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Everything posted by icedude

  1. x 2 Not everyones favourite thread i know. Jefferson Airplane-wonderful band live Chris--Jefferson Starship--not so much-lol Have a good week all Paul
  2. This is a cool thread..aren't they all ? Sweet Chrisopher k--Sure i'm envious dude-of course i am ! Only thing firmed up for us is Powell River Beautiful B.C.--maybe a trip though with Terry Huber and Crew in Ontario's Near-North We'll see how the domestic finances hold out-thank God my Ice Queen does not read this webpage--lol Cheers Paul.
  3. And Very well -deserved from my perspective here on Lake Simcoe Well done Wil ! Happy National Women's Day to the dudettes here @ OFC Community Have a terrific March Break for those participating Spring is in the air-ENJOY ! Cheers ID1
  4. Very Good News Big Cliff and Family Thank You for the update here Here's sending 'Good Vibes' to Sean today...and every day Paul. Take A Walk On the Wild Side Get Outdoors--Stay Active--Have FUN -Play Safe BELIEVE
  5. That is pretty much true where i come from anyways--Ripping You-is some weird sign of friendship--or should that read ....fiendship Well done on that FISH--Congratulations Dude ! Happy Ice Dances all around--now go get another one--lol Paul www.berkleemusic.com
  6. The incompareable Donald Fagen I. G. Y. 'What a Beautiful World'---is the name of this tune YOUTUBE it lol ID1
  7. LMAO here irish and capt bruce--Really funny sheeeet--rapier wit dudes Terrific Topic here All: Tuna Imports into Canada---Canned Product Only--Safety--Is that the Topic? Here's the skinny as i understand it--please do NOT quote me -just what i heard is all A friend--of a friend--well more of an acquaintance if the truth be told---was speaking with the dog of the contracted Federal Express driver in Moose Factory of all places--Who woulda Thunk ? GBFisher was consulted, as one would expect, and the dang thang turns out that they think the tuna here sea-to-sea-to sea in Canada---is FIT for a DOG Have a pleasant Sunday afternoon all ID1
  8. Well... Peter....have all the FUN you are legally allowed--and then some... Bronte Never seen that outfit LIVE personally---but i admire their musicianship Sure as 'Heck' will be better than that Bon Jovi thang last night---Entertainers Dude--not musicians JMO Sheesh--relax peeps Smile will yah ! Thanks Paul
  9. Hi J and Paul, What is this word 'try' ?............have that winning victory last year under your ice fishing belt belt so your competitive spirit is waning ? You know --just kidding here Joey 'TRY' harder maybe-the French Family Event is always...a Blast as you know Cheers Paul www.berkleemusic.com
  10. Further North is always ..a good plan Have a Blast Monday if you go with the Ice Kids Paul www.perchinforms.com
  11. Love it bucktail Easy here big fella That's MY spot partner----ssssshhhhhhhhhhh Thanks for making me laugh this morning You owe me a new computer keyboard btw --coffee all over the place dude Take Care Funny Stuff man Paul
  12. woodro and ice kidz crew-Keswick Inquiry maybe Rick Arsenault--google him not sure if Rick is in your price range though Busy times Family Day Weekend Monday as i'm sure you can appreciate Only operator i would endorse in that Keswick area personally Have a Blast--Stay Safe Paul 'Take A Kid Fishing'
  13. Thanks OFC Admin Team for the linkage here Nice speaking with you workwear Look forward to meeting you both..........in the very near future On topic........have a look at: K-9 Storm Web Site---Privately held company--very cool site Cheers Paul and Tasha
  14. SURE WORK WEAR NICE POOCH ! the boss and MOD SQUAD-- here..... may provide you with my contact info NO PM feature here Paul
  15. Nice Rick ! Sure as...............' HECK' ! We will hook up with your LAD OUT THERE Paul www.perchinforms.com
  16. Good to know ! Double Decker Sir on the Burg Cheers Mate Paul and Crew
  17. x 2 Paul www.perchinforms.com
  18. Funny Stuff ! Might be an idea worth exploring...for you You have a reasonable time horizon here Can't Catch Fish on the internet KF Renew a licence--perhaps Good Luck with it all Buck ID1
  19. Nice Thoughtfull report pidge on Port Blister ( one more word about my-- speiling-- and.................. HA ! Good to see those posters up in the ICE Shanty as well ID1
  20. LOL MS I see: Someone had their afternoon nap today and is @ the top of there game Hope to see your charasmatic self at the French Family Event in Innisfil You're a classic dude --and i mean that in the nicest way possible..lol Take Care Paul and Crew 'Take A Kid Fishing'
  21. Point well made..... and understood Me too on a personal level- The Tree Hugger demographic Here's the thing of it: Walter Oster and Crew are not afraid of feedback as i understand it ? Have nothing to sell--no agenda for this dude-zero political aspirations The Good-The Bad and The Ugly-go for it Thing of it is: You realize i hope--given this challanging economy--that The Toronto Sportmen's Shows are Philanthropic-Driven Due your due dillegence Goes back into stuff like 'Take A Kid Fishing'--Salmon Habitat--etc. Let it fly More feedback the better maybe ? Don't feel handcuffed Food for Thought Paul oops--sea a lock comming here
  22. Good on Yah TJ Congratulations man-looks like a winner Where do you find the time ? OFC'r discount appreciated Good Luck Paul Luck is the residue of design
  23. LOL hear ya--don't like your chances Billy Cobham- Tune is entitled-'Stratus' to answer your musical question Happy Super Bowl All Watch your pedal !-been on the road for 9 hours Coppers are doing there thang--and well covered Hey--this thread was initiated by our most favourite Copper here as i recall? Play Safe Have FUN ! Paul. p.s. Hi Rick ON !
  24. Dang Dude Yah--you and Greg Klatt--fellow OFNER Well Done man Sucks to be you-lol Have FUN Hope to see you @ the Fishing for Tyler gig Terry Play Safe Paul www.lake-simcoe.ca
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