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Monday Carping - Aug 27


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This report is dedicated to Beans


I decided to meet up with a few OFNers this Monday to do some carping. Coming back from a trip to Algonquin park the day before and a family gathering the night before, I was still a little tired.


Arrived at the swim at 5:45am and baited up the area with maize, method mix and a few handfuls of boillies. CCMT swung by at around 6am and we set up our gear. 20min later Victor and his girlfriend pulls up and sets up their gear. Only the Lord almighty knows when Wolfville showed up with his son…Didn’t someone say he’d leave the house at 4:30?


Fishing was on the slow side for me. I went 4/7 with 1 fish in the low 20’s and the rest in the low-mid teens. Even with the slow fishing, I’ve hit that point in the season where I value sitting in a cool and shady spot over catching large numbers of fish - although if both come along I won’t complain. I can’t say the same for Victor who was roasting all day in the sun. It was quite an adjustment switching back to 12lb mono from the 50lb PowerPro that I’ve been using the last couple of weeks. I was broken-off twice and had one hook pull after a 5 minute fight.


Here’s one fish around 16lbs




I’m sure CCMT, Victor and Wolfville will post some of their own pics or reports in the near future.

Edited by MJL
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Nice fish Mike. No skunk then, just a case of late reporting due to fatigue from the sounds of it! Go put your feet up - job well done.



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Had a great time out there with some real carp anglers! Weather was perfect, waters looked great, but for me, the bite was really slow. A few line bumps here and there, but no takers on my line. Victor asked Wolfville to watch his line while he headed off in the distance. Wolfville then promptly begins to fight a fish on his own line....then of course, Victor's alarm goes off. I bolt over to it and set the hook...waiting for him to come back. I turn around and he says "you fight it"....he figured he was too far away...or too lazy to run back to it...or he just felt sorry for me...LOL.


Anyhow, I landed this nice one. I looked a bit awkward because I am a right hand retrieve....and of course his reel was left hand. Oh well...I still managed to bring this one in.



I took a few nice shots, so I thought I'd share these ones. The first one is MJL fighting his first fish of the day.










Here's a nice one of Wolfville helping his son bring one in.



Lastly, we had these guys hanging around ALL day long...they sure weren't shy, helping themselves to maize that was left out....



Thanks for the invite guys...had a great day out there. The only disappointing thing was that I was looking forward to meeting DSN and seeing Lazybum again, but they couldn't make it.

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Ahhh! there you are!


What's with this kneeling for Crap pics??? Crazyhook doesn't kneel and even manages told hold the rod in his teats!... izzat s'posed to make the fish look bigger or something?


Great reports guys!!! :thumbsup_anim:

Edited by Greencoachdog
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once i get the pics from my girlfriend's camera i'll put a few up ... thanks for posting Mike

for the record we went 5/7 including the one Cliff landed ... biggest was 21lbs and i had a 40lber+ broke me off (MJL & wolfville are my witnesses :D)


Ahhh! there you are!


What's with this kneeling for Crap pics??? Crazyhook doesn't kneel and even manages told hold the rod in his teats!... izzat s'posed to make the fish look bigger or something?


Great reports guys!!! thumbsup_anim.gif


if you search it up there's a post regarding this matter not too far back ... it's mainly for fish care (these fish flop around when you hold'em) and also the angler's well-being (might get back problems one day after lifting one 30lber after another lol)

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Thanks for the dedication Mike...Glad to see you boys did well...


I was out early this morning chumming Carp Point on Sturgeon Lake...Will do the same tomorrow and then probably wet a line on Friday...


I read it is best to just chum for a couple of days so the carp feel safe eating in the area but needless to say that is not necessary where you boys were on Monday...rarely a day goes by that someone doesn't chum the area...


BTW...how cum I wasn't invited ?... :dunno:


Geeeze...the nerve of some people's children...just kidding... :rolleyes:

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Mike, we did leave the house at 4:30am. But with a 7 years old who had had TWO Timmie's plain baggle with cream cheese and two visits to the washroom, I was happy I got there before 6:30.



I didn't get anything for the first hour or so, then it was this,


Sean took the picture and he didn't think me and the fish should be at the center ;-)


Sean got his first carp landed (with some help from me) and it was a nice 20 lb carp. That turned out to be the only carp he caught, but he had a lot of fun feeding those ducks in Cliff's picture.



Then it was kind of slow for me... then the action picked up and I think I landed over 10 (didn't count, could be somewhere between 12 and 15) and lost 5.



All in all a good day and we really enjoyed it. Might do it again this week since I'm off.

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Thanks for the dedication Mike...Glad to see you boys did well...


I was out early this morning chumming Carp Point on Sturgeon Lake...Will do the same tomorrow and then probably wet a line on Friday...


I read it is best to just chum for a couple of days so the carp feel safe eating in the area but needless to say that is not necessary where you boys were on Monday...rarely a day goes by that someone doesn't chum the area...


Pre-baiting works well if you have the luxury of living close to the water or if someone else can regularly do it for you. Most of the time, I don't have that luxury and fish waters that may see only 1-2 other carp anglers over the course of a season - The fish don't get fed much by me or the other anglers. I prefer to find the fish first by scouting or guessing where they will be rather than blindly chumming an area in the hopes of bringing them in. I look for natural paths which the carp cruise along and fish it (you can try to spot fish cruising around or jumping/rolling on the surface). If they're jumping at distance, try casting there...In my experience, it has paid off quite well. If you can't find fish, understanding carp behaviour is key and knowing/guessing where they usually hang out during the different parts of the year really helps.


These paths change as the season progresses and swims which produced 30-50 fish in a day in May/June may be devoid of fish in August even if you chum lots out daily (you also waste a lot of bait). If one swim isn't producing after giving it a good try, move on to another or try a different tactic (try casting to a different part of the swim, try a different bait, etc).


Hope this helps

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A bunch of Brits paying sumpin' like $1300 a week plus airfare to come over here just to catch carp...


That's who... :canadian:


A lot of people don't appreciate how good we got it in this country (carp fishing wise) until you talk to others...

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Soryy I couldn't make it. I did something seriuos to my back and tore some major nerves and was in seriuos pain most of Tuesday (Started Sunday Morning) couldn't even get out of bed let alone sit or stand. Was in bed 2 straight days in prayer. The pain I had started with my legs shot through to my brain every time I moved. But Thank God I'm able to sit now for bit can' stand for long at all. Thank God For Miracles. :worthy:





Sorry I missed out.

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Here's my last carp that I pulled out before my back went out. But is healing up nicely and quickly now.



Thanks lazybum. I should be back up soon. This time I'm fishing carp with

a backsupport. :thumbsup_anim: The weight of those fish can be a real stress on your body

lifting them. Thats another reason we carp anglers don't stand right up

holding them. Which I did here. But the fish did squirm abit and I had

to quickly turn holding all that wieght and fish fell into the water not

the concrete slab I was standing on. Or it would be injured. Folks that saw the fish

wantted to take a pic of the fish so I had to hold it up. Other wise I won't do it.



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