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Awesome Day on the Water! Report and Pics (Nov. 6)


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Hello All,


With sunny skies, +19 degree temperatures, and calm winds forecast for today, it was decided to hit Andy's cottage in Quebec for one last kick at the bass can. Since my boat was some 45 minutes away in Merrickville, Andy's aluminum would be our ship for the day.


After facing thick fog on the drive out of Ottawa, we launched onto the small lake at 9:45am. Here is the view as we blasted across the water....(ok, we had a 4hp, so chugged is more the appropriate terms):




Headed straight to our flat (5 to 12 feet) that has produced well on past trips. Worked a variety of lures (spinnerbaits, cranks, bucktails, tubes, flipping jigs, and ever topwaters) but action was pretty hard to come by. We did manage a few, but worked hard for them. Here is Andy with the first:




Perhaps we were too stubborn to switch locations, or ever move out deeper, but we spent a good three hours working water we "thought" should hold fish, but only produced a hand full.




As we broke for lunch at noon, we discussed our next plan of attack. We also made mention of how we sure could use a pair of shorts out in the boat! Yep, it was pretty darn hot out on that still lake - can you imagine that for November 6! - and the next two or so hours saw us fishing shirtless. I even have a bit of a tan to show for it...


Our new plan was to fish the same general area, but to move much deeper. We began working water between 22 and 30 feet deep, and the action was immediate.


First up was me:




Then Andy with the big smallie of the day - 3lbs 14ozs:




We proceeded to lay a beating on the smallies for much of the afternoon. They seemed to be loosely schooled in this deeper water, hugging the sand structure on bottom. Best baits was a tube jig and a Fin-tech Football Jig paired up with a 4.5" BPS Craw.


At one point Andy hooked into a decent fish. It was bulldogging like a good largie, but also exhibited some head shakes. As he brought it up from the depths (22 feet) we both shouted "Walleye!" in unison. Our first this season from this lake!

Notice the grey/silver colourations - pretty interesting:






A couple quick shots and it was gently released to swim again. We were pretty pumped after this fish, and both of us wondered if another could be in the works. Twenty minutes later we found out....


Fishing 18 feet of water, a fish smacked my craw close to bottom on the fall. I immediately knew it was a decent fish, but figured it was probably a good largie. As we both peered over the side, the tell-tale white markings on it's tail came into view, as did it's big body mass. After a few tense moments at boat side - we had no net on board - Andy belly grabbed it and brought it on board. What a gorgeous walleye this fish was - beauty colours and a good length and girth. She came in at 5lbs 2oz on the digi scale! It is the largest Andy has seen come from the lake:






That fish made the day for me, and she was safely released to fight again.


The smallies and the odd largie continued to bite for the next while, and as the sun slowly dipped behind the tree line, we made our way back to the cottage to pack up. All totaled, we put 32 bass and 2 walleye in the boat for six hours work. Not bad numbers.


This may of been my last open water fish of the year, as my boat may be getting winterized this weekend. If so, it has been a great season. Plenty of fish and even better memories....


As we drove away from the cottage I took this one last shot - a pretty end to an awesome day in my eyes....




Good Fishing,



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Awesome fall fishing trip/report justin !!!!. :whistling::clapping: ..and a few bonus walleyes too boot man,well done,and like you said ya couldnt ask for better weather for november !!!. :canadian:B) .it sure has been a great fishing season for you ,man you have had some very nice reports with a few really impressive catches,thanks for sharing it with us,im looking forward to your first hard water report bud!!...cheers :thumbsup_anim::Gonefishing:

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A great report Justin. Was there that much of a colour difference in those fish or were you also using two cameras? Pretty wild that such different fish would come out of the same area. Very nice fish and pics. Thanks.

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Well, if it's the last open water fish for you it's a sad day for us too, cuz that means no more of those wonderful reports.


Some real beauties you guys bested, especially the two walleyes( How bout that colour difference, eh? ).


And Justin, you were really 'slummin' having to take out you buddy Andy's boat! lol


Thanks for the great reports and pics, Justin, and just rememeber to warn us next time if they contain nudity! GCD would!!!



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Thanks for the comments, guys...


Nemo - The casting deck on Andy's boat is a temporary one. Cut to fit on top of the two bench seats - no screws required.


With the weather looking decent for Tuesday, I'm going to make one last trip of the season before putting the boat to bed. It is a lake I've done well with during the summer, but have never fished it this late in the fall. We'll see what happens...


Good Fishing,



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Rich - just make sure you use a thick enough piece of plywood. No issues when standing on the wood over the seats, but when two of us would stand over the negative space, the deck began to bow slightly.

Slap on some carpet and she's all good to go...


Good Fishing,



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I'm already drawing up plans. I figure I'll put a couple of 2x4 planks as braces with some metal elbow supports to rest on the seats. That should be able to support plenty of weight.


Thanks Justin!

Edited by Rich
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I always enjoy your reports Justin nice to get out in November with warm temps and have Alabama

fisherman envious of 2 guys shirtless in Canada :whistling:


I can't help but notice your camera takes great pictures if you don't mind me asking what kind of camera do you use.


I have a canon A550 but want to upgrade to something with a more poerful Zoom.


Oh the wife won't let me use her 2 nice cameras in my boat lets just say I am on my fourth camera :stretcher:



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Hey Mike,


Thanks, bud...


The camera I use is Pentax *istDS digital SLR. It was one of the first digitals that Pentax came out with about three years ago...Will be possibly upgrading it to one of their newer models this off season.


Nothing but praise for this camera - shoots well for sure.


Good Fishing,



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