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Everything posted by Grimace

  1. Awesome.
  2. Great opener!! We have hogs weed all through Halton. They do a pretty good job of killing it if you let them know where you spotted it. Great outing. I am itching to get out.
  3. It doesn't get any better than that. Way to hammer them on opener!!
  4. That is the way it goes. He is a healthy looking lad. Hopefully you made a deal with him that requires complete secrecy on what happened. That is what I do. I point my finger at them and say "You don't tell a bloody soul about this". To my knowledge, no fish I released have ever broken their silence.
  5. I hope that guy eats a bad tuna sandwich and craps in his pants in front of his family.
  6. No Jersey? They should have had the Jersey ready.
  7. Jets!!!!!! They did the right thing. I am glad they gave the people of Winnipeg the Jets back.
  8. Now that the big 4 are gone we might see some trading up and down.
  9. Bettman did not want to get booed so he hid behind a mourning family.
  10. Dogs not digs.
  11. Put your finger on their ear. Bwahahaha. Seriously I don't know. My digs hand had it before but I don't know if I used the best stuff. That stench is just like lamp oil. It gets into everything and doesn't subside easily. Good luck dude.
  12. A 2 pound largemouth destroyed the hooks on one of my perch baits. A 3 pound largemouth destroyed the hooks on the other. Pretty sad. You know, with their hard mouths and pointy teeth. Nice looking baits. I have not experienced the paint flake. I HAVE experienced the spam. Some of the more aggressive spam since the slammer spam. That is saying something too, not much can live up to that. This message has been brought to you by Captain Cotton Briefs - ride the comfort. Axeman toenail clippers - your not cutting toenails until your axing them man. If you want any of these products just message me. Not because I want to make a buck or kiss the pro's arses, but because I want to help you. Because that's what it is all about.
  13. Bryan Colangelo expected to announce later tonight that the Raptors draft choice is revenge for only signing him to a 2 year deal. I really wish ge would have picked Knight. Would have made up for the Knight that Brian Burke traded away (2nd rd draft pick in the package for Kessel. To say nothing of the two first rounders).
  14. Big water that is. The trolling bible just has dive curve charts for crank baits. The Big water has the specs on dipseys and others.
  15. After every good trolling session I clear the kicker's throat and let her push the boat around at 5 mph for about 200 feet. I think, but am not sure that it us better to let the engine clear her throat under load. I have always cranked the power to her in gear as opposed to just revving her up.
  16. Just so you know, I was not talking of the people here necessarily. I was clever enough to pick up on the fact that it was a joke. I was more thinking of the people I have come across in the past that were serious. Edit: Spelling
  17. What a dummy. I hope justice is served, however I do find it a bit odd when people find satisfaction in the idea of a person being the victim of anal rape in prison. Almost like it is part of the just punishment. Odd. I personally have never thought of anal rape as a sound punishment for any crime. What a strange dynamic of humanity. Anyways, I hope they get what they deserve and I hope the salvageable ones learn their lesson.
  18. They let it go a bit. Probably because they were getting some sweet contacts that will lead to future busts. If they would have dinged them after 5 they would have never gotten info on the other buyers which if course buy off of other sellers. Great job, I say.
  19. What a good looking specimen. The Brown Trout is a handsome fish to say the least.
  20. This guy is loaded and he still knows right from wrong. He also showed a pile of guts. Cheers to him and the many like him that did not see any reason to act stupid. The guy in the 40oz shirt needs a cuff in the head or 20. Those jerks make me sick. The guy that stopped it rules.
  21. What nonsense. Complete drivel. Do you know what progressive means? Would you like a more reactionary world? Mindless babble.
  22. My buddy wrote this on my Facebook and I find it to be clever, funny, and of value. Enjoy. I live in the Greater Vancouver area. Have done for roughly 16 years now since leaving Ontario and I'm beyond embarrassed. What happened last night was inexcusable and unforgivable. Allow me to let you all in on a little secret West Coasters would prefer the rest of the country doesn't hear: Vancouver sucks. That's right I said it. Vancouver sucks. On the face of things it's a beautiful world class city. Really. The place LOOKS great. No doubt about that. Mountains. Ocean. Lots of 'green' (believe me they LOOOVVVEEE being seen as 'green'!). Lots of beautiful, health-conscious, latte-clutching people running around. A lot of obvious 'Hollywood North'-style wealth being flaunted everywhere you look. Look deeper through that thin Yuppie veneer though and you'll see the following pretty quickly: Squalor that matches and even eclipses the wealth. Until you've experienced the Downtown Eastside you don't know what skid row looks like. And I say that as someone who also knows T.O., Detroit, Chicago, and Atlanta.There's the drugs and gangs too. Some of the worst and most active violent gangs in the country operate out of Van. You've also never met as many casual and serious drug abusers as you will if you come out here for a year. Add to that incredibly high, almost 'impossible' cost-of-living standards, a corrupt, greedy Provincial government, and some of the higher taxes and unemployment rates we can boast and I for one often find myself wondering just what the damn is the appeal!?! I see fewer 'peacenik', eclectic, 'laid back', thinking types in Van than I do ruthless Yuppies, testosterone-fuelled jocks, angry 'career protesters', and smarmy, holier-than-thou young professional types. Underneath all of the crap about being a 'world class city' with a welcoming nature is a lot of pent-up rage, snobbery, and wealthy indifference mixed with a smouldering, growing underclass, a rampant drug/crime culture, and a very worried, shrinking middle class. Don't believe the hype. What you saw last night was a very troubled city shedding it's big nose, glasses, and Charlie Chaplin moustache to reveal what always lays simmering underneath.
  23. Congrats, it must feel good for your team to win the cup. Hopefully I can see that one day. I noticed you were not yapping too much during the playoffs, that shows you have better sense than Roberto Luongo. Lol.
  24. You know it is funny, if the government doubled taxes and took away the right of freedom of speech people would likely not take to the street. It really bothers me that this happened. What about all the people that took their kids to the game and had to fight their way out of downtown Vancouver? That must have really sucked.
  25. I like it. Lol
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