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Customer service nightmare


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Every year at this time I set aside some $ to upgrade my gear. This year I wanted to get a new river-fishing rod for smallies and rainbows. None of my local shops have a very good selection, and I wanted to actually cast the rods to get just the right stick. So, I called over to Orillia - 1.5 hrs drive for me - to check the selection out at the tacklebox there. I was very specific, right down to the length, action, speed and price range of the rod (7 - 7.5', L, fast action, up to $200). The guy on the phone didn't even hesitate: said "we have tons of stuff for you to look at". Right on! Everybody knows that feeling, when you are going to drop some major coin on a new piece of gear and want it to be just right. I loaded up a reel and some casting weights and did the drive.


When I got there, there wasn't one rod on the floor that even came close to what I had described. :wallbash: Over the next 45 minutes, one of the salesman kept walking up to me with M wt rods under 7'. I finally had to tell him, "yes, that's a very nice rod, I have 2 of them already". They finally found one rod that was the lenghth and weight I had described, but a way slower action. All this time, I am shopping for other tackle: tying materials, plugs, spinners. By the time I finally decide that I have wasted a 3 hr trip, I have about $100 in other stuff in my hands. The original salesman finally admits that whoever answered the phone didn't do any homework. I walk to the cash, show them what I was going to buy, tell them my story: nothing! Not a penny discount for 4 hours of my time.


It had to be one of the most frustrating customer-service expereiences of my life. I did almost all the work for them, short of requesting a specific model of rod. I called specifically so I wouldn't waste a drive over there. Then, when it was apparent that they had wasted 4 hrs of my time, there was no sense of trying to make up for it. GRRRR!

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Sorry about your trip. The next time, ask the name of the person you're speaking to. It wasn't a complete waste though. You were able to have a leisurely drive in the fall countryside then browse at some gear. Lot's would have paid large to be able to do that.


I feel a plug for a tackle shop coming up shortly.....

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Gotta agree with Brian...


I was given a $300 gift certificate for that store when I retired...and too bad they didn't get it for elsewhere as damn near everything I bought was at least $2 cheaper at le Baron's...

Edited by Beans
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Hey singingdog sound familar. Thats exactly what happened to a friend of mine too. When he called "FISHONILINE" at Jane!! The didn't come clsoe to what my friend wantted.



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Not true dsn, there's several good shops around that will tell you EXACTLY what you need to know, and if they don't have it, they'll tell you.


You just need to know who your dealing with. ;)

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If you actually purchased the other products you had gathered, then you are a more forgiing person than I. If I take the time to check stock in advance by phone, get there and it isn't there....I am not spending a penny. As Roy stated, get the persons name. Stinks when this sort of thing happens....Hope you are able to find a rod that you are happy with!

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If you actually purchased the other products you had gathered, then you are a more forgiing person than I. If I take the time to check stock in advance by phone, get there and it isn't there....I am not spending a penny. As Roy stated, get the persons name. Stinks when this sort of thing happens....Hope you are able to find a rod that you are happy with!


I purchased 3 of the 15 or so items I had selected. I did it as more of a "test", thinking "If they cut me a deal at the register, then I will be a little more understanding." Didn't happen.

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I work part time in fly fishing dept of Cabelas in Dundee. When I get a call such as you made I make darn sure we've not only got it, but will ask when you are coming and set it aside under your name. I'm not trying to pitch Cabelas, as one of the reasons I do this is to never have to face the guy who has made a special trip for nothing......it would get ugly!! You are to be commended for handling it as calmly as apparently you did. I would have gone ballistic. You might want to consider writing a letter to store manager....you might get a discount on something in the future....they owe it t you.

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Better prices, selection, and stock than ANY tackle store in Ontario.


Best part is you don't have to leave your house.




P.S. Not spam, I'd be pleasantly surprised to find a store that could compete directly with Cabelas, it just doesn't exist at this time. Not even to mention the great strong CAN$ goes a lot further in the U.S. If someone could prove me wrong, please DO!

Edited by tonyb
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Lew I here ya on the phone order I called JB's last year before my trip with ya they had my new ABU 7000 BG to my house over night and it was exactly what I wanted.


Big Creek I love that store to bad it is up that far I do call it alot I just did this week when I placed my oder for another new reel and leader materal your guys there are always helpful I had no idea of the size of the reel I wanted so I called and talked with a guy for 20 min and got my answers. I have also called ahead and had my order sitting at the front counter waiting for me the only thing I dont like about that is I had to wait and pay for it at customer service because they had it there and would not let the sales man take it for me that cost me 30 min or better and was not impressed but that was not there fault more about the jerk they had to deal with infront of me.

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Sorry to hear about your luck. I was in there 2 weeks ago because a trolling motor I bought from them (5 years earlier) had broken. They were actually very friendly, hooked up batteries outside so we could test it etc. They then wrote down directions for me to get to "Rocky's" repair...unfortunately the helpful young man left one street name out of the directions and I ended up back on hwy 11 heading for Gravenhurst! Took me a while, but I eventually found Rocky's and it all worked out. Either way, I actually found them quite helpful, other than a little careless in recording the directions)

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Hey Thom, have you ever been to J.B's Fishing Depot in Toronto? North side of the 401 at Martingrove, just east of the 427. They have a great selection of rods and tackle. Brian and Steve will treat you good, they have opened early or stayed open late when I've called and told them I was coming through To on my way up north. Anyone that has had warranty issues with a rod or reel that I've talked to usually gets an over-the-counter replacement.

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I do not fall into this trap. I have learned my lessons many years ago. I want specifics and by asking questions, I will catch them if they are not honest. Ask questions about the product that can be answered only if they have the product – try to trick them in revealing if they have it or do not have the product.


A long time ago I have wasted many hours running around and finding out that it was a no.


There is a basic and common game the stores play – see last post from the dealer (below in the store-me communication) – about the purpose of the dealer having a sale.


In August a store was going to have a sale on fly tying materials. The store also has a message board and so I posted with my shopping list as to what I wanted to buy. I had no intentions of buying anything else.


This incident has changed my mind in my buying habits. I believed in supporting the local fishing shop. I have not been to BPS so far and I probably will not. Now I will buy where the prices are best even if it is from the States.


Here is the communication between me and the owner of the message board/store. Needless to say, I did not go. For the purpose of this post, I have shortened the shopping list by not providing the list here.




Posted on August 14, 2007 at 07:49:29 AM by XX

Hey gang,,its time for a fly tying material sale, Features, Furs, Yarn and what have you 30 % off,,Yup thats right,, 30 % off.. Get your materials before the sale is over,,,

Sale on until Labour Day



carp-starter post

Hi XX – I have some questions (shopping list of what I do not have). I do not know if what I want is on sale or if you carry it.


I am looking for certain hackle. I do not have hackle from these breeders.


- List of 3 – (#1 grade Whiting capes are over $100.00 in Canada – I am not showing the list here.)


I am also looking for Daiichi fly hooks.


- List of hooks and sizes – barbless hooks, hooks with a larger eye for the size of hook and scud hooks – cost of at least $150.00. I am not showing the list here.


I also would like to get dry fly hooks in ##28, #30. #32. Any manufacturer will do. They have to be standard shank, 1X fine, Eye must be straight eye or eye up.


Thank you – carp-starter



Posted on August 14, 2007 at 06:05:18 PM by XX

Your just going to have to come in and see,,,I know nothing about fly tying..

Thanks XX



carp-starter post

Thank you XX. I cannot just “come in and see”.


I live about 60 minutes and almost 50 miles away from the “YY” store. If the store were on the Upper Grand, I would be over.


However I cannot see myself coming over to find out that the stuff I am looking for is not on sale. Or if on sale, come over and check myself the fly hooks and find out that the fly hooks are not Daiichi fly hooks.


Should I just contact the store by E-mail to find out the availability of the stuff that I am looking for?


Thank you – carp-starter



Posted on August 15, 2007 at 01:53:39 PM by XX

Carp-starter I think you are missing the idea of a sale,,,it is to get people into the store,,

Sorry XX

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