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Everything posted by Grimace

  1. This is a very important subject that has raised very serious and intelligent discussion right across this country. This is not a left or right issue. There are many people on both sides of the political spectrum that are enraged by this. Don't cheapen this discussion with the left/right Bull. Science should never be stifled or silenced. When the findings of scientific study are silenced and covered up it is usually because somebody's got something to hide. History always frowns on this type of thing. You can only silence science for so long before the truth comes out.
  2. Twitter is good for sports. I find I have to get rid of most of the professional fishing crowd as all they do is shill incessantly. I have kept the good ones like Shirley and a few others.
  3. Science and reason do not get along with Mr Harper in any way, shape or form.
  4. Fishmaster's has a launch in Dunnville.
  5. I rarely ever missed John Kerr's articles in the Sun either. I was disappointed when they ended and was pleased to hear that he resurfaced in OOD. So happy retirement to Mr Kerr.
  6. I have always been a huge fan of Mr Smedley's travel pieces.
  7. Way to go! You must be stoked. Those Alaskan's are really nice rigs.
  8. Not that I have anything against OFAH's overall political agenda but I would think that working environment would have its challenges.
  9. I wouldn't want that job. I would fear that there would be constant meddling by the OFAH. They have clearly turned the magazine from not just an outdoors magazine but a medium to push their political agenda.
  10. That's fantastic. I love that first picture. Classic!
  11. Great report. I really enjoyed that, thanks.
  12. Remember, you're allowed 5 on the lake. :-). Again, congrats.
  13. Great boat and a great Brown. Does it get any better?
  14. I am way out of my league here but I have a couple of questions for the (many) people that know way more than I. I attended the Lake Ontario Trout and Salmon Symposium last April in Port Credit. I was very impressed with the event. Of the talks given that day, the one that stuck in my mind the most was Dr. Tom Stewart's presentation on Lake Ontario's offshore food web called 'It's a Jungle Out There'. Here is the link to Symposium, this is the page with the seminars on it. Attached in that page are the PDF's with each one's content. http://lakeontariofishingforum.com/speakers.html This is the PDF for 'It's a Jungle Out There'. http://lakeontariofishingforum.com/2-Foodweb_Update.pdf My question's. If we keep overstocking fish, will they not eat too much of the food and induce a bait fish crash? And if the large amount of Fleas are eating all of the plankton and the Alewife have nothing to eat, won't stocking of trout and salmon then be kind of pointless? I am not trying to be facetious in any way here, I am genuinely asking these questions. The answers might seem obvious to the people 'in the know', but for a weekend warrior like myself who only reads the odd piece and attends the odd seminar they might seem a bit more elusive. Thanks for any replies that I might get. I probably should have started a new thread but seeing as this thread has taken this turn I figured I would just go with it. My apologies to the OP if this is looked upon as a highjack.
  15. Happy Birthday you old snagger!
  16. LaSalle has an awesome launch. It is near fighting island. That puts you close to some really good drifts.
  17. I don't know where you have been. Lol. It couldn't of been here. :-p Edit: Typo
  18. Way to go! Now there is a pain the neck you can scratch off the list. Great news.
  19. Nice!! 30 KM East wind Saturday is going to ruin my weekend plan. I hope the forecast changes. Nice fish!
  20. We have been building gas powered power plants like nobody's business the last few years. I know because I worked on a few of them. Off the top of my head there is Goreway (Brampton), Portland's Energy Centre (Unwin Avenue, Toronto), That one off the 401 at Milton (10 bloody minutes from my house and didn't get to work on it. :-)). Doesn't matter anyways, while our hydro bills go through the roof we are paying the states to take our excess hydro. Bwahahahaha. Wait a minute, that's not funny at all.
  21. CT doesn't have a refinery. The little guys buy off the big guys so either way the big fella's win.
  22. They all do it. The Gov't just busts the small players to give the appearance of giving a crap and let the big boys go about their criminal behaviour so long as they fill their pockets in return.
  23. I have heard that G3 uses Lund's old hull design. Mr Ritchie, could you confirm this or dispel the myth? I have no idea, it is just something I have heard.
  24. Keep looking. I found this one within 30 seconds on the net. It is 5 years newer, never been driven and is only 2 grand more expensive. If you take your time you can find the right boat at the right price. http://www.boatdealers.ca/newboats/fishingboats/aluminumfishingboats/lund/1800alaskanss/147898/lund-1800alaskanss-new-boat-for-sale.aspx
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