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Persistant Fatique


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Well I just got back from my GP... For the past year or so I have been feeling tired all the time, even after 8 hours sleep.. Tired during the day, tired in the evening, tired first thing in the morning.. it has been affecting my quality life and I figured it was time to ask for some help. I am not falling asleep while driving or anything I am just constantly run down... My family has a history of Iron, B12 and Diabetes problems so I figured I should probably get myself looked at...


Next week I am going in to have about a thousand needles shoved into my arm. My GP is somewhat concerned as someone my age should not be having these issues.. These tests include my thyroid, Cholesterol and all the others I cant spell...


Something else was mentioned as a possibility as well.. Restless Leg Syndrome.. anyone heard of this? I have yet to google it..


Is there anyone else that has been through this here? if so please share your experiences with me.. There are days normally Saturdays where I can sleep for 15 hours straight... and feel ok for a day or two.. but then it is right back to feeling drawn out..


I would appreciate and words of wisdom or advice from guys that have been through this before...


I find it hard to talk to my wife about these things because she goes on about what she read in this months Todays Parenting etc...


Thanks guys!




ps... should I need to add a fish picture to this post i will :)

Edited by Gerritt
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yeah they do....... it is called the loonie bin... I dont feel like visiting today..


Did I mention I could add a fish pic to this post? :thumbsup_anim:


I know alot of guys from OFC (I have been around a long time), and value their opinions... infact some have been role models (something I have not had many of in my life)


and they know who they are.



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Guest gbfisher

loonie bin eh? Hadnt thought of that one. :sleeping_02: ....but it was your selection not mine. :whistling:


I see. Ask a fisherman only what a doctor can asnwer. Ill have to remember that when I get sick.


Anyone know of a good electrician??




OH ya fish pic... :clapping:



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My wife has that Restless Leg Syndrone and drives me nuts some times. The Dr. had put her on a medication called Neurotin (spelling ?). Not sure if that is available in Canada or not, but while she was taking this medication, it did help to relax her and calm down the bed shaking. Seems like if she can get herself relaxed, it helps. She also heard of placing a bar of soap under the sheets, down around your feet. Several people I know of swear by this. Never tried it, but may be worth a try.


Good idea to get things checked out and catch any possible problems before they get any worse.

Best of luck to ya.

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I can empathise with you. After my heart attacks, I noticed a drop in energy as well. However not being a medical professional my opinion is valueless. There should be some good answers when you visit our great Canadian medical system. They saved me twice. :clapping::clapping:

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I have.... as for the fatigue,..could be a couple things,..1) liver, 2) vitamen D deficient ....As for the legs I just saw a commercial on tv the other day about some revolutionary breakthrough cure for the jimmy leg syndrome,..definately google it.


Also, for the fatigue it may be chronic fatigue or whats that other one......ummmmmmmmm...damn..this is gonna bug me,.....aw yes fibramyalgia,.....southern O is deficient in iodine and so it may likely also be a thyroid thing...Best to do some research!!! dont rely on Doctors in Ontario,..not gonna get into a whole thing about it,..just my advice!!!

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Rich, Thank you... I do have a thing with my legs where they are always bouncing them up and down in a rapid manner... it drives everyone I know nuts... but I dont realize I am doing it.. and it seems it only happens when I am in a rested position...ie.. Sitting here typing this to you now. Or when I am in bed my foot is always going. I always just thought I was restless.. I did not know it could be a brain thing..Nor did I think it would effect my sleep..



I am still getting all the other stuff done to rule out any more serious medical condition..


I have just started a bit of reading on this subject... a brain thing... some doctors agree it is a problem others dont... seem this warrants some research on my part..


Thanks for the info I appreciate it.



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I had some issues about 5 years ago that included what you are describing.One thing that I found is exercise will give you more energy.Just an hour work out 3 or 4 days a week will do wonders for your energy level.Good on you for getting this stuff checked out.


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Guest gbfisher

Ok...I see.

Well............ Drinking can make a person feel that way. Do you drink?

I gave it up years ago. Only because it took away from fishing!!! :D


fish pic



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Gerritt.. I have issues with the legs (running in your sleep). First considered it my be sleep apnea and thank god we ruled that out as it's medical invalidating for a pilot. Do you drink a lot of pop with caffine in it or coffee. When my son sits his legs go absolutely ape sheett most of the time if he's had too much normal pepsi and he doesn't realize he's doing it either until someone yells at him for vibrating the floor.. He now drinks caffine free and this has pretty much stopped. I also found my energy levels increase in the summer when I was much more active and drinking MUCH less pepsi. Also finding I'm getting a full night sleep now that I'm using the "Pat Quinn" strip on my nose to sleep...as it really does open your nazel passages and allow you to breath properly thru you nose. Wife's bonus...pretty much no snoring on my part anymore and she gets a good sleep as well.


Oh..and what Andy said in his fish post..Alcohol.

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Gerritt one of my buds has pretty much the same symtoms as you although he doesn't work his legs twenty four seven. He has been going to the doctor for test for about a month, they haven't figured out exactly what is wrong with him but they did start him on B12 shots and they are also treating him for high blood pressure. I'll ask him tomorrow for any further info.


Andy you know a good electrician :whistling::clapping:

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Gerritt.. I have issues with the legs (running in your sleep). First considered it my be sleep apnea and thank god we ruled that out as it's medical invalidating for a pilot. Do you drink a lot of pop with caffine in it or coffee. When my son sits his legs go absolutely ape sheett most of the time if he's had too much normal pepsi and he doesn't realize he's doing it either until someone yells at him for vibrating the floor.. He now drinks caffine free and this has pretty much stopped. I also found my energy levels increase in the summer when I was much more active and drinking MUCH less pepsi. Also finding I'm getting a full night sleep now that I'm using the "Pat Quinn" strip on my nose to sleep...as it really does open your nazel passages and allow you to breath properly thru you nose. Wife's bonus...pretty much no snoring on my part anymore and she gets a good sleep as well.


Oh..and what Andy said in his fish post..Alcohol.



Wayne she Specifically asked me about my legs... and this is what I do... I sit here and they vibrate.. but I only have a cup of coffee in the morning and rarely if ever drink pop.. I was asked if I stopped breathing at night as well... well I said I dont know but I dont think so.... Turns out (Becky corrected me..) I do.. she notices it when (If) I am in a deep sleep... she elbows me and all is good..


The problem with this is it is sleep related.. and I dont know what I am doing while sleeping... my GP mentioned she was going to setup a "sleep study" after my blood came back.... maybe this will offer answers..


I do drink... however rarely in excess.. a couple with dinner or with friends is not uncommon.... again Rarely in excess (dont let Lakair alcohol consumption rate me in my participation! LOL)


I thank everyone for their responses and PM's I will more then likely have some more questions as I walk this path... I hope for your understanding..




And in regard to exercise... I do get quite a bit at work... (or used too) but this has been going on for alot longer then I have had my new job.. infact I worked the hardest year of my life (too me anyways) with this..


again thanks guys.. I am bookmarking this page for future reference.



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Restless leg syndrome....yep...both bly and I have that. And it REALLY sucks! It always flares up at bedtime and makes it impossible to fall asleep. Thankfully it has settled down for the both of us. I think exercise and diet have a lot to do with it. Bly had it really bad during her last pregnancy....sometimes going over 48 hours without any sleep. Unless it keeps you awake at night, it's probably not RLS...as that's when it's the worst.


I was chronically fatigued for 18 months once. And it was chronic sinusitis that was the culprit. I didn't have the runny nose, or any symptoms like that...merely an inflammation of my sinuses that was causing headaches. Not really bad ones, but enough to make me feel like I was hit by a truck.


I went to ear/nose/throat specialists, allergy specialists, naturopathy specialists, my GP, had xrays of my head, walk in clinics and none could help me. The problem was that when I was the most exhausted, the RLS would kick in at night. Then one day I was walking by a chiropractor....I never believed they worked, but I was desperate and went in. I had a 15 minutes interview on the spot and he said he thought he could help me. He took xrays of my neck and spine and my neck was in bad shape. We started sessions 3 times a week. AFter the first 2, there was no improvement....I was giving him 3 before I just stopped. After the 3rd adjustment, I felt a warm rush starting at the top of my head all the way down my body and my headache, sinus problems, and sleep issues went away instantly.


Anyhow...that's my experience with chronic fatigue....and it was a horrible year and a half for me and my family. Hope things look up for you bud....dont discount chiropractic care even if you think you are ok....it never hurts to go and talk to them.

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I had restless leg syndrome for about 6 months after I got out of the hospital. Drove me up the wall, but it went away on its own.


As for being tired, do you drink/eat alot of things with artificial sweeteners in them, like Splenda or Aspartame?



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First step you have already done...and if they (medical profession) are not able to narrow it down...you at least have some input here and suggestions on possible remedies. I can tell ya that my guy does the leg thing too (like he's riding a bike) and while sleeping absolutely stops breathing. Scared the bee geesus out of me the first couple of times,,,I still can't relax beside him,,,I keep waiting to hear him take that breath. I hope he reads this.

All the best

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How much GOOD SOLID sleep a night do you get? Because of one of MY medical conditions (prostate cancer) I'm up as many as 6 to 8 times SOME nights, making the treck to the wee boys room. When 04:00 rolls around, I'm more tired than when I went to bed! So, I sleep whenever the opportunity presents itself. I'm on holidays (again) this week . . . . I've literally had to FORCE myself to get up and go fishing this morning (and yesterday) . . . . I came home about noon today and went directly to bed, just got up an hour ago . . . . checked the board (here I am!) and will be back in bed by 8:00, and up by 04:00, to go fishin' again. But . . . . my doctor is reluctant to get me on sleeping pills (I don't want them either) and just tells me I'm lucky I can still work & enjoy life to the degree I do. After being chopped up several times, I'm just 'wearing out,' but, other than the various treatments I've had over the past 8 years, lack of good solid sleep is what's doing me in! But . . . . my job gives me at least 4 hours of fresh (VERY fresh lately) air, while I walk approximately 10 kilometres, and climb up & down 3400+ stairs every day . . . . it's what keeps me alive!! If it wasn't for the I P Nightly (many times) trips, I'd be feelin' a lot better though!

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1. Go back to a year or so ago when it started and think about anything in your life that changed or had been changing up to the point where the problem for you began. If there is something you feel could be a contributing factor to your present health, look to fix that. Some things can be small... but over time have bigger impact, keep that in mind.


2. Consider that you are getting older and slowing down every second of your life.


3. Do that labwork that your doctor will order. If all results come back OK consider your mental status. Depression and/or stress are very common contributors to things such as CFS, fatigue, or the opposites such as insomnia and restlessness. Remember though, CFS is not a diagnosis; no more than say nausea and vomiting, what fatigue is is a behaviour or effect caused by something(s) else.



Few ideas for ya anyway.

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How much GOOD SOLID sleep a night do you get? Because of one of MY medical conditions (prostate cancer) I'm up as many as 6 to 8 times SOME nights, making the treck to the wee boys room. When 04:00 rolls around, I'm more tired than when I went to bed! So, I sleep whenever the opportunity presents itself. I'm on holidays (again) this week . . . . I've literally had to FORCE myself to get up and go fishing this morning (and yesterday) . . . . I came home about noon today and went directly to bed, just got up an hour ago . . . . checked the board (here I am!) and will be back in bed by 8:00, and up by 04:00, to go fishin' again. But . . . . my doctor is reluctant to get me on sleeping pills (I don't want them either) and just tells me I'm lucky I can still work & enjoy life to the degree I do. After being chopped up several times, I'm just 'wearing out,' but, other than the various treatments I've had over the past 8 years, lack of good solid sleep is what's doing me in! But . . . . my job gives me at least 4 hours of fresh (VERY fresh lately) air, while I walk approximately 10 kilometres, and climb up & down 3400+ stairs every day . . . . it's what keeps me alive!! If it wasn't for the I P Nightly (many times) trips, I'd be feelin' a lot better though!



I dont have the issue of frequent urination.. (almost ruling out diabetes) I just feel as though I am not sleeping even though I am in bed for usually 8 hours... I wake up as tired as when I went to bed... and yes. I have this leg twitch but only while at rest... I dont nap as I wake up miserable... but usually once every week or two my body has had enough and shutsdown for 15 hours... it is a hard feeling to explain.. as for the pills... I will live with this if sleeping pills are the only answer, they are highly addictive, I really dont want to go down that road....relying on a pill to sleep... beside how restful can a chemically induced sleep be?


Steve, i can say this with all honesty you are an inspiration to us all. going through what you are and still full of life and out there fishing... I only hope I would be so determined given what you are now dealing with.



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I was gonna suggest what douG just said. Try droppin a few more pounds and see if it doesn't get better.

If you snore you are more likely to get apnea. It also puts a big strain on the heart. If my weight gets over 200 pounds (seriously I once was an FF) I get to snoring and holding my breath.

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