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Thieves rifling through vehicles NF


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Hi Everyone,


I noticed on another thread about a thief going through Mattones vehicle and left it in the same condition as to what happened to me 3 weeks ago.


Three weeks ago Saturday night or should I say early Sunday morning a thief enjoyed being in my truck. I always lock my truck in the driveway and this particular night I went out to retrieve something from the truck and I did not lock it.


Sunday morning at 8:am I went to get into my truck and noticed that the glove compartment was completely emptied out and all of the contents were either on the floor or on the seat. I had my crossbow in the back seat of the truck and some of my hunting gear and it was not touched. The only thing missing was the face of my radio that is required for me to listen to my radio. I also had a couple of lottery tickets that I kept in the truck and they were missing as well. I called the OPP and they said that someone would call me within the next couple of hours and I am still waiting for their call (3 weeks later). I did not place an insurance claim in for the radio for reasons that I am over 20 years claim free with my insurance company and I would hate to see my rates go up for a frivolous little claim.


There seems to be a lot of this going on and in the same manner. I had a friend have their car rifled through as well only a couple of months prior to mine. My question would be what the hell are they looking for? also is this some sort of thief operation that I am not aware of where they will leave valuable merchandise alone and rifle through the glove compartments only? Is there some sort of site for these thieves to get educated in operating int eh exact manner that is being posted everywhere?


Please shed some light on this subject.


Best regards,


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Standard pop and go. Cash, cards, anything electronic they can quickly grab and pawn. Easy dope/booze money is what they are looking for. Same thing happening in household break-ins over the past 20 years. Once in a while they get caught, but not often enough, and the judicial system has them back on the streets in under a year.

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Same thing happened to us a month back. Stuff was all over the truck. SP's wallet & credit card were in there, left untouched. Only things they took were a bag of oreos and my old, crappy cell phone. The next day they text messaged Sugarpacket from the stolen phone! Idiots. Cops said there's been several break ins to vehicles the last week on my block.

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No Deterrent for them. A case of opportunity for them. Till we get tough on crime this will only increase. I had my garage broken into and my truck window was broken into even though it was unlocked. nothing stolen but just pure vandalism. Too many retards out there with this so called Fetal alcohol syndrome. I say Jail them all. Of note out here, they just let out a sex offender with a history of over 50 related crimes including murdering a five year old. Only in Canada, some bleeding hearts really think that not only should this thing be set free, but not told where hes going to seek residence.

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I actually caught a guy goin through my car one morning. My girlfriend works afternoons so i gotta pick her up around midnight. i came outside and noticed my interior light on, the guy was sitting inside going through all my stuff. when i got out there ha had already had my deck half way out and my glove box emptied and my ipod in his pock. anyways i dont think he was feeling to good the next day lol and plus the cops had to deal with him. They told me that 95% of car breakins never get solved cause of the lack of evidence. I guess i got lucky

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No Deterrent for them. A case of opportunity for them. Till we get tough on crime this will only increase. I had my garage broken into and my truck window was broken into even though it was unlocked. nothing stolen but just pure vandalism. Too many retards out there with this so called Fetal alcohol syndrome. I say Jail them all. Of note out here, they just let out a sex offender with a history of over 50 related crimes including murdering a five year old. Only in Canada, some bleeding hearts really think that not only should this thing be set free, but not told where hes going to seek residence.

ahhh for once I agree and wouldent have wrote it any different

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Hey Guys, speaking from experience the people responsible for going through your cars are guys under 25... they go car to car to see who leaves their doors unlocked and boom, in they go. They look for cash, cds, or anything they can sell quick. They also look for your garage door openers. If they're ballzy they'll open your garage when they're there and grab whatever they can. Depending on what they grab depends on how old they are. I was working on 4 similar thefts in the same night where they don't grab thousands of dollars worth of tools, but they grab stuff like remote control cars and mini bikes....anyway, your best bet is to leave your porch light or outdoor lights on and LOCK YOUR CAR DOORS! even in the city of Toronto people leave their doors unlocked...the best thing is when someone looks out and sees kids going door to door....i've been working where out helicopter sees this and follows them...directs us to where they are and just before we turn the corner to grab them the turn the spot light on them and they freeze like deer in the headlights...it's pretty funny!

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Thanks for the responses guys, I guess I was hoping that something got posted that I did not know about or something along that line. Maybe I can catch them ion the act next time and and show them that at their age they can still crap their pants and that they would need diapers.



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Thanks for the responses guys, I guess I was hoping that something got posted that I did not know about or something along that line. Maybe I can catch them ion the act next time and and show them that at their age they can still crap their pants and that they would need diapers.




Hey Sam...next time knock 'em down and sit on them...and when your wife or you call the police make sure you say IN PROGRESS, not someone broke into my car, it'll get the police there quicker. Just be careful, you don't want to get hurt over your timmies fund

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I also had the same thing happen. About a year ago I came out to my van in the morning and the drivers side sliding door was wide open, my glove box was emptied and all the stuff over my visor was on the floor. The only thing that was taken was my wallet and all the change in my cup holder. They left 5 fishing rods, all my tackle, binoculars, a camera, and a car DVD player. I think it must have been kids in the nighourhood because my wallet turned up the next day in a ditch down the street’s was luckey all the card were left in it including 2 credit cards only a 20 was missing



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Every town or city has it's own undergound ecomony based on drugs. I live in the country, and there is lots of drug related activity in this municipality. While some of these thefts are kids looking for loose change or something cool to sell for booze or dope, a lot of these thefts are done by junkies of all ages and both sexes. They know what and where they can steal stuff quick to get their next fix.

There was an incident in Stratford a couple years ago were a junkie in his 50's stole the small charity boxes left on the counter of a business. A lot of bikes and cell phones are stolen by junkies. Many of them carry backpacks so they can carry a set of bolt cutters and the stuff they've lifted. A lot of them carry knives or homemade weapons for protection from other junkies or from the people they owe money. Be alert if dealing with these asses. They can be paranoid and delusional. They are also brazen liars, and will spin you a very convincing story if caught redhanded.

I'm not trying to make you paranoid, just lock up your property and be careful if you come across someone stealing your stuff.


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I live down in Parkdale and rule of thumb is don't leave anything in plain site and lock your doors and arm your alarm, 2 years ago somebody smashed my window for 45 cents and the ear piece for my cell phone which in the end cost me 300 bucks for a new window, arming my vehicle alarm has become such a habit that when i go out of the city and stop in small towns i always get strange faces when i arm my vehicle.

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Every town or city has it's own undergound ecomony based on drugs. I live in the country, and there is lots of drug related activity in this municipality. While some of these thefts are kids looking for loose change or something cool to sell for booze or dope, a lot of these thefts are done by junkies of all ages and both sexes. They know what and where they can steal stuff quick to get their next fix.

Lived in the south- end of Oshawa for first part of my life and never had a break in on my families home or vehicle

in the time i lived there, despite the violence and drugs that seemed pervasive.

Moved to downtown Toronto 20 yrs. ago and it seems more civil but have had three vehicles stolen and vehicles broken into

maybe 10 -12 times (lost count).

Buying 'the Club' seven yrs. ago stopped cars from being stolen but im still getting smashed windows from druggies looking for change for a fix. I keep nothing in the car valuable, but have become good at going to junkyard and replacing windows myself.

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Happened alot two summers ago around my neighbourhood. Got to the point where so many windows were being smashed we actually left the cars open and made sure nothing was in there to steal. Took the insurance papers and stuff out at night.




A friend of mine had ten bucks stolen from him one friday night, so he left a 20 on the dash of his truck and hung out in the back seat (black tint on the windows) all night. Sure enough they came by and got quite the surprise when the opened the door for the 20.


Seemed odd for this to be happening in a nice neighbourhood like ours, but it turned out that it was a group of kids I went to highschool with, and yes they were looking for drug money and stuff to sell quick. Unlike most, they did get caught

Edited by kemper
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I actually caught a guy goin through my car one morning. My girlfriend works afternoons so i gotta pick her up around midnight. i came outside and noticed my interior light on, the guy was sitting inside going through all my stuff. when i got out there ha had already had my deck half way out and my glove box emptied and my ipod in his pock. anyways i dont think he was feeling to good the next day lol and plus the cops had to deal with him. They told me that 95% of car breakins never get solved cause of the lack of evidence. I guess i got lucky


There was a time when I kinda liked the idea of catching one of these clowns doing his thing on my car (or any car). These days I kinda hope I don't, unless the guy is very small and very slow. :whistling:



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My state has the "Castle Doctrine" (HB 1907) that tends to even the odds for victims. It's designed more for home invasions and car jackings. It seems to be working.


Locally, a burgler made his final hit when the homeowner (w/legal carry permit) arrived home from work. The bad guy was armed and didn't put his gun down when told to by the homeowner. The burgler was shot and killed. No problems for the homeowner.


Second story: Three men were being hunted by police in our mid-state area. One was a convicted murderer who had escaped from jail. One of the men knocked on the door of a local farm house and requested food and water. The lady recognized the man from wanted pictures in the newspaper and called her son, who came to the door with his rifle. They held the bad guy at gun point while waiting for the sheriff to arrive. Meanwhile they fed the bad guy.

Edited by TennesseeGuy
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I spend a lot of time travelling, with one trend on the west coast being to look for documents. This can enable a crackhead to see them for peanuts and then be resold for identity theft.


I encourage any and all to use extreme measures to rid any neighbourhood of crack/methheads. TDM's (theiving druggy misfits) have only themselves to blame.



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What did the text say Rich? :dunno::lol:




She thought I had brought the phone to work. It simply said "hi". She called the phone wonderiing WTH was going on. They of course turned it off. Though with their stupidity I'm surprised they didn't answer, lol

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