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Everything posted by Grimace

  1. We seem to be discussing two different things. I am talking about the guy dumping trees on a public road going to a public lake. You are discussing something far different. You brought your situation into this conversation (which I did not address) to make a point. We have now established and agreed that there are differences between your situation and the situation in B.C. Your drive is private. You have not even remotely blocked off public access to the lake. So, with those loose knots tied up, do you think this man is within his right to block a public road going to a public lake because he owns the land around them? And if so, do you believe my neighbours and I should have the same right to dump tree stumps across the public road that goes between our properties? What I guess I am asking is this, now that you look at the big differences in the two situations, do you feel differently about the topic?
  2. Correct. But again, we are not talking about his land, we are talking about the public road and the public lake. If my neighbours and I got together and blocked off the public road going through our properties we would be a committing a crime. If I owned the properties on both sides of my road and decided the road was mine and blocked it off, would you consider that a reasonable action?
  3. The roads are public. He is dumping tree stumps on the public road to a public lake. He is wrong. He is breaking the law. Why the law is not being enforced is a fair question. The fact that his power and money are allowing him to break the law is something to be concerned about. The people here are suggesting that the man is well within his rights to do this are just plain wrong.
  4. The fact that he is an American is a non issue. I do not understand the point with them making a big deal out of it. I don't care if the guy is from Canada, USA, or Nepal, if he is blocking access then he should be dealt with.
  5. All this talk of a right of way does not matter in this instance. There are public roads going through the ranch. If you buy up a pile of property on either side of the road it doesn't give you the right to block the road with tree stumps. It is a public road and he is not within his right to block it. The lakes are public and he is not within his right to block them. The only reason he is getting away with this behaviour is probably because he has plenty of money and power.
  6. Awesome!! Is Heywood here? That was pretty good.
  7. We are getting shafted by the stores up here. The government upping the daily limit to 200 bucks will hopefully smarten our merchants up and force them to compete.
  8. Best intro ever! I can relate to your timeline very well. Fished a pile as a kid, partied my guts out as a young adult, and reconnected with the outdoors shortly after. Tightlines dude.
  9. I like the cut of your jib Crank.
  10. Yeah, cut health care and education. Health care and education are two of the most important things we have. They are the two things we have that are not born of the greed that you are complaining about. Corporate tax is at an all time low world wide and the corporations are agitated that it is still too high. Lol. Maybe we should get the corporate tax back to a reasonable rate before we cut health care and education.
  11. Walk the rivers, look for deep holes, cast lures into them. When you start catching fish do not go on the Internet and start broadcasting where you caught them.
  12. That was pretty funny Doc :-).
  13. I think they were Incredibally stupid to be out on the ice. This whole thing makes my blood boil but to make them pay for something that has been paid for 10 times over by some of the highest taxed people on the planet (us) is silly. It's not like they pulled a Peter MacKay who got the search and rescue team to pick him up on a fly in fishing trip because he wanted to bask in his cultural elitism. Let's make HIM pay first and then we can go after these other dummies.
  14. I often disagree with Bob but in my opinion he is 'bang on' here.
  15. Correct. That is why people who have a Dodge/Ford/GM/Toyota swear up and down that their's is the best, because it would break their heart to admit that they have been duped or did not make the best decision. Blind patriotism/faith works the same way.
  16. I am usually in agreement with you on many issues (this being one of them) but this statement of yours is asinine. You are suggesting that in the future, your fishing licensing fees will be used to pay for the paving and maintenance of Toronto roads? What is this thought based on? Your vitriol for Toronto is getting weirder by the day.
  17. Completely agree.
  18. You said it Bushart.
  19. Signed. It is total Bull what this guy has been soon since he got in. Navigable waters act, tailing ponds for mines in headwaters of chains of pristine lakes and rivers all across the country, and muzzling scientists just to name a few.
  20. Thanks. I will do that.
  21. NYS is great to deal with. I do it over the computer. It arrives a few weeks later. I think Ontario's system (once running smoothly) should turn out similar. I had a pain getting my Ontario outdoors card this year as my printer took a crap so I couldn't print out the temperary and they offered no email receipt and didn't ship until Feburary. Hopefully things will get better. Just growing pains I guess.
  22. Romero and Arencibia are pretty funny. It is certainly entertaining.
  23. It must have been absolutely heartbreaking watching your daughter lose strength while getting sick and it must be an equally fulfilling feeling watching her gain strength again. We use our smiles to conceal our feelings and it's funny because those smiles are often a dead giveaway. It must be nice to see that your daughter's nervous smiles that were meant to comfort everyone have been replaced with smiles that have a bit of grit in them knowing that nothing will hold her back. I imagine this is still a very frustrating process for her but at least she is on the way up. It certainly seems that the girl has the right attitude and a great support system around her.
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