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Everything posted by Grimace

  1. I cover my kid's sand box the minute he is done playing in it. No cats! Lol.
  2. Brick sand is beautiful for sand boxes. Most construction sand is garbage for sandboxes as it turns very hard like concrete after a rain. Not brick sand though, brick sand is almost as nice as a Caribbean beach.
  3. One of the funnest things I found about shore fishing before I got my boat was touring around and scoping out potential spots. Pack a lunch, take a back pack with some lures, and explore. I never knew where the hell I would end up and that was the fun of it. Oh yeah, and when you find a beauty of a spot, don't share it with anyone! Not only on the Internet in an open forum but also not even the guys at work, or acquaintances. Honey holes are for real close buddies and they have to promise not to tell any of their workmates. :-). That's the code I use anyways.
  4. A great bunch of fish and photos. How did you catch that big I one?
  5. I always look forward to the TDunn quarterly. Great stuff!
  6. Beautiful machine!
  7. Great looking rig. Congrats, and enjoy!
  8. For the boats with the bigger gunwales get the track system. You drill some holes but then you can slide your rod holders wherever you want to. I have the Bert's system and love it.
  9. If I was fishing for walleye and I did not catch a walleye then I was skunked.
  10. He must have had some awful frightful moments in the Tiger Moth. He must have been exhilarated by the sound of the engine, the smell of the fuel, the vibration of the steel, the change in sounds the exact moment that the tires left the grass, and the wind rushing around his goggles. Combine that with the memories that it must have brought back to him and you have a very special day.
  11. I have a few workmates heading to the F1 race in Montreal. They are coming back loaded up with weed killer and hopefully they won't get pulled over and suspected for terrorists.
  12. Hopefully you can muster up the courage and perseverance to stick it out through this very difficult time. We all know how horrifying it can be to witness grackles eating freshly laid grass seed. :P :P Hang in there buddy.
  13. Glad to see you back. I always enjoyed your sense of humour on the board. Great report!
  14. That's the way it has always worked. 3 Champions plus the host. The host is always chosen as a competitive team. The proof of that is the fact that they just won the cup. No sense in complaining about the template in which the Memorial Cup has always been run now. I am sure when you heard the Cataractes had beaten the Sea Dogs you were pleased as you would rather London play Shawinagan than Saint John. I am sure you were not complaining of the tournament format then and were licking your chops at a championship game against a seemingly inferior team. Congrats to Shawinigan. They did it the hard way having to win 3 sudden death games in a row against teams that were deemed better than them. That is Championship material.
  15. Great game! Shawinigan wins in front of the home crowd. You just had to love it. I was rooting for the Knights in this one but you have to love the way the Cataractes won it the hard way! Nothing beats junior hockey.
  16. Awesome game! 1-1 in the third. London is looking great. The Watson/Rupert line looks great as usual.
  17. In by a nose. Lol.
  18. He also guides Salmon on Lake Ontario out of Port Hope (I believe). Probably just in transport from one to the other I would think.
  19. I have been informed that there is no more banner ads. So that isn't a possibility any more. Omit that part of my statement.
  20. I never said that you didn't use PM's. I also didn't say that you should be telling people what launch you are using in fact my position on that is, as I have repeatedly stated is just the opposite. I made a general statement about my OFC experience. You used that to draw me into a one on one melee with you which I am not going to waste any more time on. A general statement to the forum If I became a guide tomorrow (which I will never do) I would have too much respect for this forum to turn around and shamelessly promote myself on it. There are plenty of guides on this forum that act well within what I believe to be the boundaries of good taste. A young man on Lake Simcoe comes to mind, as he has been posting reports and helping people from day one, before he was a guide, and now that he is a guide he has altered his postings in a respectful way, even though if he didn't, I certainly think everyone would look the other way due to his great track record. A few years back, we had a group of guys guiding on a certain large body of water and when anybody asked a general question was asked that body of water one of them would chime in the thread and just to say "If you want to catch fish there we would love to take you out for a day of guided fishing PM me or contact me at this number". That was, in my mind, one of the most blatant and disrespectful uses of the forum in my recent memory. That is my position on people selling themselves on the forum. You want to advertise call TJ and buy a strip, I am sure the price is reasonable, you get to expand your client base and our forum benefits from the help. Everyone wins. Cheers.
  21. @Musky Mike. No I don't think that much of myself that I think I would be mobbed at a boat launch. That is a ridiculous, assinine, and knowingly false statement by you. I have been vocal about shills and people that use this site for monetary gain and we have crossed swords here a few times about how I view people promoting their guiding service and taking advantage of the site. You do not appreciate my view on the subject so you are using hyperbole to try to discredit me. My commentary was made without you in mind but now that you bring it up I don't believe telling OFNers that you caught 1000 walleye in a season helps anyone catch any fish unless of course they purchase your services as a result of that statement. Making alot of reports and throwing up pictures all the time with little mention of what techniques were used is considered by many to be an excellent contribution but to me teaching and sharing knowledge of certain situations is more valuable. Even if there is no pictures. My idea of what makes a good contributer on this site is different than many others I guess but no less valid. Promotional staff really get under my skin. My defense against what I consider to be people taking advantage is done out of respect for this site. In response to your knowingly false assertion that I think so highly of myself that I would be mobbed at boat launches: On the contrary, I am the complete opposite, that is the heart of my point. I just don't want to be recognized anywhere. There is HUGE amount of traffic here, HUGE. My comment was related to the amount if traffic this site gets not to any perceived sense of self greatness. I recognize OFNers at plenty of boat launches and I just don't want to be launching at Port Credit lets say and have half a dozen people know who I am because they lurk on this website. It would have zero to do with being a good or bad fisherman. It has to do with unwanted exposure on a website with massive amounts of traffic. My experience here is also greatly enhanced by the PM function. I share my tips for free. I think this is a great forum for many reasons. Lots of great info is shared. I like sharing and recieving tactics for several different species on several different bodies of water so long as it is not too specific to a fishing spot in particular. This is the essence of a good fishing forum. Sharing tactics is a more healthy way to promote fishing on the Internet than sharing spots. I just don't find it necessary plaster my face all over a fishing report. Like I said, I don't need any, however small, notoriety from it and I have no interest in gaining monetarily from it. Anyways, I love this site, maybe for different reasons than many others but I love it all the same. I have gained valuable information here from members and shared it alike and that is what I believe to be the spirit in which it was created. Cheers.
  22. Happy Birthday to Algonquin Park. 119 years. My parents filled my childhood with this park. Driving up and down the highway looking for Moose. A great spot to feed a Gray Jay right out your hand. Brook Trout, Lake Trout, Canoes, Tom Thompson, Eastern Wolves, hiking, backpacking, portaging, camp fires, and how can you not love putting those gross tablets in your water bottle. Thanks to Algonquin Park. The old girl is a beauty! What are some of your favourite Algonquin moments? Fishing or non fishing, it doesn't matter. Cheers.
  23. Being a Guelph Storm fan I am rooting for LA. Doughty and Brown are former Storm. Callahan and Girardi are out. I was not fond of New York's style anyways. I have a great deal of respect for Pete DeBoer it would be nice to see him raise the cup. Kovalchuk has turned into an all around player and is very impressive. Both teams are great stories and that makes for an interesting cup finals. I think it is absolutely laughable that they are not starting the series until Wednesday.
  24. Stop your blubbering. I can't believe you are complaining about people not spraying chemicals on weeds beside the lake for you. As for the alleged 'over-limit' guy, the regulations say that the crappie limit is 30 and sunfish 50. Did he have more than 80 fish? How many crappie and bluegill do you estimate to make up a bucket? http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/stdprodconsume/groups/lr/@mnr/@letsfish/documents/document/mnr_e001335.pdf As far as I can tell, you do not have any solid proof of any wrong doing. If you figure they are way over limit for sure call the MNR tip line. I am not even sure how to respond to the tall weed complaint. Relax, go fishing, somewhere else if you do not like that spot any more. There are tons of places to shore fish in your area. I agree 100 percent with your sentiment that no one needs two full buckets of fish to take home but if it is within the law then you can't really say anything.
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