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Everything posted by Grimace

  1. I totally get what your saying as well Roy. This whole subject has perked my ears up a bit that's all. I have been a happy member for years and have no interest in any crusade against the OFAH (as you undoubtedly have no interest in hosting such an event) I was just hoping for a bit more of a satisfying answer. Looks like I will have to get it the hard way.
  2. With all due respect Roy questions are not attacks. The question of what the actual numbers of the lottery are could be easily answered here. I didn't see anything wrong with Fisher asking for some clarification nor did I see anything wrong with people chiming in with their interest in hearing an answer. The non answer is raising questions. I plan on phoning the number and seeing what I get but I am not very optimistic because the OFAH seems evasive.
  3. I was hoping the OFAH would clarify. That statement doesn't say much of anything. It just points everyone back to the annual report.
  4. Now that is a big ole catfish. http://www.outdoornews.com/April-2012/Alabamas-Blue-Catfish-State-Record-Shattered/
  5. Excellent. As an OFAH member I am eager to see Mr Robinson's response.
  6. Great catch! And no, it would be delicious. That sure is a nice perch man. Congrats.
  7. You gave them good solid advice without being a jerk. Perfect. They are just young, they will be fine. Maybe they will pay more attention to the regs now that you have made them think of it.
  8. It is good timing for you. The Sens will be toast by then so you can get on with your fishing year. B)
  9. Is that lard? Great for the taste, bad for the heart.
  10. Those are monsters. Way to go. My dad and his neighbour did very well the other night on the north side. Great catch
  11. Great Brown. That is insane. Congrats!
  12. This year is actually a La Nina (El Nino's counterpart) year. La Nina is an upwelling of cold water to the surface in the Eastern and Central Pacific Ocean. It usually makes for a very cold winter in Alaska and the Praries but for warmer than usual weather in our neck of the woods. http://www.ec.gc.ca/adsc-cmda/default.asp?lang=en&n=98231106-1 http://www.ec.gc.ca/adsc-cmda/default.asp?lang=en&n=98231106-1#atmospheric
  13. Great point. You don't want that Lund pushing your Rav4 around when you are on the brakes in a hurry. Good luck with your choice and make sure you have some fun with the test drives. It is always fun to watch the salesman squirm a bit. :-)
  14. Your hearts a mess. You wont admit to it. It makes no sense, but I am desperate to connect. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpN1j8R5lZ8&feature=relmfu
  15. You can addicted to a certain kind of sadness... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UVNT4wvIGY
  16. That is awesome.
  17. That is a thing of beauty. There are some real tanks in there.
  18. Great looking country. Nice brook trout as well.
  19. That is unbelievably awesome.
  20. Right on, a Chinook from a kayak sounds like a bunch of fun. It was beautiful out there today. Fish were very shallow. I really like your set up.
  21. No that is not clear but I have no other questions. You are fine with it as long as it doesn't effect you and no one else should be upset with it either, I assume that is why you are scolding people in this thread. Got it. Under that train of thought I very briefly wondered why you would even join this thread. When it does effect you, you are miffed but lack the ambition to fight for it depending on the quality of the water. Got it. I do not require any more input from you, thanks for offering. Edit:typo
  22. Congrats on a massive fish. I bet you couldn't fit that thing into a sleeping bag. Beast!
  23. Indeed. Good points. I am interested to see where this goes. There is not enough information in this article. The more I think of it the more questions I have, from how it is managed to the legalities of the sale in the first place.
  24. I love your reasoning. I may need some of your creative thinking this summer when I try to justify the new truck I am going to buy to my wife. Your input could be very useful. The only thing I can think of right now (in a whiny voice) "but I want it, it is so shiny and nice" On the original subject, It is not going to stop me this year as I have been way to busy with work and a little boy. Work is busy again this year so whenever I get a chance to get out I will no matter how much the bloody gas is.
  25. You have not stated if the access "Guy" is blocking is his own or public. I am assuming public if you are bringing it up. If so revert to your first post. If it is in fact private, revert back to your first post. Once you figure out where you stand get back to us....
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