the other side fishing for perch in the corner.


Risks, now that's funny. The regulars down at Port D have an annual clean

up of the whole place.

Many of us help out with the Kids Day fishing derby.


Also Bruce, your President of the St.Catharines game and fish, Jerry M,

as well as many other directors and members of the club

fish with us quite a bit. So I have no clue what your words are about.


And if you look on this board, Brandon(bluetop) posted our monthly

trout derbys we have down at port, getting many guys from out of town

and also from the States showing up for the derbys.


We have many guys down here that also bring their kids fishing,

trying their luck at landing their first trout.


Risk :lol: now that's funny.

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I fish Port D daily aswell and that is the first pushing match I've seen in the area in over 5yrs and both of the guys involved were not from the area. It can get crowded down there but ussually tangles and such are kept to a minamal everybody seems to get into a groove with each other so drifting runs pretty smooth. If you want to see battles try fishing Queenston( Niagara) when the Rainbows are hitting, boat and shore dudes put on a good show with some fine boxing matches at the ramp :rolleyes: .....I've seen shore guys with slingshots as part of there tackle to keep the boats outa the drift :o

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I can comment on the guys down at the Port, since I was an 'outsider' a couple of years ago( and maybe I still am being that I'm from Hamilton ). I started casting the harbour and 'learning the trade' by watching the regulars and asking questions( lots of questions ). Man, there sure was a lot of frustrating days out there fishing that fast, deep water and a current that changes minute by minute.


Anyhoo, in that time, I have met no shortage of regulars like Canadadude who shared a bit of their knowledge, gave me a little elbow room( I sure needed it that first year )and never got much grief with the occassional untangling of lines when I drifted into someone.


I've had fellas share there bait with me and there lunch.


Maybe nobody is a choir boy down there but those are the guys I know.

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If you want to see battles try fishing Queenston( Niagara) when the Rainbows are hitting, boat and shore dudes put on a good show with some fine boxing matches at the ramp :rolleyes: .....I've seen shore guys with slingshots as part of there tackle to keep the boats outa the drift :o


I'm somewhat confused, could somebody please explain to me why anyone would want to fish under those conditions, and whatever happened to fishing being for fun ?? :dunno:



You boyz can have your shore fishing, I think I'll stick to the wide open lakes........

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What are you talking about Bruce ?


I have been fishing Port D for years and almost daily during the winter, and

never once has their been fights.

Actually during these years we have never once seen you out on the wall.


We have seen you on the other side fishing for perch in the corner.


Risks, now that's funny. The regulars down at Port D have an annual clean

up of the whole place.

Many of us help out with the Kids Day fishing derby.


Also Bruce, your President of the St.Catharines game and fish, Jerry M,

as well as many other directors and members of the club

fish with us quite a bit. So I have no clue what your words are about.


And if you look on this board, Brandon(bluetop) posted our monthly

trout derbys we have down at port, getting many guys from out of town

and also from the States showing up for the derbys.


We have many guys down here that also bring their kids fishing,

trying their luck at landing their first trout.


Risk :lol: now that's funny.

And how many anti-Toronto and anti-oriental comments have been made by some of the "posse" over the past year on other boards? How these people are stripping and raping the local fishery with their "white buckets".

Bluetops partner told me he got a warning and a fine for decking somebody last year during an argument.

Then there are those who like slinging lead at boaters drifting the channel.

Then there is one individual who likes threatening people on a regular basis. You know who.

When I am there, which is rare these days, I stay away from the crowd. I find no enjoyment in having to watch my back while I fish. I was on the legion side Sunday. Two weeks before I was up by the lighthouse. Away from the crowd.

Edited by bigugli
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I have fished both places from shore and boat over many years, might be different now than years ago when I quit fishing Port from shore, and seen many fights entail over that time, even with people going so far as hollering contests from one side of the harbour to the other from tangling thier lines together right across the whole place from one side to the other..guys yelling across the channel...hey you take off that big sinker ( meanwhile they both have big sinkers on) and some guys yelling "Oh ya I will come over the and kick your ass, hop in the car, drive over the other side and start duking it out.


I have met and fished with a few guys over the years that regularly fish there, but to be honest, good guys or not I haven't put much effort into casting a line from shore for many years now, I aint into fishing with 40 guys crammed on one little stretch of wall, some of the guys I would fish with anytime..but not there :whistling: . As for lead chucking at boats...well that happens there wayyy more than it well ever happen at Queenston for example, you really have to stay on the bowmount to not cross that imaginary line some of the pier chuckers have drawn across the harbour :P Sometimes you just can't help but get close in a boat, the current and wind naturally suck you into that wall...but speaking as both a shore angler and a boat angler, the boat guys don't need to go rushing over there close to the wall cuz they just seen 6-7 fish landed in a few minutes either, that's just stupid, and also if you have no electric motor on your boat don't go by there, that's just stupid too, you are just floating around aimlessly getting in the way of the shore guys, and your fellow boaters, there's lots of room to fish for the boat guys and lots of fish to be had if you know how to drift em. All it takes is a bit of cooperation from both sides...the boat guys don't need to scoot right into the way of the shore guys because they saw a couple landed, and the shore guys..if a boat happens to get close and you see that these people have been pretty good about trying to stay out of the way, there really is no need to get pi$$ed off at them, as fast as your line drifts and you gottastart reeling back in, that boat is out of the way....if everyone has 2 seconds of patience and takes turns casting, that boat is no more trouble then taking turns casting with the people beside you. :Gonefishing: Not real any need for fights and screaming and hollering much though....IT FISHIN, isn't that supposed to be relaxing for the day :huh: well as relaxing as fishing shoulder to shoulder gets. How did you guys in the pic get to have such a "slow day down there"????


when I was there the other day and got these... I stopped counting at 36 people in that spot :o










As for experiences like Queenston, I have fished down there for almost 30 years both from shore and from a boat and never seen nearly as much crap as happens at Port. On average in the winter I probably bring the boat down there twice a week, probably a bit less crap because there is a smaller concentration of people fishing there..a busy day mabe there is 10-15 guys, not 35-40-50 fishing the area, so that's one reason for a bit less trouble....but again if everyone takes turns fishing the drift..shore guys, boat guys..all generally goes well, I don't blame the shore guys for getting frustrated with the boats if the boatsare just there cutting everyone off, but you can tell the difference between someone having a bit of trouble controlling the drift every now and again, due to wind and current change as oppsed to the guy who runs the motor right through the drift and cut's off the shore guys...a simple wave, and "sorry guys", goes a long way with most people. There's no need to be chucking lead at boats potentially causing an injury or causing a hefty boat repair, cuz it's going to cost the boater a hell of alot more money to fix a lower unit for example then it is for you to replace a fishing rod when some pi$$Ed off boater comes back to shore and breaks your rod over you head :o:lol:


cooperation and consideration for everyone around you goes a long way..I am a people person, but I am not a fish with 50 people person, I can travel in the boat to a quiter spot and have a great day, or if I choose, I can hike it 20-30 minutes to a shore spot where there is only myslef and who ever IO might have went fishing with...if you choose to fish an area where there is alot of people, no matter where you go, there is gonna be some knob some where causing some sort of crap.

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I'm somewhat confused, could somebody please explain to me why anyone would want to fish under those conditions, and whatever happened to fishing being for fun ?? :dunno:

Lew, I've been doing the shore thing for the last few years down Niagara way and I personally haven't witnessed these incidents. Hey, I'm not saying they don't happen, just that I haven't seen it. When these scuffles happen and they're reported on the board, the impression is that it's happening all the time. Believe me, if it did, I wouldn't be going there. Maybe I should just let the negative press out there continue, though, 'cuz it may keep people away and gives me more shore space. lol

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Lew, I've been doing the shore thing for the last few years down Niagara way and I personally haven't witnessed these incidents. Hey, I'm not saying they don't happen, just that I haven't seen it. When these scuffles happen and they're reported on the board, the impression is that it's happening all the time. Believe me, if it did, I wouldn't be going there. Maybe I should just let the negative press out there continue, though, 'cuz it may keep people away and gives me more shore space. lol

There are days where fishing Port is like the Gannie on opening day years back. That also used to be a zoo (might still be). There can be 50 anglers along one small stretch. Some, especially after belting it back, are down right nasty. Knightfisher is correct. I have not been on the wall in over 2 years. I haven't been to the Gannie in 20. Like Lew said. Why bother? At this time of year I can find numerous quiet pleasant spots to fish.

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Well, maybe it's a good thing I moved away from St.Catharines..


Gotta say that I never had any issues when fishing down there in my younger years (This was when you were actually allowed on the concrete extension in the middle of the river and all the way up to the damn)

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Hey dudes if you think it's a zoo at Port D stay away, that gives me more room hahahaha, but hey it's not that bad I've fished in crowds for trouties on every freaking trib in Ontario and Port D is no different, I' ve seen a dude get his leg broken, down at Queenston(NIAGARA) over fishing a drift and I see shore guys pelt boats with bb's outa sling shot for fishing to close :o , now thats ridiculous. To be honest if your from outa town and ignorant to the drift just ask one of us regulars, we're more then happy to show you the set-up the right weight to drift to get the proper bounce and so on. We are not evil people but the only we ask is catch your limit but limit your catch, in other words catch lots of fish but don't kill all every fish. Take 1 or 2 home but most of us release alot of fish we get it keeps the fishery going, 1 or 2 nice trouties is plenty for meal. Hey guys don't be afraid we are not an evil bunch down here and there is a good run of brownies and steelies from now till May. About the posse getting on top of fishers we ran into a problem a few years back where a few certain groups of anglers raped the smallmouth fishery bad, taking buckets of fish, well the posse responded with the MNR and fortunatly through undercover stings some big $$$ fines were laid and the rape of the fishery has since been controlled :thumbsup_anim:

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And how many anti-Toronto and anti-oriental comments have been made by some of the "posse" over the past year on other boards? How these people are stripping and raping the local fishery with their "white buckets".

Bluetops partner told me he got a warning and a fine for decking somebody last year during an argument.

Then there are those who like slinging lead at boaters drifting the channel.

Then there is one individual who likes threatening people on a regular basis. You know who.

When I am there, which is rare these days, I stay away from the crowd. I find no enjoyment in having to watch my back while I fish. I was on the legion side Sunday. Two weeks before I was up by the lighthouse. Away from the crowd.

the posse did not only comment on this behavior we got the MNR down there to lay a few thousand $$$ in charges, and stop the rappage of our smallmouth fishery. We are a small group of local anglers but we do not in anway put up with overharvesting and rapage of our fishing hole!! Our efforts have lead to increase MNR presence and the protection from the white bucket brigade, in noway do we encourage vistors or anyone not to harvest a few fish for a meal but we don't want to see our fishery raped! As for me I encourage people to come down and enjoy what our fishery has to offer it's good for business and it's good for the community. I will say that at times we will be very vocal and will watch anglers if they abuse limits and such and you wil be reported, like I said before catch your limit but limit your catch :)

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That's one of the risks of fishing Port D. They don't much like outsiders. Every year same story. Pushing, shoving, threats made, fists flying.

Hi Bruce are you trying to hurt the club things that you type about are insane as secretary of the stcatharines game&fish as well as the other executives we have a duty to promote our fishery whats wrong with your mind.On your other thing about my "partner" if your talking about Jay Pusikiw mypartner who runs the trout derbies you have mistaken him for another Jay its not nice creating slander about someone who helps the fishery a great deal.Keep up the effort Jay and ugly your sniffin to much lead

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I'm somewhat confused, could somebody please explain to me why anyone would want to fish under those conditions, and whatever happened to fishing being for fun ?? :dunno:

You boyz can have your shore fishing, I think I'll stick to the wide open lakes........

Well dude I'll tell you it's because we catch lots of fish, it may look like a zoo and it is at times but some of us don't have $30,000 boats so this the chance to access the fishery!!! We all catch our trouties and the more people that show up INMO shows the government how important this fishery is!!!!!If we didn't get the crowds and such the MNR will have no idea how important the stocking program of the great lakes is!! I like seeing the out of towners coming to fish our resource, it brings in business to the local tackle shop and such and perhaps may put Port D as one of the great troutie destinations on the map, at least thats the goal for me, so I don't mind the crowds in fact I like it, it shows the MNR the potential of our area!!!

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Sad when even the steelhead threads with no steelhead go into the dumpster....

I know what your saying dude , but hey if any of you dudes need some advice down at Port D ,hit me up , I'm the dude riding the bicycle you can't miss me, I'll set you up with leader length and weight for the right bounce imformarion is FREE dudes just ask ;):)

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Why have I never seen a fight between fishermen of any species other than trout? I stopped fishing Bronte creek years ago because of fights I witnessed. I'm not making a judgement, just asking a question. Must be because of the proximity between anglers. I guess if musky fishermen had to fish shoulder to shoulder they might scrap too, but somehow I doubt it. Maybe it's because of the reverance placed on the species as an almost holy entity and the fact that catch and release is nearly 100%. While the trout is viewed more as a meal and if someone tried to steal off the table of my family I would probably act the same way. Is it only coincidence that most of the bashing on all fish boards, not only OFC, revolves around these anglers?

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I only fished Port once last fall and I had a blast. We were there early 4:15 and got into some fish. It's a busy spot but I must say, the guys around me were very friendly and helpful. One gentleman, Tommy, actually gave me a warm drink to help me stop shivering. I was really impressed and will be back soon; I owe Tommy one!



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Why have I never seen a fight between fishermen of any species other than trout? I stopped fishing Bronte creek years ago because of fights I witnessed. I'm not making a judgement, just asking a question. Must be because of the proximity between anglers. I guess if musky fishermen had to fish shoulder to shoulder they might scrap too, but somehow I doubt it. Maybe it's because of the reverance placed on the species as an almost holy entity and the fact that catch and release is nearly 100%. While the trout is viewed more as a meal and if someone tried to steal off the table of my family I would probably act the same way. Is it only coincidence that most of the bashing on all fish boards, not only OFC, revolves around these anglers?




its more the circumstance then it is the fish type. How many other species besides trout and salmon do you see guys lined up along the river for?

Its not just port its anyplace you fish with these types of crowds.Look at the docks in barrie, guys getting heated over some dinky perch.




On a side note the locals at port have never been anything but nice to me, they even offer up a coffee if a extra is kicking around!

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Why have I never seen a fight between fishermen of any species other than trout? I stopped fishing Bronte creek years ago because of fights I witnessed. I'm not making a judgement, just asking a question. Must be because of the proximity between anglers. I guess if musky fishermen had to fish shoulder to shoulder they might scrap too, but somehow I doubt it. Maybe it's because of the reverance placed on the species as an almost holy entity and the fact that catch and release is nearly 100%. While the trout is viewed more as a meal and if someone tried to steal off the table of my family I would probably act the same way. Is it only coincidence that most of the bashing on all fish boards, not only OFC, revolves around these anglers?

I totally agree with you, some how a fresh chrome steelie or brownie brings out the most of the angler comunity, but in there defence I fished walleye, Bass, Muskie and all other sportfish but once I started steelheading the other species come a close second.hahahah !! I mean I go out on erie and get 6lb smallies and they still don't give me the thrill of getting a 3lb steelie fresh run, I guess I'm a trouter now, steelhead fishing is a disease and I love it! Perhaps it's there look or there crap not to bite but what ever it is once you start steelheading you get adicticted quick, it's like crack to fishing hahahahah

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Port D what else can be said then what was said......I had a boat 2 boats ago that had a dozen dents from some shore anglers thinking they own the river and figure its ok to cast at my boat that was pretty much straght into the middle of the place.....even a few weeks back when we were very cautious of the shore anglers we still had a few OZ come close to hitting the boat...and it was on purpose of that I have no doubt.


I have fished off the shore there many a time and never really had an issue ( of course continual casting over ones line isnt an issue there I guess ) but get on a boat and forget it the entire dynamics change where some and Im not slamming anyone or anythign like that but some of the shore anglers think its ok to brush off a boat with an OZ of lead.


Shore trash in some cases at its finest

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