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Released from Storage

Jeff R

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Just wanted to say HELLO ALL...... Although I signed up a couple of weeks ago, you all have made introductions rather tough. You all have done such an amazing job here, that by the time I get done reading stories, quips and quotes, I have left no time for my "lightning fast" 2 finger typing.


Anyways, I once was rabidly into hunting and fishing, but lost interest long ago. I never got rid of my equipment, and always wondered if I would find the urge to use it again. I have 2 boys, 11 & 9, and about 4 weeks ago they asked if they could learn to fish and hunt. At the time, I didn't get too excited, as anyone with children knows, what's exciting today, can be passe by tommorow. I picked them up a couple of rod combos, dusted off the equipment, and headed to a stretch of the credit river where it wouldn't be to busy and let them get used their new equipment. Although no fish were caught, and I spent the afternoon trying to become the posterboy for "Johnson and Johnson's No More Tangles', the first question when we got back into the truck, was " can we go again tomorrow? That was cool". I was grinning from ear to ear as we drove away, even though the closest I got to my rodm all afternoon, was to lay it on the ground unset up beside my tackle box. I think the 15 year itch was setting in.


The next day was on to bigger and better. I decided to scoot up to Island Lake ( Orangeville Resrvoir), as you can rent 10 footers, with a 30 # thrust trolling motor. We headed out to the deepest part ( 11') and dropped anchor. After setting them both up, and was now working on my own set up, when it came......"DADDDEEEEEEEEE"......I am sure they heard it in Guelph....." I'm stuck, but my line keeps moving" was the next line out of his mouth. I had to laugh....He was so excited, he forgot about reeling, and was trying to pull everything into the boat. I finally got him to reel. Figuring he would be a few minutes I went back to my setup, while talking him through it , when all of sudden....THWACK....Bounching the 1# bluegill, and 2#'s of kelp off my face, he now began to ask what to do. We finally mangaed to get the fish off and back to the water to fight again.I noticed my other son sitting tearfully. He explained he lost his rod in the water. He said it just " jumped out his hand" when he went to cast it. With the water not being very deep, I figured I should be able to hook it. As I turned around to began the salvage, I noticed fishing line running across my leg. One end of the was going into the water, the other somewhere behind me. After pulling up the rod, I was able to trace the line to a hook lodged in my PFD. Turns out my young lad had forgotten to open his bailer on his cast, and managed to hook me while I was dodging the swinging bluegill covered in weeds.


After alot of chuckling, we spent the rest of the afternoon, catching and releasing some fun sized bluegills, and smallies. A few tangles, and one major regret....LEARN HOW TO USE A CAMERA PHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wallbash: ...I had never used one, and didn't realize you need to manually save pics. But the memories will last just as long, as will my new found re-dose of "hook in mouth disease". :thumbsup_anim:


Best part of once again piling into the truck..." Dad today was awesome....can we go agin tomorrow?"


Well after doing a good job of making a short story long, I look forward to being part of an awesome fishing community that will help put some pretty huge smiles on some pretty amazing boys making memories for years to come...



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Great report...gotta love it when the kids are involved...looks like you got some lifetime fishing partners now...


Enjoy...it lasts a long time...I'm looking forward to spending some fishing time with a couple of my sons this weekend...one is in his fifties and the other late forties...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Jeff... I look forward to meeting you up @ Quinte!... And your soon too for his birthday!...shhh guys this is a huge surprise for him... a real fishing trip... boats, cottage etc.. I would be more then pleased to take him out for an evening...



Edited by Gerritt
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Very nice, Vator, that was a great recount of some fine times with the wee tads. GoodOnya, wishing me.


As well, welcome. Pretty dang sure you will work out ok. Just get the picture thing working and all will be falafel and skittles.


We like pictures.

Edited by douG
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Thanks all.....And Majorly stoked about Quinte...don't think I slept much last night after our conversation Gerritt....I almost wanna do a practice run so I can see the look on his face.... :clapping::thumbsup_anim:


Ummm douG?....I hope that is a new bait concoction, and not a snack you're bringing up to Quinte....Isn't falafel like sprouts or weeds?....Thinking the combination of that and chewy skittles, dentist will think I was trying to eat a Chia Pet, or I'll look like one....Actually, might be a good idea, I can always use it to fill the hole the barber keeps putting in my brand new haircuts :whistling:

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