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Whats the point?


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Hmm, based on the thread header I was expecting a slightly different question/rant. I post (and read) 'cause its better then workin - which is exactly what I'm supposed to be doing right now. I don't give advice, because to be blunt, I'm so bad at fishing that I'm about 10 years of practise away from qualifying as a newbie. But hey, here's a piece of fishing advice, right from the proto-newbies mouth:


I caught this baby in the NW corner of pocket bay, on memsagamising lake. The hot spot is the shallow area with the reeds - its easy to find; its the only part of the bay not 100' deep, and you'll know you've hit it when your boat hits the bottom (or you can use a canoe and save yourself some repairs). My rig was a stick with a single-hook worm harness (green spinner) tied to the end, and a 1/2" piece of (pre-used) worm as bait. The trick is to look into the water from your canoe, find where the fish are hiding, and then drop the hook there. With a little luck you can avoid the biggies and get a beauty like this:


EDIT: The exact GPS location where this hunka hunka fish was caught is: 46.019274°, -80.015052°

EDIT: Why a green spinner, and not a yellow, red, orange or white one, you may ask. Answer is simple - at the time I was the proud owner of just one worm harness.





Edited by Warthaug
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Been away so I'm just catching up. Caught two Lake Trout btw. I have pics but they look exactly like the Lake Trout everyone else catches only smaller, and they tasted great. I also have cleaning pics, cooking pics, and eating pics. I can post if anyone is desperate to see 'em.


As for posting, getting online for many of the regulars is not unlike heading down to the local pub for the evening. You sit around with a drink near at hand and shoot the breeze with your friends. When you've had enough you head for home and bed. For some it's like a coffee break mid day at work. While you're hanging out you do what friends do, share issues and conundrums, good news and bad, tips and tricks, brag about your accomplishments and cry about your problems. I'm sure someone one day soon will publish a book, if they already haven't, about this dynamic, the psychology behind this 'net sharing that goes on. Things that folks used to keep internalized, private, are now brought out in the open, problems big and small, and I suspect it helps a lot of folks to resolve their own issues when they might otherwise have simply stewed about them. This impersonal intimacy (an oxymoron of sorts) is a new phenomenon to our world, not always handled well by all, but a huge bonus to many I'm sure. It's a great medium for those who aren't as naturally outgoing but have some knowledge or expertise to share. It's equally good for those who are outgoing and only need an audience to perform to.


Try standing back and viewing the whole thing objectively, not just from your own perspective. It's pretty fascinating stuff.



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Alright, I give. I'll divulge all of my secret WGSF spots and techniques in my next report.


I am going to hold you to it Rich the ones I am catching just are as not big as some I saw you posts way back when you invented the phrase.... The fight just isn't what could be you know.

Edited by Canuck2fan
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Been away so I'm just catching up. Caught two Lake Trout btw. I have pics but they look exactly like the Lake Trout everyone else catches only smaller, and they tasted great. I also have cleaning pics, cooking pics, and eating pics. I can post if anyone is desperate to see 'em.


As for posting, getting online for many of the regulars is not unlike heading down to the local pub for the evening. You sit around with a drink near at hand and shoot the breeze with your friends. When you've had enough you head for home and bed. For some it's like a coffee break mid day at work. While you're hanging out you do what friends do, share issues and conundrums, good news and bad, tips and tricks, brag about your accomplishments and cry about your problems. I'm sure someone one day soon will publish a book, if they already haven't, about this dynamic, the psychology behind this 'net sharing that goes on. Things that folks used to keep internalized, private, are now brought out in the open, problems big and small, and I suspect it helps a lot of folks to resolve their own issues when they might otherwise have simply stewed about them. This impersonal intimacy (an oxymoron of sorts) is a new phenomenon to our world, not always handled well by all, but a huge bonus to many I'm sure. It's a great medium for those who aren't as naturally outgoing but have some knowledge or expertise to share. It's equally good for those who are outgoing and only need an audience to perform to.


Try standing back and viewing the whole thing objectively, not just from your own perspective. It's pretty fascinating stuff.




Awesomelly well said :clapping::lol:

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Welk, we were just doing it for the Halibut...

Cod you ever forgive us?



Well he sturgeonly shouldn't hold a grudge!!


And I thought your puns smelt GCD


Joey just sits high on her perch breaming.



Neither of you have any sole.

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You're all to bullheaded to come to an agreement on anything.


Stop being so crappie to eachother.



What's that chub?

Wanna fight clownfish?

Don't be koi with me sucker!!


Just keep talkin' largemouth!

I'll whale on your walleye and give you a shiner!





Stop floundering around for puns Snag :lol:


You're a mind reader Joey!

Edited by SNAG
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WOW, Long post, you guys stare at the comp. I'm going fishing. Yay when I get back I will tell you how it went, then I will tell the original poster the exact directions on how to get there, what to use, at what depth. stupid post LOL :clapping:

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I just found the exact same post on another site eh Jimmynorth? how many other forums is it on? need attention? celbreties get it by shoplifting ang getting arrested, with the internet guys have never had so much useful info right at their fingertips! learning how to be a better angler is more about getting on the water, and understanding the habits of the creature you are pursuing, expecting people to give you waypoints and other details that we work so hard to find is ludicrous! I happen to enjoy pics and stories from the anglers on this and other sites , I sure don't expect every little detail! I once showed everything I knew on drop-shot smallies in a 1/2 hr show spots that took me big$$ and time away from my family to find, spilt my guts on a techique I could keep secret and win more$$$ -what do I get a guy compaining on this board cause we didn't give waypoints! So Jigger, Jimmynorth instead of sitting on your computer , your answere may be as simple as simply going fishing!

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I just found the exact same post on another site eh Jimmynorth? how many other forums is it on? need attention? celbreties get it by shoplifting ang getting arrested, with the internet guys have never had so much useful info right at their fingertips! learning how to be a better angler is more about getting on the water, and understanding the habits of the creature you are pursuing, expecting people to give you waypoints and other details that we work so hard to find is ludicrous! I happen to enjoy pics and stories from the anglers on this and other sites , I sure don't expect every little detail! I once showed everything I knew on drop-shot smallies in a 1/2 hr show spots that took me big$$ and time away from my family to find, spilt my guts on a techique I could keep secret and win more$$$ -what do I get a guy compaining on this board cause we didn't give waypoints! So Jigger, Jimmynorth instead of sitting on your computer , your answere may be as simple as simply going fishing!


Then what John F said....



As for posting, getting online for many of the regulars is not unlike heading down to the local pub for the evening. You sit around with a drink near at hand and shoot the breeze with your friends. When you've had enough you head for home and bed. For some it's like a coffee break mid day at work. While you're hanging out you do what friends do, share issues and conundrums, good news and bad, tips and tricks, brag about your accomplishments and cry about your problems. I'm sure someone one day soon will publish a book, if they already haven't, about this dynamic, the psychology behind this 'net sharing that goes on. Things that folks used to keep internalized, private, are now brought out in the open, problems big and small, and I suspect it helps a lot of folks to resolve their own issues when they might otherwise have simply stewed about them. This impersonal intimacy (an oxymoron of sorts) is a new phenomenon to our world, not always handled well by all, but a huge bonus to many I'm sure. It's a great medium for those who aren't as naturally outgoing but have some knowledge or expertise to share. It's equally good for those who are outgoing and only need an audience to perform to.


Try standing back and viewing the whole thing objectively, not just from your own perspective. It's pretty fascinating stuff.


Then all the puns, and, booyeah! you've got all you need to know!


I can't say that I see many people saying "Oh, nice pics, and...what techniques were you using?" It's more like "where where where???"....I think that more people should engage in discussions about HOW, not WHERE...but again, that's what PM's are great for.

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Alright then...


For the last time, I don't want your spots and don't own a GPS so you won't find me asking for either. In fact, I have never asked for an exact spot to go fishing. Yeah Mark, I do go under the name Jimmynorth on another board. It was also my handle here until the last re-format took place. I would have conitnued to use it here, but couldn't. This thing has seen alot of negativity coming my way and I did have a chance to think about what I wrote yesterday. I had a bit of a rough day yesterday and something set me off. It happens.


I get out on the water plenty, Sometimes I catch fish, somtetimes not. I'm usually a pretty laid back guy and my post yesterday was a little uncharactaristic of me. Sorry to have caused such a fuss over what was meant as a comment on internet fishing forums, not an idictment of this or any other board it may be posted on.

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Well that's the great thing about this board... a lot of the people on are down right honest, and speak their minds. We all have bad days...and there's certainly nothing wrong with being reminded that we should ask ourselves why we DO post every once in a while...kind of like "you should constantly look at life from a different perspective" a la Dead Poet's Society ;)

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