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Everything posted by Grimace

  1. Dallas over Chicago in 7
  2. My Tundra has it. It is awesome. Before I bought my snomobile trailer I would haul it in the back of my truck, the carbides did not even leave a mark. It's tough. I actually like the friction that it's texture creates, holds things in place a bit better.
  3. Sounds like you might work for sun news. I understand your sentiment but at the same time I have this awful feeling that your trying to insult the intelligence of the average guy here. Of course you have heard of fishing licenses and drinking in boats is off side. Are you really trying to get Info on Kelso or Belwood? Or are you scolding the horrible society that we have created. Go fish the lakes. Use your knowledge to dissect them and keep your information to yourself. And if you feel you must lecture the Toronto people on "way of life issues" , keep it to yourself. You don't want the granny state (neither do I ). So why do you want "Granny" to tell you where to fish and how? Grow a set and earn it.
  4. Well done. Very fine fish.
  5. If you stay away from asparagus and excessive red meat there is no reason to believe she will ever find out.
  6. If you don't fish.
  7. Glad to hear it Wayne. I hope you pound the walleye.
  8. Great pictures of beautiful fish.
  9. The year before last it was 5 bucks. Then it jumped to 15 last year. They wanted to make it 20 changed their minds because of the e-mails that were raining down upon them. The security leaves after everybody launches. So the sailboaters can vandalize your truck and trailer while your out fishing. The sailboaters do not like the anglers launching their boats at 6 in the morning while they are sleeping off their wine in the cabin. I personally have only had nice experiences at the launch with poeple and that did not stop them from trying to vandalize our trailer. They put flat stones on the bunks, had my father not been on the ball when he went to get the truck I would have drove right up on to them. Some guys have come back to their truck to find their lugnuts backed right off and in some cases gone. Hazel treats the anglers right. I also launched out of Port Dalhousie and was very impressed with the way the St Catharines game and fish association treats everybody. Unfortunatly Bronte is straight down Hwy 25 from me so that is where I must launch. I can't drive an extra 20 minutes each way to go to Port Credit. Too much gas.
  10. Can't do it Wayne. I would strongly recommend this. Wayne is quality all the way. We all had a blast last year with 2 fishing in Wayne's boat and the other 2 in mine.
  11. Nice!!! I can't wait to get out for some walleye.
  12. Looks like a calm day. Nice catching.
  13. Sounds like a blast. Great report. I love Algonquin.
  14. Sorry to hear about your ACL. What you have lost to injuries I am sure you have gained in character. Adversity builds character.
  15. Winnipeg Metal!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VXUC3N2TVE
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xjdkc14-zwQ Best watched on fullscreen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gX1EP6mG-E
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UauECrCIYl8
  18. Warren Haynes Derrick Trucks Impromptu dressing room "old Friend" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UauECrCIYl8
  19. Well done. I can't wait for your first report with that new boat and old reel. !!
  20. Ah yes. "I think I have a good one here". "Ahhhh. Sheephead!! Crap".
  21. Fishing Walleye is not about the fight, it is about the chase.
  22. Hahahahaha
  23. Scum frog with the little paddle legs. Almost like a slow motion buzz bait. I love watching the bass crush it.
  24. Anniversary every walleye opener? I would get a divorce then re-marry in let's say winternet season. Life is all about solutions. Problem is this - 1/2 of a 1/2 plus the original 1/2 = 3/4. That is 1/4 for you. You would definately have to be on your best behaviour after the adjustment.
  25. Awesome. Should go from 120 to fill my truck up to 117.75. Right on. Awesome. I am going to buy a coffee and a doughnut to celebrate. Lol.
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