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Long Weekend Adventure


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Well I spent this long weekend at home just fishing a few local spots trying to avoid the crowds of people. Saturday was my birthday and my buddy Dan wanted to take me out for some walleye fishing. Needless to say my confidence wasnt all that high as I have yet to catch a eye in my life. I figured what the heck I'll give it a shot and if its slow I can always fish for cats. After about 15mins of casting jerkbaits I feel a decent hit. Pike? I figure, not fighting much for a pike. Wouldnt you know it my first ever walleye! I was pretty pumped. I always said if I caught one I would eat it. I dont eat fish so I rarely ever keep any but in the cooler he went. It started to rain pretty hard so we decided to have a break and get a coffee. when the rain slowed a bit we headed back down to the river. about 20-30min later I get a nice hit. Fish starts to take a bit of line. humm what could this be?? Up comes eye #2 a decent 4lbs. We stayed and fished for a bit but nothing so we headed out to another spot for some more eyes and cats.

Second cast Dan gets a nice little pike. It had some weird growths on its one side, quick pic good sice up and back he goes. We tried for some cats but they would have none of it. Not bad for a morning.


my first ever walleye







We went back the next day for a bit but it was bitter cold and wasnt much fun. No fish at all, not even a sucker :dunno:

I suggested taking a trip out some back roads for some brookies. Off we went with the ultra lites.

It was actually snowing at one point like it was winter, we snapped a pic you can kind of make out the flakes!

First stop produced a couple of smaller fish, one that was a real little football!. All the creeks had something to offer. We managed a bunch of little guys and 10 nice brookies 14-16" . One of the brookies had a hole in its back the size of your index finger. It looked like a haron had hit it but it was too big for it to pick up.Also got a few nice rainbows as well. I was surprised to see a very fresh looking steelhead sitting in the shallows. She wanted nothing to do with the worms or spinners but a nice fish none the less. Later that day I managed to get a nice 2lbs steelie on the ultra lite

she was the nicest fish I have caught in a long time, gold with beautiful pink cheeks and belly. Of course I didnt have the camera. Never fails.

Well tracking through the bush I ran upon a ugly sight. A small buck from last fall that had clearly been poached. The rope it was hung from was

still in the tree. From its location it looked like it had to have been the property owner, I dont know him and really didnt feel like going and pointing fingers. Some people. All and all it was a good weekend of fishing :)











The ugly



Edited by troutguy
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Nice fish!!


Congrats on your first eye!!


What happened with that deer? It was just hung and left to rot? No meat taken off it? Seems weird that someone would risk poaching a deer....just to leave it there.



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I cut out as much background as I could, if you can tell where it is from the pic then you know the fish are there anyway.



The deer had been cleaned off on the from the shoulders back, the rack although small was still on and nothing had been removed for tag application. It really doesnt surprise me in the given area, its not the first or he last one I'll see.

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Happy birthday, great pics and report. the colours on those trout are amazing. I tried to catch them once in a stocked lake , still to catch one....did not stay long though cuz the ice was melting and really freaking me out when it was cracking and moving....lol.

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