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Whats Your PB in these categories?


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One of the fun things being new to these shores ( been here one and a half years now) is that, never having fished for any of these species before we arrived in canada, means PBs come thick and fast....all my PB's in those catergories came this summer.


































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No pro here or with "Dude" just two people that love to fish and visit your great country period.


I quess my point was if your going to put up someone in a quote you may want to know what or who you are taking about, It would be like myself trying to give Lew pointers on catching muskies, Solopaddler on catching steelheads, DanC on catching brookies and so on.




Ok, so every time somebody sais "WOW, I'd like to catch an X length fish" I have to first do a background check to see if they're being serious or sarcastic. And, " I have to know who and what I'm talking about". Are you kidding me? This is the INTERNET... sorry I don't spend enough time on here to know the who's - who of OFC. And you didn't have to spell it out Dad. As if I'd try to tell Lew how to catch a ski, or Solo how to catch steelhead.... He made a comment, and I figured I'd take a few seconds out of my day to pitch in some advice. You don't see Solopaddler making sarcastic comments about somebodies 15" shaker just because he's caught a million of them that are bigger.....


Anyways, I don't normally let myself get caught up in arguments online, it's the reason why people are sometimes reluctant to join the board, and %99 of the time this is a great place to be. I'm sorry for being ignorant and not knowing that Tenguy laughs at the thought of catching 34" gators.




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Well, I've never really been one to measure or weigh fish, 'cept for bigger muskies, so I can't really offer too much to this thread, but this is a nice Largemouth I got a few years back. I always carried a couple scales in the boat for anybody that wanted to weigh something and seeing as this girl was my biggest bass ever, I weighed her on both scales to be sure.


It came in at 7 pounds 14 oz. on the spring scale and 8 pounds 2 oz. on a digital so we split the difference and called it an even 8 pounds.




Never took a measurement or weight on a pickeral or pike either so I'll offer up this nice 54 1/2" musky from a couple years ago, which by the way, I'm hoping to top this weekend on Lake St. Clair ;)



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Pike - 36" Baptiste lake on a black spinnerbait. Between dad and I we boated 50 plus pike that day, it was unreal!


Walleye- Biggest measured was 24" but I think I beat it this summer with no measurement. Lake Scugog, from shore on a minnow under a float.


Small Mouth- 22", Never got a weight but I figure it was getting close to 5 lbs. That said, dad got a 23.5" that was only 4lbs 7oz once. Skinny bugger.


Steelhead- Ill look for the pic, it was a monster but I did not get an official weight OR measurement. All I have for a guide was the 24" handle on my rod, and the steelie DWARFS it. Monster male out of Eastern Trib in March 2008. Solo trip.




Found it!


That was an unreal trip, broke my PB twice.


I also got a big male this spring but was all spawned out and had no meat on him. Would have been a monster in March.

Edited by kemper
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okay let me clear this up.....it was wrong of me to say that specifically americans get excited over 34 inch fish.....i was speaking in general about some of my customers from this summer...some who had never fished before or SEEN a pike for that matter, to them a 34 inch fish would make their trip....and that's why i loved my job was putting smiles on these guys faces....whether they be canadian, american or guadeloupian lol it don't matter to me, i said americans because that is the majority of guests we get at Halley's, i think we had 2 groups from Canada ALL SUMMER, the rest americans........Tennesseeguy......i can put you on fish.....let me prove it to you......booking the trip is the first step....




Edited by chickenhawk
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okay let me clear this up.....it was wrong of me to say that specifically americans get excited over 34 inch fish.....i was speaking in general about some of my customers from this summer...some who had never fished before or SEEN a pike for that matter, to them a 34 inch fish would make their trip....and that's why i loved my job was putting smiles on these guys faces....whether they be canadian, american or guadeloupian lol it don't matter to me, i said americans because that is the majority of guests we get at Halley's, i think we had 2 groups from Canada ALL SUMMER, the rest americans........Tennesseeguy......i can put you on fish.....let me prove it to you......booking the trip is the first step....



Now dont you feel better? OFC GROUP HUG,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Hey, thats my ass. :lol::P:lol:

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pb pike: too small to even count (8lbs or something)


pb SM: 5.5 lbs (no pic)


pb Walleye: haven't caught many but here it is (god it's wimpy... why did I bother posting that?)





pb Steelhead: not quite the biggest, but the biggest I have a pic of. Biggest was in the 17lb range. This one was probably 15.







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okay let me clear this up.....it was wrong of me to say that specifically americans get excited over 34 inch fish.....i was speaking in general about some of my customers from this summer...some who had never fished before or SEEN a pike for that matter, to them a 34 inch fish would make their trip....and that's why i loved my job was putting smiles on these guys faces....whether they be canadian, american or guadeloupian lol it don't matter to me, i said americans because that is the majority of guests we get at Halley's, i think we had 2 groups from Canada ALL SUMMER, the rest americans........Tennesseeguy......i can put you on fish.....let me prove it to you......booking the trip is the first step....



Glad you cleared that up chickenhawk, my first comment I said I got excited over catching any fish, it's what I love to do.

If you are a guide and you take people fishing and they are happy, you've done your job, I would be happy with that.



To Urban no arguement here I just stated the facts and you twisted it, SORRY ABOUT YOUR LUCK!

Edited by Whopper
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