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Everything posted by Grimace

  1. What a beauty!
  2. Online offers the best way to pick your seats. It shows you the stadium's seating chart and which tickets are still free. Click on your desired seats and buy them. It is really simple, just pick them up at the stadium and you're in! http://toronto.bluejays.mlb.com/ticketing/index.jsp?c_id=tor Good luck and enjoy the game!
  3. A great bunch of fish! Did WSB get any good bird pictures?
  4. Hamilton is the car theft capital of Ontario. I have a buddy that lives in Brampton and his vehicle was constantly getting broken into. Now he just leaves the doors unlocked and nothing of value in it. About 2 or 3 times a month he notices that his glove box has been rummaged through or the interior light is on. He just shrugs his shoulders and goes to work. I could never live like that. It is a sad state of affairs.
  5. Great haul! There are some nice fat ones in there as well.
  6. Nice job. A great way to fish as well. I troll most of the time but like you I enjoy rigging much more. Great haul!
  7. WOOO
  8. Way to go! I have always wanted to take in the 444. Looks like a great tournament.
  9. I could not possibly say it better than that. It must be hard to be away from your son. Those pictures are very touching knowing that the time spent together was long overdue. Keep at it. You're awesome.
  10. You would think wrong.
  11. You could type in WFN as in the television station no problem. I am assuming that is what you mean. O.F..N is what this site use to be called before they changed it to OFC. For some strange reason I will always see myself as an O.F.Ner. It defaults O.F..N to OFC because there must be this terrible fear that we would see ourselves as a network instead of a community. lol. I guess it is like Vince McMahon with WWF and WWE. LOL.
  12. Absolutely correct. JVR hasn't reached his potential yet, has underachieved as of late and has been injury plagued but we can all salivate over his performance in last years playoffs. He was also rushed along. That is the 'New NHL' as they like to call it. Instead of a middle class they have a bunch of high priced stars and a bunch of young kids that have no business being there. Hopefully both ships will be righted and both teams come out happy. As for Brian Burke vomiting out more hyperbole by saying that if he picked number 1 he would have picked Reilly. What a crap thing to say. All he has to do is pick and shut up. You do not have to 'up talk' your draft picks. Give your fan base a little credit. That boils my blood about Burke. I do however love the picks he made today. Reilly looks great, Finn was a steal at 35 as he was suppose to go 21 and he is a Storm player which I like. Ryan Rupert was an absolute steal at 15sumthin. I didnt see where the other Rupert kid went.
  13. Yup!! http://mapleleafshotstove.com/2012/06/23/leafs-trade-luke-schenn-for-james-van-riemsdyk/
  14. I have not heard that yet but if it is correct, WOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOO!
  15. I am very excited the Leafs got Finn at 35. I am a Guelph Storm fan so this is great. He was projected to go in the first rd at 21. Edit: Typo
  16. Those damned flower show people with all of their political clout in this country. Something has to be done! Enough is enough!!
  17. A very interesting read Gary. Thanks.
  18. It is also changing dates to be ahead of the Spring fishing and Boat Show. This is a clever move, as many people will only go to one and many of those will go to the first one. If they have already gone to the first show they will not be that bothered if they miss the second.
  19. At 2 or 3 yes! At 5 or 6 no. The kid won't need a shrink if it is constantly supervised at 2 or 3 years old. People over parenting kids are laughable. I prescribe to the George Carlin school of thought. But toddlers are different, you have to watch them constantly. You looking back on your childhood vaguely for evidence on what good parental supervision is for a toddler (which of course most people have no real memory of)is evidence enough for me the guess that you do not have kids. Otherwise you would look back on your adult memories of supervising them through the toddler stage.
  20. Do you have a kid Bill? If you do, then tell me the last time that your kid when it was two years old was out of your sight. Then tell me the last time that your kid was out of your sight long enough to leave your property, enter another persons property, and then fall into a pool and drown. That is a significant amount of time. Sorry but that is a far from being perfect. Like I said, My 3 year old has never left my sight while under my care. Never! Toddlers need constant supervision and by constant I mean that they need to be continuously watched and supervised every second. It is not like a 5 year old kid where you have established some trust. It is easy for people with out kids who have never had that responsibility to chuckle at parents like myself that always watch their kids. It is also very easy for people with older kids who looking back through the years forget just how challenging toddlers can be while looking at their teenagers. No, I am far from perfect, but my toddler will never leave my sight long enough to run onto a road, into a pond, or into a river or anything like that. You can go on about 'Why can't we just let kids be kids' and I agree, but toddlers aren't kids yet, they are toddlers and need more supervision, constant supervision.
  21. I do not let my 3 year old out of my sight. Ever!!
  22. I have a strange hypothesis. Musky and pike like to bask in warm water after they get a belly full of food to help them digest. If a Pike or Musky sucked back a big ole Sucker (like some of the eye witness accounts of fish in the Pike/Musky's mouths) and then went to shallow warm water to digest, maybe it would be possible that the predators swim bladder would be controlled but the dead Sucker's swim bladder being still intact would expand with the air as it comes into shallow water? That would make for too much air for the predator fish to deal with at the front of the body thus bringing his head out of the water until he can swallow the fish back into his belly. Once swallowed back into the centre of the body he could get that tail moving and those pectoral fins steering properly until the food would be digested enough to get rid of that extra air or move back to some deeper water. I have no idea, it was just a thought.
  23. Here is a thread from a couple years back. Some of the guys suggest digestion in the thread but it isn't clear cut. The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission website that Sinclair links suggest the same thing as Roy mentioned. http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=44521&st=0
  24. They are known to do that although I completely forget why. This came up on the board a few years back, someone will know for sure.
  25. This is fantastic. I really like picture number two. Thanks for sharing those pictures.
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