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Backyard Hockey - NF


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I posted how I was putting up a little skating rink the backyard. I took the advice of a few of the members that replied on that thread and 'lo and behold we have ice!! LOL. It was a bit frustrating at first because the daytime highs were above freezing for the first part of the week, but the last two nights have been great. I've been out there religiously putting thin layer upon thin layer hoping to get my daughter out there this weekend.


She got up at 8am, came in to my room and wanted to get dressed right away...she never wants this...LOL. After a quick breakfast, we headed outside to try out the rink. I bought her her first hockey stick and puck and she was very anxious to play some hockey. She's recently been watching hockey with me on TV...only took 5 years...LOL.


Anyhow, here is a pic and a short video. She's asked me if they have hockey for girls, so it looks like the interest is there. We'll see about improving her skating, but as you can see she's doing pretty good shooting the puck. Once I cut her stick to size, she'll be even better I assume.






Here's the video....


<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i120.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid120.photobucket.com/albums/o185/ccmtcanada/DSCN4613.flv">

Edited by ccmtcanada
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Another Girl in your family to kick you but eh Cliff... Better hope she doesn't get into fishing if you want to have any dignity left ;) Ya put any fish under the ice so it could double your fun lol ... Great Job with the rink though Cliff looks like ya have and Carole have one heck of a kid.

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Nice job on the rink. Looks like the kid will get plenty of enjoyment out of it. These memories will last a lifetime for both of you. I've been watching them flood the school rink across the street from me the last two nights. I'll have to try it out this week. Right now it's off to play pick-up with the old-timers, indoors where it's warm.

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Another Girl in your family to kick you but eh Cliff... Better hope she doesn't get into fishing if you want to have any dignity left ;) Ya put any fish under the ice so it could double your fun lol ... Great Job with the rink though Cliff looks like ya have and Carole have one heck of a kid.

 She is already into fishing and it won't be long for she is kicking his but there too.


 What no more hockey golf in the living room now!

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LOL....great replies on here. They all made me laugh. To reply to some of the comments...


1) she already kicks my butt in fishing when we fish together.

2) she did manage to steal the puck and score a few times...no editing here, I just chose carefully which clip I used...LOL

3) she smiled the whole time...so that makes the effort all worth it

4) I was surprised at how accurate and hard her shots were...I just told her how to hold the stick and off she went. Didn't have to tell her to keep her stick on the ice....hehe.


The last thing she said before I tucked her in was "My favourite part of the day was skating and playing hockey. Thanks Daddy".


We went out again after dinner to skate for an hour, so I'm pretty exhausted and she was asleep about 10 minutes after her head hit the pillow. Something tells me I'm gonna be sore in the morning...LOL

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Great job Cliff, just keep Bly away from it with the auger.



No worries there Brian! After all the work we put into that rink and the joy that it is bringing in return....I am not letting anyone mess it up lol

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