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Weekend at Quinte Oct 20-21 with pics

Badger Shark

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So finally that time of year, Quinte Time!


We headed down on Friday and stayed in Belleville. Headed out to meet Eye-Tracker for our day out with him. We hit the water and headed out into the Gale that was blowing. They were wrong about the wind direction and it was pretty much impossible to get out of them. Must say it was fun though. By the afternoon the winds were over 50k gusting over 70 at times, but that didnt stop us.


There were three of us and Eric formerly known on this site as Clown Worship, had never been to Quinte so it was decided he would be first up.

We trolled for a while and finally Sheldon says fish on and Eric brought in his first quinte eye, not quite the big girl he was hoping but a nice eater about 3 lbs.


Next up was Brian and it didnt take long, he brought in a nice one between 7 or 8 lbs.


Finally it was my turn. I guess the fish knew this too because they decided not to bite for a very long time, 4 hours to be exact! Finally Sheldon had just set up a long line and while letting out the fish hit and the fight was on and I mean this fish fought. I finally got her in and we weighed it and it came in at 9.6lbs.


So it seemed we had found a pattern that worked and Eric had his next one on, this was what he came for. Got her in and it was just over 9lbs.


Next up Brian and he gets another decent fish in.


Then my turn again and I bring in a not to bad fish, I thought it was small but it was a nice size as well the thing with this fish was its dorsal fin was almost non-existant. It had not been cut off or anything, it was born that way.


Brians turn and Sheldon says big fish on the outer board and I saw this one take the board like it was nothing, he fought it for several minutes and it was about 30 ft straight below the boat and she shook free. It was a big pig too!


So we diecided to pack it in and as I was bringing in one of the boards, I removed the board and suddenly felt weight and yes there was a fish, turned out to be a nice eating sized. We let her go.


Sunday Eric and I headed out in my boat and set up , we found fish but in a two hour span, couldnt get them to go so we headed to a different area and this area was loaded with charter boats. I decided to completely switch up colours and it was only out for about 1 minute when the drag started ripping, this was a heavy fish and it fought, I thought at first it was a pike but it was a big Eye. Got her in after it surfed some big swells and she was 11+lbs.


We decided away from the traffic back to the previous area and finally after about 5 hours Eric got a fish on and it turned out to be the biggest of the weekend she weighed 12.2lbs and Eric went home a happy boy!


Cant wait to get back there this Sunday and the next and the next.....


I am going to try and post some pics .


Here is a shot of how rough it was.




Erics nice fish on Sat.




Brians nice fish on Sat.




My nice one on Sat.






My 11+lber from Sunday




Erics 12.2lbder from Sunday




Hope the pics worked.



Edited by Badger Shark
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Gotta luv Quinte in the fall !!


Good to hear the trip went so well and you boyz put some excellent fish in the boat.


I was fishing a few miles north of Quinte on Saturday and your right about the winds, they were pretty brutal.

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I had the hood up not because it was cold, actually it was warm, the wind was just so annoying in my ears and I didnt want to lose my hat.


Cliff when we came back in on Sunday there were people fishing from the docks in Picton and while we loaded the boat this guy lands about a 6 or 7 lb eye. We marked lots of fish in there. Another guy on Saturday said there were salmon jumping in there, Im not sure about that, I didnt see any. But there were fish splashing around. So you could probably get some from shore.


I cant wait till Sunday so I can get my never ending fix!

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Hey Irishfield, I think were done with the warm, nice weather. If it was freezing on Sat. it would have been tough to stay out long without a top. This is why we have a homemade top to keep us a bit dry and warm on those really crappy days. Most likely we will have the top up most of the times from now on. And your right it always makes things easier to deal with when you are catching fish.

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Thats what i like to see !!!!!! :whistling: THE LEGENDS OF THE BAY OF QUINTE.. :worthy::worthy: ...great report :w00t: ,and well yes amazing walleyes,well i sure give you guys credit for putting up with that small gale we had on the weekend,it was very rough around here so i can imagine what you guys fished through,and it sure payed off !!!!!! big time....thanks for sharing,i hope to go in a week...cant wait cheers :thumbsup_anim::Gonefishing:

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