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Everything posted by icedude

  1. Spincast hooked me onto this guy. Might be worth a listen to you young lads.LOL Way too funny MISFISH the humour around here is happily insane-for that Alone---worth a visit to be sure @ OFC Community For the Love of all you hold Sacred-throw that OUT! Do it NOW! Please hahahah to answer your question youtube it---Hey 19 Steely Dan tuneage it's not like i have enjoyed a stellar career in music-NOT------but PLEASE Tom Waits? funny place this Community Take Care All WOOF! Paul
  2. Good to learn Billy Bob---good post-thanks! REF: CFIA Fish Inspection Programme--Compliance Management Process--July15th had a few friends ,as recently as 2 weeks ago---no board members here thankfully--have 'Challanges' fishing our collective borders keep it simple --just sayin Cheers ID1
  3. Cute Pooch One Lucky Dog Have FUN Paul
  4. :thumbsup_anim:Yah baby! sign me up looks like a Blast! Thanks Paul
  5. What terrible news--never had the pleasure of meeting John in person but i sure enjoyed his subtle humor and informative posts---my thoughts are with his family and friends Paul
  6. Thanks Team 8 for the update John/Joseph and Crew will be there 5pm-2 dudes willing to get wet for the cause Thursday! Cheers ID1
  7. The prevailing thought is Silver Carp jump-as high as 6 feet-because of the vibration caused by boat propellers-who knows--maybe they just like to jump ID1
  8. Thanks for the PDF linkage.....Dr.John Dettmers,Senior Fishery Biologist, Great Lakes Fishery Commission said last week Asian Carp are not established in the Great Lakes--sad that live fish transport continues,despite regs and recent fines in Ontario--prevention sure is a better option than control There is some more good info on this topic @ CEARA-DFO Science www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/science. Cheers Paul
  9. New Fishing Spots? maybe check out the new April 2011 Ontario Government site Fish ON-Line-ontario.ca/fishing site if you want to explore some new Pike Spots Good Luck Tight Lines All Cheers ID1
  10. No---not that specific model but.. thanks for the back-handed compliment none-the-less-LOL mine came in RED and you could hang it on a wall
  11. Page 2 and counting---apparently-LOL May have shoes older than most of you here...but this evening---any Dang thing you like as long as it is LOUD seems appropriate OH Cambrian College!!! Campus Event Guitars Alive April 9th---7:30 for you North Of Bradford Peeps Have A FUN weekend Paul
  12. LOL Roy PM En Route TJ Tight Lines All Paul
  13. You folks shootin for a record here? 7K+? views? WOWSERS! OFC POWER OK-at this moment--listening to band 'Tower Of Power' and catching up on e-mail Tunage---"ONLY SO MUCH OIL IN THE GROUND" youtube BTW---good seating still available--Tuesday April 5--8pm SHARP Living Arts Center--Mississauga a shameless plug HA Cheers ALL Paul
  14. First i have heard of it being cancelled Flippin---could be wrong---wouldn't be the first time today GeorginaFishingSeries web page---looks like a GO? OP hope to sea yah there---NO Bananas---you're not that kind of man anyways--taking 'SLUG " with yah? Tight Lines All Cheers Paul and Crew
  15. You Sir are a wise man.Clearly- not a surprising response considering from whence it came The scientific resource's of --say an O.F.A.H. watch that Punctuation-lol in comparison to a Senses or Ecometrix Incorporated are aquatic worlds apart my friendly Politics is another thing altogether OOOPS Earth Hour-I'm LATE!--DANG!---Puter OFF---B-B-Q to start---and My Shop to lite up like a Christmas Tree lol ID1
  16. Very sad news indeed Big Cliff,my thoughts are with you and your lady--a thousand little things will trigger his memory---enjoy them You can never replace your best friend. I hope a new pup is in your near future Take Care Paul
  17. you really want to know? you're right Spiel very subjective stuff music--like Beer and Art-and knitting Youtube UZEB Alain Caron Paul Brochu lock Good Tunes to you All ID1
  18. you got my vote -hopefully this subject comes up for discussion@ the April 9th Lake Ontario Trout and Salmon Symposium in Port Credit Cheers Paul
  19. Great Stuff Dave--Congrats!-well deserved dude!
  20. Thank You G for this most important police public service announcement You are an asset not only to our male OFC Community here but to men everywhere That"vaugue feeling that something occured" is worriesome This being Mental Health Week--we have seen a spike in the number of Date-Rape-Beer incidents here in the GTA that is quite frankly--disturbing In the extreme cases-eg "Marriage" the consequences can be devastating If i may add--Snooker Rooms,Recording Studios and Bass Pro Shops may also harbour these predatory females Once again "Thank You" for advising our male membership here of this potential danger Paul
  21. Napolean has my vote personally--bought , Invested, rather in a Ultra Chef Series last Spring--1200 bucks--OUCH! 4 burner jobby with the Infrared Sizzle Zone--Love it--it is a joy to cook with--Customer Service Excellent--blew one of those ceramic plates in the Sizzle Zone unit--my fault--did not read the destuctions--called the Barie 1 800 Customer Care phone number-- Napolean replaced the entire modular unit it 2 days!!! out of Barrie--only charged me like 8 bucks for the freight Tuff to beat Happy B-B-Q Paul p.s.--thanks for the free MNR consulting last week
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