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Part of the Problem, Solution, or Bystander?


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To whom it may concern,


You can be part of the problem OR part of the solution. Otherwise you are a bystander. I do not know what the solution to this problem is, I do know that we have a better group of people on this forum than those in Sutton OR those in Westport. Our societal mix within this forum allows us to speak to ALL GROUPS, we are not limited by colour, social standing, redneck, blue neck or otherwise. This is a very dynamic population that can do right!!! We have seen it in the past, ask Maureen's friend Tyler, Chuck (Big Chev), Sick Kids Hospital, the family in Sturgeon Falls that lost their home due to fire, ALL of these people have been helped by our community. Now a larger group needs help, do we turn away or stand up?


If language is indeed a barrier, find a way to cross it. If poaching due to negiligence is the problem, be part of the team that will educate first and ask questions later. Determine what the challenges are (they are not roadblocks, simply unfamiliar streets) and meet them head on!!! Violence is certainly not the answer here...


Maybe the OFC could start a "Task Force" that could easily be identified by uniform (T-Shirt or Vest or bright yellow jacket). A group of folks that would take the responsibility of being part of the solution. Good deeds get noticed. Being visible gets noticed. Wouldn't it be great if the next article in the Star or Sun is about a group of men and woman being identified as good samaritans in areas throughout Ontario? Individuals and groups can lead this charge, write to the newspapers, write to your MP, be noticed in public. YOU WILL SUCCEED


Board Owners, you want to advertise in different ways? The best form of advertising is public awareness, be noticed and talk to people about what you are doing, get put into the paper for doing right by society.


Maybe I am naive; however, I do believe that old ideologies can be changed. People will learn to accept what is right and within the law; intolerance must be changed. I know in business I can succeed through leading by example and educating the folks I work with to be better at what they do. I work hand in hand with many people who "have done it before" or "know that won't work", with some education on "WHY" I can often reform a very staunch position on a subject. IT CAN BE DONE. Managing ethics in a public situation is a fine line but through education and repetition it can succeed.


Take it as you will.

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well something sure needs to be done


but I don't know if a few drunken punks are going to not push fishermen into the water because 2 people on the dock have yellow jackets on..

and if I am standing there with my white bucket, fishing within the laws of Ontario and some guy walks up to me and tries to educate me, I and many other people would consider it harassment for assuming because I have a white bucket that I don't know and or obey the law........


I don't know if there is a win win way to do it here

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The MNR cancelled the Fish and Wildlife Guardian Program. I was a Guardian at the time. Getting people out was very difficult. Whenever things like recent events happen, everyone is up in arms and looking for a solution, but once things come down to actually getting off the collective groups of asses, no one moves.

Nothing is going to change unless there is the political will to do so.

We need funding for the MNR to not only restore enforcement, but to return confidence which will help ease the mob mentality.Neither of the two big political parties is without blame here. The Tories cut funding to the MNR and the Libs failed to restore it.

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Gad, a do-good-er OFC anti-poaching vigilantinc gang. What Next??????. I like to fish alone without some weirdo in a yellow jacket armed with Binos, cell phone, and camera thrashing behind me in the woods. You ever think that maybe some of these poachers need a good beating. Lets see, enforcement, Laws written in simple english, signs, and education still doesn't work. Maybe jail with Bubba might work.

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Gad, a do-good-er OFC anti-poaching vigilantinc gang. What Next??????. I like to fish alone without some weirdo in a yellow jacket armed with Binos, cell phone, and camera thrashing behind me in the woods. You ever think that maybe some of these poachers need a good beating. Lets see, enforcement, Laws written in simple english, signs, and education still doesn't work. Maybe jail with Bubba might work.



Or you could tell us what you really think?

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Its kind of funny that most people on this board will spend hours training their dogs (who by the way don't speak English) but cant give damn about another person. We have already started the solution to the problom by talking about it. But the subject will get borring and forgoton until the next post about it.

We need a task force to get the word out. We have to use the press first before we can get the goverment to look at it. Every change that happens in the political circle is because a bunch of phony people want to get elected into office. We are alittle late for this election but there will be more. But we have to be ready to steel the press away from the polititions or influance the press to ask the questions for us.

Ontario generats millions of dollers because of our recrationl natural res. Thats why the gov. adds salmon to our lakes. We should have a slogan like Take a politition fishing... or get on the Toronto news papers case about sponcering a fishing durby but not sponcering the futur of our enviroment. Look lm a do'er not a speller. If someone wants to start something like this l will join the team to get the word out. If the OMNR has no money they cant do anything. Peace Ken

Edited by bowshep
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Okay here is the rub for me anyway.



I dont agree with the violent end dont get me wrong though i get very PO'ed and if I swear at you too bad

I dont care what race colour or religion you are ...you are here in this country there are rules learn them .regs are there for your use. you have established communities if you cant read them find someone that can

This whole issue at the moment is going to get very ugly shortly people on both sides are going to get hurt or killed I garuntee it will escalate

be warned if I see you I will call the cops

as far as the term bucket fishermen a spade is a spade

as far as a task force its not my lot in life to educate you for fishing nice idea but not for me enough


my 2 cents


Just to add to this


Ignorance of the LAW is no excuse

Edited by BITEME
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