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Here's your $$$$, what's your salary ??


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I went down to the local CTC this morning and as I walk thru the front door I'm greeted by a lady standing beside a big wheel.....like a Crown & Anchor type of wheel. She tells me to spin the wheel and I'll win some cash, so I'm not against some extra money and give it a whirl and end up winning $10 off my next purchase with my CTC card.


I have to answer a couple standard questions on a form and she's just asking the usual stuff .......name, address, phone #........then she asks how much money I earn a year. :angry:


I tell her it's none of her business what I earn, yet she insists it really IS her business and I hafta tell her my yearly salary or I won't get my $$$$. I tell her to keep her lousy $10 and start to walk away, but then she says, "Oh never mind, thank you Sir and here's your $10 coupon.


I know it's just a marketing thing and it's not a big deal really, but in an era where they don't ask age, religion or any other personal stuff anymore, I was just kinda taken back a bit by the question.


Not a rant or anything else, just my thoughts on a Friday afternoon as I'm getting ready to head north to my trailer for 4 glorious days :Gonefishing:

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I would have had some fun with her. Why not tell her it's $1, or $0 for that matter. Or, ask her what she wants it to be, $35 million? I know that people like Bill Gates couldn't answer the question either.

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Lew you did the right thing :thumbsup_anim:


I hate when total strangers asked me the same thing ...I always reply "None of your business"


Standing in line at the coffee shop last Saturday morning a fella asked me who I was voting for?, I told him the same thing, then another guy said "he must be a republican" I just look at both with my best Lew expression. :lol:

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With today's privacy issues, they would be hard pressed to get any info out of me! Good on ya Lew for sticking to yer guns!

Folks, don't give your info to anyone, unless you know them and or trust them!

And you folks out there who are seeking jobs and sending your resume out, please DO NOT PUT your birth date, or heaven forbid, your SIN on your resume! Heck, I've seen people post their resume with their B-day and SIN on Workopolis!!!!! That my friends in an invitation to identity theft!


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This reminded me of a similar event when I was a young kid. I can't remember if it was a store or a homeshow type thing. I just remember it was myself and my dad. Someone waived us over to their table with some sort of offer of a deal on something or cash savings on a purchase. All my Dad had to do was fill out their form. He did but at the end of the form it asked what type of vehicle he drove, year and model and I remember my dad just kept saying "it's irrelevant" to the person and "what difference does that make". The person at the table made it out like it was no big deal.. just answer the question... to which my dad refused and walked away from it all.


Some forms you see out there seem normal until near the end where they start asking what seem to be completely random arbitrary questions that don't relate one bit to what they are selling/promoting. Makes you wonder what's really going on behind the scenes.

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Asking how much you make in any survey is usually pretty standard, but they usually give it to you in ranges, like:


a) 0-50000

B) 50001-75000

c) etc


I usually just make something up.


Asking EXACTLY how much you make lacks couth and is just an annoyance.

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Hey lew when those situations happen to me i usually reply with ...sorry i just got out of prison/or a mental institution,and im not in the mood, :blink::mellow::unsure: they will instantly leave you alone,and 10 times out of 10 they will never say a word back to me !!!! it works all the time !!!lol..lol..lol.. :lol::w00t::P

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.....unreal! That stuff drives me nuts! I remember asking my dad as a boy (really not all that long ago maybe 20yrs) how much money he made and he gave me the same answer as Lew"s. Imagine, a stranger asking you that for ten bucks. I'm 31y/o and still don't know what my dad ever made!

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