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Lost an old and close friend today


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A close buddy faded away this afternoon with his wife and family by his side. A friend who was like a brother that I have known for at least 34 years had to give into Non Hogdkins Lymphoma (SP?) a cancer that ate away at him over the last several months.


I post this not for a shoulder to cry on. I am posting because of the initial disregard that Jerry received when he first complained about a severe pain in his upper back which was treated with Tylenol 3 and other pain killers on each of his 9 trips (all in less than a month) to either Joseph Brant Emergency or to his own family doctor. On his last trip to ER he was taken in on a wheel chair, unable to walk and had lost bowl control, bladder control and the use of his legs. It was at this time that they took him serious and did a cat scan finding something out of place on his spine and sent him into the Hamilton General Hospital.


Here he received surgery and confirmation of his cancer. He was also told that if the ER staff had paid more attention on his 1st visit he would have had a very, very good chance for survival. At this point, after the 1st surgery, they gave him a 50% chance and virtually none to walk again. Later his chance was reduced to 10% and just this Monday he was given 1 week to 2 months to live. This all began in March, today about 4 months after it all began he has passed away at the Hamilton Henderson Hospital leaving behind a wife and 3 children, the youngest still in High School.


Although his care and treatment were superb after the diagnosis it still cannot make up for the treatment he first received. I have to tell all who reads this that if something like this should happen to you or someone you know pay attention to it, don't ignore it and push the medical professionals with all you can to have all possibilities checked out.


As an additional note this is a guy who ate well, hadn't smoked for years, gave up all alcohol and was fit. He however worked at Stelco for about 30 or so years just retiring less than 2 years ago. Maybe this played a factor? Who knows for sure?


There are several board members on OFC that worked at or do work at Stelco in Hamilton. If you think you know Jerry that worked in the Metallurgical Department, primarily in #1 Bar Mill, the Rod Mill or the former 12-10 Mill you can send me a PM for any other information or about his funeral arrangements. Prior to his time at Stelco Jerry worked in the offices at Dofasco (1971, 1972 or about) He graduated from Burlington's M.M. Robinson High School.


Be safe and healthy everyone.

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I'm very sorry to hear this news...our thoughts are with you...and his family and friends.


My brother is going through the same thing with his wife. She's only 39.....and has complained about stomach pains for the past 3 years. She kept going to the Dr to complain and they told her there was nothing wrong.


I got a call this past week from my brother saying that she went again....they finally ordered tests and it's confirmed she has stomach cancer....not sure if it's spread at this point. She's due for surgery in a few weeks...which is never a good sign that they get you in that fast. We still are not sure of prognosis, but it's another example where if they took her seriously the first few times she may not be in the same urgent situation she's in now.


Take care Pikehunter.


Cliff and Carole

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I am so sorry to hear of your friends passing.


You are so right though, if you don't push for answers very often you get sent home to see what happens. When Sue was in ICU in Milton, waiting for a bed in Toronto general for over a month, I finally got frustrated and called the Ministry of health. I explained that my wife had been in a bed in ICU for a month waiting for a bed in Toronto General for a bypass operation and that if I didn't have an answer and a darn good reason why she couldn't seem to get a bed I was going to every media outlet that would listen and I was going public with what was happening. Within two hours they called me back and she was transfered to Toronto general the following morning. Seems some Dr. hadn't filed the proper papers or something. Fortunatly she did get the care she needed and is still with me today but it was a close call.


If you or a loved one are going through a similar situation, make a list of questions to ask your Dr.s. It is easy to forget things when you are sitting in the office talking with someone that basicaly has your life in their hands. Take someone with you and ask lots of questions and expect answers; "I don't know", or "I think" aren't answers.


Do some research on your symptoms, it is so easy today with the internet. Don't be afraid to ask for specific tests, CT scans, MRIs. Dr.s are people too and they can and do make mistakes. Be specfic when you are explaining your problem, "I don't feel well" doesn't give them much to work with. Weight gain or loss, changes in bodly functions, times of the day, things that make the symptoms worse/better...... all these things can help them better diagnose what your problem might be.


Your friend may have passed and we can't change that now but perhaps your post will help save someone else and some good can come from it.


Our prayers are sent.


Cliff and Sue

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That is amazing Cliff, I am glad that you were able to get Sue into the T.O hospital for treatment. A little slip in the doctor's procedures of not doing the paperwork is an example of how easily things can go wrong. Luckily this was discovered as the result of your phone call.


I think we all have a tendency to put our trust in others and to let some things slide with hope the problems will take care of themselves.


I was up to the hospital to see him in the afternoon on Wednesday and assisted him to eat his lunch and shared a treasured moment as I was leaving.


That evening my wife and I went back for a visit. A couple of the comments he made were: To my wife, "Psst." Pat said "What?" He whispered, "You know, I'm dying." So what does one reply? I or she had no reply. Then after a while Pat asked him if he wanted something other than water to drink. He asked "What?" She mentioned pop, He hollered "Pop!!" she said no, juice? He said "Coke-a-cola!!!" What are you trying to do? Kill me!" Amazing, there was no hope for him and he was concerned about drinking something as unhealthy as Coke.


Take care everyone.

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PH, truly sorry for your loss. Its amazing what doctors miss. If you even suspect something is worse than what your dr said, get a second opinion. I listened to my dr about tinnitus , he said it was nothing. i bugged him that it was getting worse over time. "don't worry about it" i went and saw another DR, turns out i have substantial hearing loss in one ear that could have been prevented had it been treated properly the first complaint. I find that all the new dr's seem to have the same mentality "treat and street". Look after yourselves guys and gals!

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....My condolences on the loss of your good friend Harry. While I did work in the 12-10 mill from 78 til 81 I'm afraid I never knew Jerry. I think everyone here probably has a tragic story of neglect within the hospital system, myself included and Joe Brant would be the hospital.

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I am so sorry to hear that yet another person has been lost to doctors not having enough time with each person. I was a nurse for many years and had to leave because I just could not keep nursing in that way. My brother-in-law was misdiagnosed for 2 years...they told him he had a bladder infection and gave him antibiotics....he had bladder cancer and was dead within the year...he was 36

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Man that's Tough .. I went to my Family Dr and told her I had Throat Cancer .. She said We'll check ... NO I said .... Make the appt. with the specialist ! ... Now I'm on my 5th week of treatment ! ! . Kinda Pushy .. is what she said ... Yes It is a shame that some good Drs. Work at Timmies ! ! .


It's tough to take the issues to hand and the Doctors seem to have a lack of concern ! ! Drives me nuts ..

I will survive I'm Sure ! ! .. It's tough to hear that others aren't as fortunate !


It's to bad to hear the loss of your friend . I truely Hope others have a better chance ! !

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