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Everything posted by Grimace

  1. I haven't watched this yet but I love TED talks. The semi recent one with Salman Khan's new ideas on education was really good. I will check this one out when I get home.
  2. That is really cool gaspumper.
  3. Cool looking Jigs. I am going to order some Walleye jigs. I like the look of them.
  4. Fully agree, he should have fell on his sword.
  5. Your being disingenuous. But then again you know that.
  6. A very reasonable assessment. Just no Justin until he grows up please.
  7. Lol. I am glad you saw that as a joke. You never know how your going to come across in text. Anyways get ready for middle class taxes to go up, corporate taxes to go down, bank deregulation and cutting everything that would benefit anyone without a million bucks in the bank. Health cuts are imminent. But hey, when he cuts corporate taxes I am sure they will pass the savings along. Just like the jerks are passing along the savings from the HST (provincial yes but backed fully by Harper who actually gave Ontario some bonus money for it), and just like the jerk businesses that are not passing along the value of the high dollar. Maybe his corporate tax cuts can create a bunch of jobs for 15 bucks an hour with no benefits. Oh joy. Oh boy, I really didn't want to rant. No sense talking to you anyway, your a bloody Habs fan!!! Lol.
  8. Just the facts mam. When Mike Harris left office he was 4 billion in debt, and that was after he sold the 407. And the junior teachers and government workers that once belly ached about Ray days were axed. After Harris, those out of work would have gladly taken a Ray day here or there. Justin Trudeau is a little puke, he objected to Canada's citizen guide describing honour killings as Barbaric. He said he was uncomfortable with them described with such a 'perjorative'. Oh gee you would not want to offend a possible honour killer. I feel politically homeless as there is no choice of representation for my left leaning secular values. Oh well, have a good day folks. No matter what your politics have a good and healthy summer. Bent rods and tight lines.
  9. I am glad the Bloc is squashed. A Harper majority scares the hell out of me.
  10. Right on. Nice looking trout.
  11. I am voting tonight. I have never missed a vote once. I think that Facebook and sites like that help youth spread their ideas. People in there early 20's are on there yacking back and forth and promoting thought and I think that is a good thing. I think this could be a really good turn out.
  12. He is dead and that is great. The burial at sea is perfect. Running around with his head on a stick while chanting is something the Taliban would do. We are better than that.
  13. For sure. Scan the water, do not lose your edge, look for things that do not add up with your map. Georgian Bay keeps you on your toes.
  14. A good bunch of Pike. I always feel just a little bit uncomfortable on Georgian Bay.
  15. Awesome. I have heard great things about Manitoulin but have not made the trip.
  16. You will be fine and you will have a great time. If he gets in a cranky mood just don't let him bother you. Lol. Enjoy your weekend and good luck. I love that part of the bay.
  17. I too have groaned at some over moderation but you have to know that under moderation is disastrous, with trolls spouting off at everybody just to get a rise out of them. People tend to argue way too much and say crappy personal stuff. I think they do a good job. If at times they over moderate you have to forgive them. The mods are people too and they also have different personalities and ideas as to what should be moderated and what shouldn't be. That is why they discuss it in their back room lol. It isn't the government censoring the free press. It's moderation on a fishing board. I chuckle at the odd skirmish and have been in a few but at the same time when threads go too long like that it turns sour and everybody comes out looking bad. Look at the trolls that took over the Simcoe board. We don't have that problem because the mods zap them. As far as the erasing the account thing, I just don't know enough about computers to comment. I would guess it would be to document the ISP so you don't have jerks coming back and causing problems under a different name.
  18. Thanks. Great video. Looks like a great part of the planet. Love the snow shots.
  19. Foster is a miserable old bugger. Handle him like you would a 2 year old and you should be fine. lol. When he rants and raves and storms off, it is awful hard not to giggle and laugh like a school kid. My father and I have had many a laugh out in the boat retelling our Foster stories. Needless to say we don't go there anymore. Everytime we pass the place I say "Hey Dad, want to pop in and see your buddy Glen? Or maybe later?" He always replies "Maybe later" we both laugh. All kidding aside he can really beligerant and difficult to handle. My dad is as calm as anything and Foster got him to his boiling point. He might make your weekend a bit miserable but you will have a great story to tell.
  20. Oh by the way, good call on the galvanized trailer. You won't regret it.
  21. Good for you man. I love that new boat feeling. Your going to have a blast.
  22. Look what happened to the Simcoe board after Sly passed away. That is a terrible shame. This is a well moderated board. Jedi is correct in saying that it is censorship. He also stated he didn't have a problem with it. All he seems to be suggesting is that you call it what it is. Denying that it's censorship seems a bit odd. Anyways, the board is in good hands. We appreciate it.
  23. I think hereditary succession is horrible. Yuck.
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