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Well, we decided to hit a local pier tonight to seek out some salmon, and I had my best night ever fishing for these powerful fish. With the rain we had last night, I figured that as the sun went down there would be more fish heading in from the lake getting ready to stage, and my hunch was right!


About 30 minutes into casting, just as my lure was getting close to the pier, I feel a massive hit! This guy went straight down about 15 feet and wouldn't come up!! I couldn't budge him at all, so I just made sure I had tension on the line and I got ready just in case he decided to swim straight up. I lost one the other night when he did that...I couldn't reel fast enough and he spit the hook. Tonight I was ready for him!! After a good 2 minutes of him not budging, he makes a beeline for the surface!! I'm reeling like a madman, but manage to keep up. After another 10 minutes of fighting, bly expertly nets this fish. I ended up being my personal best Chinook...measuring in at 38" and 22lbs 3oz. This fish weighed in at half a pound lighter than blys PB....so she still has the biggest salmon in the family....LOL.



I've never managed to land 2 in one night, so I didn't have high hopes tonight either, since we only had just under 2 hours to fish. Wouldn't you know it though...about 15 minutes later, I cast waaaaaayyy out there and another massive hit! This one fought completely different...this one came straight to the surface and tried to shake the hook from it's mouth repeatedly splashing around. Finally it came in...this nice female, measuring in at 37" and weighing 15lbs 10oz.



Anyhow, I'll keep at them at the mouths and piers as long as they are around. I'm no longer interested in pursuing them in the tribs. Sure, the crowds can be bad at times, but I just feel better knowing that they are being legitimately hooked. That and they are so much nicer looking when you get them just as they come in from the big lake.


I knew I couldn't go to bed just yet had to wait just in case you got into some action.Once again WTG nice salmon and Cliff there just so much prettier than your carp captures and I am sure different kind of fight.Hell I have to stop saying this one.You are both good with the net.Its now like a good tennis match between you and Bly. tonight the ball is in your court.Looking forward to your next fish Carole one night very soon. :whistling:


Thanks for the bedtime pics.Good night :thumbsup_anim::Gonefishing: MTP


Congratulations Cliff on another fantastic catch. I give it another few days and you'll have beaten your PB again. Problem is I bet Bly will then catch an even bigger one! LOL


Out of curiosity do people catching salmon at the rivermouths and piers generally release the salmon back into the water or do people keep them? Always wondered seeing as I haven't been down there to look myself.


Anyhow, can't wait for your next report.



  ccmtcanada said:
Anyhow, I'll keep at them at the mouths and piers as long as they are around. I'm no longer interested in pursuing them in the tribs. Sure, the crowds can be bad at times, but I just feel better knowing that they are being legitimately hooked. That and they are so much nicer looking when you get them just as they come in from the big lake.


Timely words Cliff considering some of the recent posts.

Some nice fish, congrat's!

  OO7 said:
Congratulations Cliff on another fantastic catch. I give it another few days and you'll have beaten your PB again. Problem is I bet Bly will then catch an even bigger one! LOL


Out of curiosity do people catching salmon at the rivermouths and piers generally release the salmon back into the water or do people keep them? Always wondered seeing as I haven't been down there to look myself.


Anyhow, can't wait for your next report.




From what I've seen, almost everyone will release the males back into the water. Many will keep females for skein/roe for use when the trout come into the tribs. Smaller ones make it to dinner tables.

Posted (edited)

Thanks for answering that one.


Another couple of quick questions Cliff - you mentioned skein - what's that?

Plus are these Salmon actually reproducing, because if everyone takes roe, surely its harming the fishery?


Sorry for my lack of knowledge on the subject. Maybe I'll see a few salmon today who are lost and can't find the tribs so are cruising around the islands!



Edited by OO7

Congrats again Cliff beauty fish .Way to go 2 in one night there. I'm heading out at noon for the surf I call you when I get there. No salmon but the false ablacore are in so many.

Skien is roe but in clumps , OO7.


Good Job!!!!!!!

it would appear the peirs were hot last night experienced the same thging in my neck of the woods as well

and they were hitting anything some guy was throwing a white spoon with a maple leaf and smoked 3 in about 10 casts no one didnt get a fish


Nice fish !!!!! congrats cliff. :clapping::w00t: ..well done..great report 7 pics too.well you are hooked for sure and you now have the pier fishin for salmon down pat !!!!! B) thanks for the report & pics....cheers :thumbsup_anim::Gonefishing:


Only Ontario salmon I've ever caught were in the Bronte and Ganny Rivers in the fall. Man, it was fun... such a change of pace from dink eye after dink eye all summer long. Get'em on the fly and float gear, good times.


This pier chucking I've tried once but never got a fish... imagined it would be more fun being that the fish could really have space to tour around and fight.


Nice feesh CCM. Got'em from Gumbleberry didn't ya??? hehe

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