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Everything posted by kennyman

  1. Nice year. That's some pretty chrome there Kemper.
  2. Some sweet fish. I sure wouldn't complain. Nice!
  3. Happy B-day Lew. May you have many more. You still have thousands of muskies to catch. Have a good one.
  4. WOW!! You have a talent sir. To bring others along with you (wish I really was there) . Thankyou very much. I am so looking forward to part two. Seriously, you should write a book.
  5. Okay, I have my fingers crossed. I'd love a day on the water with Canada's fishing funny man too (ya gotta love the laugh) ........... but the prize package would be nice too. Boy I'd love that boat .
  6. WOW. What a great link. Thankyou very much for that! That should keep me busy for a while.
  7. I'd say my favorite is Wendall,he could do it all ............ but Probert may be the toughest over the years I have watched. Now, Boogard may have the the best single punch. I wouldn't want to get hit by "the boogie man".
  8. Sweet! Nice Eye Rap's. Beautiful colour. I drive over that bridge every Wednesday LOL.
  9. Sweet, nice big mouth. It's been a couple years since I was at the berg. Maybe I'll have to try again.
  10. LOVED Teenage Head.My friends and I could and did sing the words to a pile of their songs (the more you drank, the louder you sang). Yes I'm a "Carpet Kisser". "In the morning, I'll get togther and I'll get up and leave this place. But for now, I'll drop down, to the carpet with my face." Loved their debut self titled album the best, Frantic City next. Saw them in high school. I'm dating myself here, but I think it was in 1980-81. They were no longer allowed to play at our school as Frankie was doing inappropriate, (but apparently enjoyed by my neighbor) (she was a good looking girl) things with the mic stand. That coupled with some foul language got them barred from our public school system altogether. Man, those were the good ole days LOL. I'm sad to here he passed, but apparently he lived life hard and payed for it. I'm also glad to hear they're being recognized for their body of work. Rock on Frankie.
  11. Seems you've found the perfect woman there Cliff. Nice going Carole! That is one massive beast !!!
  12. Man that muskie has beautiful colouration. Sounds like you had a blast. You're making me very jealous. Thanks for the post.
  13. I'd say if all else fails go back to minnows. Bass love'em.
  14. Nice fish. Sweet. You guys are awesome (again!!) !
  15. One of the members here (vanillagorilla) showed me pics of himsef using 7lb piranha as bait in the amazon. I can't remember the name of the fish hey were catching with them. He said he fought one for 45 minutes but couldn't even move it. He was a former musky guide on the Ottawa so he's used to big toothy critters (saw pics of some incredible muskies too), but nothing like that. Anyway I thought it was interesting. Anything that can eat a 7lb piranha has got to be seriously nasty.
  16. Last time I was there, there was a box where you can pay (honour system??) mounted on the sign of the reservoir (dam) side OR you can pay at the conservation area. Me and my buddy caught a couple nice three footer pike on topwater at Mountsberg. That's a blast. Garbage EVERYWHERE though.
  17. WOW! Awesome. I would have been happy with one of those babies! About the moon phases, Joe Bucher has a "Cranbait" book out that I'm reading and he swears by the moon phases and accoding to him he has logged every good fish he's caught.
  18. I have a similar tinny and just bought a Motor Guide 46lb from LeBaron for $165.94 and if you have a membership you get an extra 10% discount It ended being under $170 with tax. It has the 3 blade machete prop as well (better than the 2 for cutting through weeds) . I couldn't pass it up. I'm sure with that boat, a couple of guys and some gear that a 46lb'er should move you pretty good through the water.
  19. I just got back a few days from Charleston Lake Provincial Park where the black rat snake is there most famous resident. They have one they even show. According to the guides they are virtually harmless. One was following kids in the water at the beach. Basically came over, checked them out and was on his way. The kids followed etc., but there was no problem. Apperently the black rat snakes have a rattle as a defence mechanism to mimic the Massassuaga, but are a non venomous constrictor. There was one under the pop machine and all the kids would be checking it out everytime we went by. Didn't seem too dangerous to me and it was a good size. Actually my daughter said it was "cute". Mind you I wouldn't want to be squirrel in this guys tree. Anyway here's an article from Ontario Parks. Harmless - but becoming homeless Canada's largest snake lives only in two distinct regions of Ontario - the Carolinian Forest region, running across the north shore of Lake Erie in southwestern Ontario, and the Frontenac Axis region in southeastern Ontario. The black rat snakes in these areas are at the periphery of the species' range, with those in the Frontenac Axis being at the very northern edge. From their range in the eastern United States, they moved northward with the retreating glaciers. This means that for about 7,000 years they have made these areas of Ontario their home. Historical records indicate that prior to European settlement, black rat snakes lived throughout much of the Carolinian forest region. Over the past 200 years, the Carolinian forest cover has been reduced to patches, most of which measure less than three hectares. The black rat snake population in this area has been fragmented along with the forest. These snakes now live as a handful of small, isolated groups. The Frontenac Axis snakes are confined to an area of approximately 5,000 square kilometres. This area includes a small bit of New York State, into which the axis extends. The next nearest group of snakes is 120 kilometres to the south, near Syracuse, New York. Black rat snake populations in Ontario are isolated from each other and from other populations in the United States. Since they have no way of intermingling with the black rat snakes farther south, they are particularly vulnerable to the pressures of continued loss and alteration of habitat. Habitat loss and fragmentation have reduced their geographic distribution in Ontario by an estimated 75 percent. Most of the reduction has occurred in the Carolinian region, but there is also evidence of significant range contraction in the Frontenac Axis region. The increase in the number of roads through black rat snake habitat, and the ever-increasing traffic, spell bad news for black rat snakes. They don't reach sexual maturity until they are 9 or 10 years old. If individuals are to contribute to their population, they not only have to avoid natural predators for a decade, but must also avoid becoming roadkill and being killed or collected by humans. In 1998, the black rat snake was designated a "threatened" species in Canada. This designation means they are likely to become endangered in this country if the factors affecting their vulnerability are not reversed. If their 7,000-year legacy in Canada is to continue, we must dig down to the very old - and twisted - roots of the human/snake relationship. Let's not let them silently slip away The situation facing Ontario black rat snakes is strikingly similar to that facing wildlife worldwide. More and more species are being confined to fragmented remnants of their former range; habitat alteration is the leading problem facing all vertebrate groups. About one in four vertebrate species is limited to small and localized populations, is declining steeply in numbers, or is threatened with extinction. Most biologists believe that we are presently in the middle of one of the great mass extinctions of geologic history. But whereas all of the others were caused by natural phenomena, this one is unique in being brought about by one species: homo sapiens. The dubious distinction is ours. We still have time to avert the collapse of our living world. The only way to prevent the big picture of mass extinction is to treat each little picture - like black rat snakes in Canada - as vitally important. Live and let slither Sharing habitat with black rat snakes Some of us are permanent residents in black rat snake habitat; some of us are seasonal; and some of us may just pass through. Here is a list of things we can do to actively share habitat with black rat snakes. Consider supporting or volunteering for black rat snake projects at provincial or national parks, such as the "Adopt a Snake" programs run by the Friends of Murphys Point and Friends of Charleston Lake Provincial Parks. Reduce driving speed and increase observational skills during spring and fall when black rat snakes are most likely to be basking on roads. At other times of the year, black rat snakes may be crossing the road just to get to the other side. Be mindful! Leave dead or hollow trees on property for basking, shedding and egg-laying sites. They are also beneficial to other wildlife. Leave downed trees and woody debris with rotten cavities because of their importance as egg-laying sites. Start a compost pile for a potential egg-laying site. Don't turn it in July and August, or eggs may be crushed. Leave known hibernacula and the surrounding area undisturbed. Create small brush piles on property. These can serve as places where snakes can escape predators and find prey. Perhaps most importantly, let the snakes be! Recovery Initiatives In 1999, the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) assembled the Black Rat Snake Recovery Team. It consists of a dedicated group of experts from MNR, Ontario Parks, Parks Canada, and Environment Canada - as well as academic researchers from the United States and Canada, and non-government representatives. Their overall goal is to ensure that black rat snakes remain a healthy component of Canadian biodiversity. To this end, they have developed a recovery strategy and are implementing an action plan. They have set separate medium-term goals for the two population regions. For the Frontenac Axis, the aim is to retain current distribution and connectivity among populations, with no decrease in numbers. For the Carolinian region, they aim to achieve self-sustaining populations, with no further decrease in numbers. They also aim to restore connectivity, or gene flow, among the currently isolated populations. The recovery team will attempt to coordinate with existing landscape conservation initiatives such as the Algonquin to Adirondacks (A2A) project and Carolinian Canada's "Big Picture Project." Excerpted from the booklet, The Black Rat Snake, Live & Let Slither, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, 2001. Project supervisor: Chris Burns, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Written by Leslie Work Project co-ordination and graphic design: Gareth Lind, Lind Design Illustrations by Nick Craine Scientific editors: Gabriel Blouin-Demers and Shaun Thompson Photographs by Gabriel Blouin-Demers and courtesy of Charleston Lake Provincial Park and the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Thanks to Rob McAleer, Lithosphere Press Thanks to the Friends of Charleston Lake Provincial Park and the Lanark County Stewardship Council for their assistance in funding this project.
  20. Lots of panfish and some small and decent size pike there for sure. Me and my buddy caught a couple bigger ones on topwater there a year or two ago, which to me is the way to go at Mountsberg in the summer (like jediangler said the weeds will be up to the top by now.
  21. Thanks. So you stayed in a cottage?Did you get the "beachfront one" Was it nice? The prices are reasonable and the fishing looks great.
  22. Thanks for sharing. Looks like you guys had a great time. Some nice catches there. You even mentioned what lures (my "musky killer" hasn't caught anything yet ) How's the campground itself?
  23. The only one I can help you with is Arrowhaead. It's a great park to stay at. Really clean nice park. Fairly private sites. Nice trail,waterfall etc. Nice little canoe run as well. The fishing was okay, but nothing to write home about. A great family vacation park and being almost right in Huntsville was very convenient. Although it's far from remote, we enjoyed our stay for sure.
  24. Looks like you guys had a blast. What a great sport! Been around drag racing alot. My dad has drag raced since I was a kid and we've run a speedshop here since 1974. Alot of our friends and customers drag race as well. The fastest I've been is low 10's (Vega) and my dad has had a few cars that ran low to mid eights and one that ran mid seven second quarters. Here's a pic of my favorite car of his. He's got another race car in the garage now, but hasn't raced in a couple years (hopefully that'll change soon). Anyway, nice to see others enjoying it too.
  25. That is a real beauty. What a monster. That would be awesome!!!
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