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Everything posted by Grimace

  1. I don't care about Canadian players or Canadian teams. Patriotism is a silly concept (don't get me wrong, I am extremely proud of being Canadian), I cheer for style of play and personalities. Neither of these teams excite me, in fact they both put me off a bit. I would rather Boston win because I despise them less. Cheering for the Stanley Cup final this year reminds me of voting. I called Vancouver in seven over Boston in the thread at the start of the playoffs. I hope I was off and Boston pulls it off. Edit: Spelling
  2. I like to go salmon fishing on bass opener.
  3. You both have good points. I an 6-2 and have long arms. 7-0 rod works perfect. My buddies usually have a 6-6.
  4. Excellent. I can't wait to get out there. Solid fish.
  5. That's pretty awesome.
  6. I love it. That's all I can think to say.
  7. "Fishing is all confidence" is a statement we hear all the time. I would like to remind you that the fish do not give half a crap if you are confident or not. Let's put away this silly statement. The only thing confidence does is make you feel better using a particular lure as your not getting bit. Fishing is complicated. Sometimes it's simple. As for the gulp, some people swear by it and some people swear at it. I do a little of both.
  8. I quit Feb 6th 2010. 16 months. Champix was a big help and the dreams were killer. I went from 2 1/2 packs a day to nothing and I feel great. I made a doctors appointment, he checked me and followed up. You really don't know how crappy you feel until after you quit for a good while because then you feel great and could not imagine feeling that crappy again.
  9. Read the regs. Follow the regs. It is that simple. The only people who are ignorant is because they are willfully ignorant. You don't need a course with some person pointing at a frigging brown trout asking the group to raise their hand if they can identify the bloody thing. Read the regs. Follow the regs. There is your course. I mean really.
  10. Looks like a fantastic weekend. What a great view. Well done.
  11. No more fake knowledge please. I do not think the problem is ignorance or lack of awareness. The problem is people are knowingly breaking the law. Let's bust their arses.
  12. Yup. The Kawartha weed bite walleye is a lovely one. It makes people look bad at times I am sure. Especially when the hard up so called pros have no more articles to write except the "spinner bait walleye" bite. The area is grey. I hate poaching but the evidence you have laid forth comes up short. Way short.
  13. Great fish from a great part of the province.
  14. Exactly correct. The wind is only a sign of what is really happening. Same with cold fronts and warm fronts. They are just a tell. Usually a cold front is associated with high pressure. Blue clear skies are associated with high pressure as well. Warm fronts are associated with a dropping barometer so the fishing can be great leading up to a warm storm but then shuts down as the inconsistent weather comes in. They are just general rules of thumb and can be dead wrong. I always look at the barometer. The barometer never lies.
  15. Great. I love getting them on a jig.
  16. A real nice specimen. Well done. Did you jig her up? Or were you trolling? In the shadow of your fishing line on your rod it looks like a split shot. I am on my phone though, could be a jig.
  17. Excellent report. Glad to see them hitting for you. I can't wait to get out there. Just started 70 hour weeks. It's going to hard to squeeze any fishing in.
  18. I agree with Lew whole heartedly. It has become an insult to the viewers intelligence and I resent it. I cut them off 3 years ago.
  19. Nice fish. Too bad you didn't have more time to dial them in.
  20. Lemon guide has suggested that they are the worst SUV ever made.
  21. Awesome!!!! My dad rules as well.
  22. Good on ya. They seem to be trying to make a square out of a circle here. Good luck.
  23. I like spring and fall. My red skin hates this sun and heat. I am built for a cool climate.
  24. You would never want Bettman screwing up our development system.
  25. I heard on the radio that someone high up on the inside has told them that the deal was in fact in place and Bettman was furious about the leak and put everything on hold just to let everyone know who was in charge. Sounds like typical Bettman. Brunt is level headed and I will give him the benefit of the doubt. His track record suggests that his reporting is on the level. Bettman's track record suggests that he is a control freak and would certainly think nothing of turning this thing upside down for two weeks. Oh well, the truth will come out eventually. Edit: spelling
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