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Burying the needle NF


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So how would you know 1 out of 10 are true are you the Human lie detector I can say all of my claims are true only by the speedometer they came with but I was clocked at 155mph on a friends radar gun riding my Ninja 900 .I also turned the 1/4 mile on the Ninja 900 at 10.71 seconds at 125 mph.


So what you are saying is 90% of the people who replied to this post are liars.You have your nerve I don't quite understand your logic sometimes :dunno: From som of your reply's it seems you like to bash others on this board. :stretcher:

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260kph in a Mercedes 240SL..my bosses car on HWY 400! Crazy ..not to mention my Yamaha 1100cc Midnight Special or My 70 'Cuda-383-4spd...Those were the days.Wide open or stop was all I knew.

I walk now obviously!

Speed Kills..you wanna race, get on a RaceTrack, not the street..

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This is worse than a fish story topic........

1 out of 10 stories are true!


I drag raced for years and would love to see a everyday driver hold onto a car at some of the speeds being claimed !!!!!


Let alone if you check the motor trend top speeds for cars being posted!!!!! there way under........hmmmm



Ya gotta remember these were speedo numbers in most cases. We had no gps in those days. And it helped if you had friends who ran the police radar.


It's like the guys who swear they topped 200 mph on their Hayabusas when the factory says it won't go over 185 or something like that, and that's probably with a nitrous booster.



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Buddy pulls up to a road block on the 401 in the middle of the night and asks the cop if somebody robbed a bank....


Cop says "no we're waiting for you"


He was cruising at around 150mph in a modified duster, cop said they had 3 cars chasing him, buddy didn't see any of them. Cops were just happy he hadn't kidnapped or killed or robbed anybody, gave him a ticket for 10 or 20 over and sent him on his way. Nowadays Fantino would tazer him 10 times for that.

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35 years of driving and I've never had a speeding ticket. I lost someone very close to me because of a speeder/racer when I was very young. Since then, I've never felt the reason to speed.

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Not sure about this thread. There's a lot of young folks on this board and I hate to see them influenced by glory-tales of speeding, especially coming from some respected older generation members of this board.


Theres one big difference about when we did it...and today.......STREET RACING FINE....

50km or over the limit....say byebye to your car and license.


ANYONE who is stupid enough to "bury" the speedo today......deserves to be caught....

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The funny thing about these kind of discussions is that the guys that burried the needle, lost it and killed themselves and a few friends aren't posting that much any more. Just ask those kids that ran the S4 into Lake Joe.


Any young guys reading this - don't be stupid. The posts you read hear were from stupid people (like me) that got lucky that we outlasted our youthful stupidity.


Bumper sticker I saw once - "Hire a student now! (While they still know everything)"

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I had the pleasure of driving a BMW 750i V12 that Budget rented to me while I was in Germany on business.....I was able to get that black beauty up to 255kph (~160mph) on the autobahn one weekend while I was driving from Munich to Saltzburg....even at that speed, the car handled great!....


And BTW...I wasn't speeding :thumbsup_anim: ....the autobahn has stretches of highway with unlimited speed restrictions...

Edited by TroutnMuskieHunter
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Most vehicles use a gear and cable style speedo.

Which is only accurate to 75 miles per hour.


Had a 74 charger that the speedo went to 160.


4 times on the gun and my best was 154mph.

the needle was gone fron sight the way it was set up.

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..I drag raced for years and would love to see a everyday driver hold onto a car at some of the speeds being claimed !!!!!


Yeah, that is true.

As I mentioned, I tried that with a taurus, and at the 160 km mark the car was beginning to wander a bit, suggesting it was time to ease off, at 170, I beleive the rev limiter cut in...




on the Nissan Stanza (not the Sentra), it held the road like it was on rails, inspiring confidence. It was not rev limited either, it made it to 190 km /hr.

It only had a four cylinder 2.4 L, but it really ran well.

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MY 2001 sierra got up to 175 km/h before the governor kicked in


old 81 GMC speedo only went to 140 but I had the needle buried and was probably going about 180


89 corsica went 170 and I thought she was gonna blow


Suzuki GSX 750 I got up to about 200 when I backed off


No more speeding for me now that I have a family. But the new company G35 is begging to be opened up on the highway!

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In 1988 I had a Ford Fairmont and I left work in Vaughn at 130am to go steelheading up on the Bighead the next morning. I wanted to get there super fast so I could catch some Zzzz's before sunrise. Just as Im pulling into Meaford and slowing down a pair of headlights appears in my rearveiw mirror. Right away my logic tells me how can someone be behind me I had the speedometer buried and I blew the doors off anyone I passed. Then the cherries come on. Oh Oh. I pull over and the cop asks me if I knew how fast I was going and in all honesty I didnt and told him so. He had been following me all the way from Owen Sound at 130km and wouldn't go any faster he didnt even know how fast I was going. My speedometer didnt go any higher than 170k/hr. I explained that I was exhausted from work and was going fishing and wanted to get were I was going quickly so I could catch some sleep. He was kind enough to knock it down to 120 in a 80. It didnt hurt as much then as it would today but I havent really sped since then.

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ONLINE-I can have a 3 way with 2 different girls at one time, I can drive my car faster than it will actually even allow me to go, cus online I am a superstar, oh and I can answer any question cus ONLINE I am the smartest man alive, ONLINE I can catch fish in a swimming pool because I am that good ONLINE. Oh almost forgot ONLINE I am the toughest man alive and I take on all comers,ONLINE OF COURSE

Edited by MrMike
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ONLINE-I can have a 3 way with 2 different girls at one time, I can drive my car faster than it will actually even allow me to go, cus online I am a superstar, oh and I can answer any question cus ONLINE I am the smartest man alive, ONLINE I can catch fish in a swimming pool because I am that good ONLINE. Oh almost forgot ONLINE I am the toughest man alive and I take on all comers,ONLINE OF COURSE


ONLINE I can say what I want because I'm hiding behind my screen, ONLINE I can try to ruin a topic that people enjoy reading only because I'm ONLINE OF COURSE

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lol, well played..ive seen 140mph in a late 80's cobra gt, it wasn't something i would hope to do again, i wasn't the driver. When your passing cars doing 70 like thier parked on the highway and your at the limit you've gone way too fast. :stretcher:

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A thread that shouldnt even be on here, but hey ONLINE SMART guy send this to the lady who buried her husband, who flipped his tractor trailer trying to avoid killing someone else, because a couple of smart guys like you wanted to see how fast their cars would go, send it to the kid that going to spend time in jail because of it, and he gets to spend the rest of his life knowing he killed someone because he wanted tp prove how fast his car would go, but hey dont worry I am sure that when one of your ONLINE tough friends (LIKE YOU) tells the little one you introduced, afew months back about how cool it was to drive a car faster than it was meant to go, I am sure you will shake his hand and thank him for sharing such a tale. But hey I am just ONLINE ruining the SMART GUYS thread, waiting for a TOUGH GUY to show up ONLINE

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There about a billion different ways that people get hurt, and another billion people doing other stupid things that might get other people hurt. Is this illegal?, yes, is it dangerous? yes. Is that any different from alot of other things, no. Should you do this on busy street? of course not. But i'd bet more people are killed on the streets in "accidents" at the speed limit than the odd guy who puts the pedal down on a quiet highway once in a while. If you really want safety id start with removing about half the liscensed drivers who would never speed first, because following the rules doesn't really mean that you actually know how to drive now does it. It just makes you legally unsafe.

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