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Everything posted by Grimace

  1. Way to go!! That's the first King that I have heard of this year.
  2. He asked people to go fishing with him on the 12th of March for walleye in Caledonia where it is closed. He stated he wanted another shot at them before they closed on the 15th (which they don't, they closed at the end of Feb). He stated he did well the previous Sunday (there are 2 of them in between then and when the season closed). It is pretty evident that he fished Caledonia for Walleye after they closed. The pictures of the fish at the dam appear to the guys who live there to be taken after the end of Feb. The odd ramblings and double talk of the OP do not make any sense. Mike's argument makes sense and the OP has not responded in any way to that argument. It is not a wreckless smear and slander campaign, the posts raise questions to which no suitable answers have been given.
  3. Well there is that and the fact he was asking people to go with him before it closed on March 15th (which it doesn't, it closed at the end of Feb). He also stated he did well that Sunday. There were a couple of Sundays in between that post and open season. I don't think he is exactly grasping at straws. Since being painted into the corner the OP hasn't come out and said anything that would make sense out of those facts.
  4. Way to go Dave! I always enjoy your reports with Laker John. Nice browns!
  5. No. They have to be submerged in water to inflate. They won't go off if they are wet.
  6. Remember one thing, you are not wearing a PFD until it inflates. I have an auto. The false sense of security with the manuals is troubling. You think you are wearing a PFD all day but you are not. Bash your head on the gunwale on the way down and you will sink like a stone with your so called PFD around your neck. Unless you have a situation like Wayne you should get an auto. I am of two minds of these inflatables. One makes me worry about the false sense of security they bring and the other thinks they are great because people that would have never before worn a PFD are now wearing one (That'd be me :-)).
  7. I try. :-p
  8. Keep that in mind for the religious threads. :-)
  9. Looks like a blast. It's on my list.
  10. I know Wayne, you laid the joke out there, I just thought I would finish it off. :-)
  11. Some of the most venomous arguments on this planet have been over a good screw. :-)
  12. There is that couples resort in Whitney. I have never been there but a broad I know convinced her husband to take her and they had a great time. Just google couples resort Whitney. Should pop right up.
  13. That's because when they see you Roy, they see big money. :-p
  14. Kadri won't ride the bike or work out. He is reported to be quite lazy. That makes sense to me because I worked with two of his uncles and they were by far two of the laziest people I have ever come across. We use to joke that they were too lazy to shiver when it was cold out.
  15. Happy Bday to Jack. A couple more weeks and my son will be 3 as well. What a ride!
  16. The new Grimsby tackle guy is great. The other guy was pretty miserable, I use to stay away because of it.
  17. I guess it is too soon to build a bronze statue of Randy Carlyle in front of the ACC? Lol. Good game.
  18. No biggy, the boats already had cracks in them. Sorry, I couldn't help myself. They are going to have to keep accusing people of 'rough trailering'.
  19. :worthy: :clapping: I love it!!
  20. I like the St Croix Avids. Great rods. They are about 2 bills a shot
  21. Oh wow, the filter has figured out b.ass t.urd. How impressive. Wouldn't want to infect the masses.
  22. Carlyle is a big prick and makes Wilson look like your favourite uncle. I hope this works but when Carlyle croaks, grunts and insults the media in the post game pressers I will not be surprised. The one thing I will say about the smug bugger is this, his relationship with Burke is professional not personal like Wilson's. He will demand a goalie among other things and that can't be bad.
  23. Fire a jig off the water slide! :-)
  24. That's a wicked fish. I'm envious. Looks like a great trip.
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