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Everything posted by Grimace

  1. Found a piece of it. The one on Facebook is the cameraman's. There is a cut of it in this video. The water rushing down the street. They condense it to a few minutes. The cameraman.s on facebook is over six minutes. http://www.youtube.com/user/ANNnewsCH#p/u/85/MfLEKTRToiI
  2. Not the same video. The one on Facebook is insane.
  3. Awesome report. What a beautiful cottage. Those quintuplets had a pretty rough go. Pretty shameful stuff. I have still not fished Temagami. It is on the list.
  4. I have no info but i will say this. I love the handle "Crazy Ivan". Well done. :-p
  5. Grimace


    Well done. Great fish. Good on you man. Looks like you roll with a good bunch. Excellent.
  6. I used to watch hockey games at the Loose Moose when I lived downtown Toronto. I loved that place.
  7. Wow that is great. I would certainly assume that you have that engine running as tight as the paint job looks. That is fantastic. Show us the 18 when your done. I love this type of thing. Cheers
  8. That made me laugh. My father and I went by Caravan. Camels get really cranky when they are hungary.
  9. What a great start to what sounds like an amazing bachelor party.
  10. I didn't like the hit but the idea of criminal charges is ridiculous to me.
  11. The league is inviting a goat show for the next game. They love this.
  12. Severe concussion and a broken 4th vertebrae. Not good.
  13. A telephone hearing means that it will be less than a 5 game suspension.
  14. Fan 590 just reported that Pacciorety (sp?) has a severe concussion and neck damage. That is a big loss for the Habs. He has 14 10 24 points in 37 games so that is a 30 goal scorer over a full season. I am no habs fan. But that is tough.
  15. Tony Massaroti wrote a good article in the Boston Globe today about this hit. It is titled "Chara hit difficult to defend". I personally did not like the hit. These guys know where they are on the ice at all times. Plus there was no puck. I say give him 10 games. Will not happen because even though Campbell is not presiding over the case he will still have input on it. Time for Campbell to go.
  16. Good point. I will not make excuses for my son and hopefully in turn he will not make excuses for himself. It sounds like Cliff ran into a good father here and his son will be a chip off the old block when his youthful badass days are behind him.
  17. I have always been a fan of your shows. You come across (and by no mistake) as a really genuine guy. Fishing show or no fishing show, sponsors or no sponsors you still give us great fishing reports from the Niagara region. It is appreciated by me. Being authentic and credible is something that no amount of money can buy. Good on you. I think my favourite peice of fishing television is still the day of the giants. That was awesome. Cheers.
  18. My dad has one. Not a very good rod at all. My mother saw someone on tv going on about how amazing it was so she went out and bought one for dad. We fish walleye so that rod is not good for the subtle bite. If your fishing for aggressive bass or whatever I am sure it would be fine. But again I must say that the rod did not impress me one bit. But to be fair most rods in that price range are of little use to me.
  19. After having his mail box crunched a few times my uncle welded up a mailbox with angle iron and 1/2 inch plate. Put the mail box shell over it. It was nicked a few times after that. The baseball bat must have been going at quite a clip to put a big nick in the angle iron. The kids arms are probably still shaking.
  20. Another Beauty http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7R3WBhod0sE
  21. Your obviously one of the good ones my friend. Whats the saying? There is no such things as strangers, just friends you have never met. Cheers buddy
  22. Shakedown Street!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7R3WBhod0sE
  23. Horrible. Imagine the absolute terror on the parents minds right now. I hope they find her well.
  24. Done. 39% of the way there.
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