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Everything posted by icedude

  1. that makes at least 3 of us HH sure--they're reading this--so i am led to BELIEVE! great thread! thanks OFC'ers Paul
  2. Sorry for the double post--"beleaguered forest industry" agreed--was fortunate to attend the Ontario Forestry Association's 61st Annual Conference in Nottawasaga recently there is a publication--Ontario's Old-Forest Forests-A Guidebook Complete with History,Ecology and Maps by Michael Henry and Peter Quinby-Fitzhenry and Whitside--ISBN 978-1-55041-580-3 good read if you are passionate about the topic--highly recemmended Bear Hut--YES Cheers ID1
  3. Promise? aint midnite yet--whos dog is that in your vid Dave? yours? nice lookin pooch dude--ICEDOGS--there's a concept for a show-one of my dogs is truly an icedog- know only too well, unfortunately, what the loss of canine family can do to a man-you have my sympathies lads Tight Lines All Cheers Paul
  4. Looking Counts!--so say you Drifter--Dang near got myself a date with "Kandy Kiss" clicking on a Banner Ad on that trophy web page done part deux looks like you are in the pocket here Good Luck Yours in Conservation, Paul
  5. man i love this place--Randy from Sturgeon!--did you ask TJ if you could use that shot without my written permission? yah--didn't think so--lol good stuff guys Drifter_016--got the vote in--had to register Dave--that sucks- Be Kind to the Bears-Bear Wise--local COPS--911-- or--1-866-514-BEAR Don't Feed the Bears Randy from Sturgeon TTY 705-945-7641 bears.mnr.gov.on.ca Have a humouros evening gentlemen ID1
  6. on the to do list tonite Yellowknife AWESOME video--good tune!--glad to see you have identified your potential winnings maturely Every Success Here! ID1 'Luck Is The Residue of Design'
  7. Good Shootin GBF and Crew--kool pics-something terribily wrong with my fishing life lately-Nature Out of Balance-you are with Shank on Salmon--we have been catching Common CARP--No Cross Bows involved--Yet! lol Yah--Photoz got me started the bugger--no Bells and Whistles on my gear sadly Paul
  8. that seems to be a prevailing thought Terry-makes sense-- YES--time will tell- support it personally-too many incidents of misidentification last year be interesting to see what the reduction of Lake Trout Stocking has 2 years out Tight Lines All Paul--Lake Simcoe--The Other Great Lake
  9. LOL-you folks can have his boat--I want his Toyota good seeing you today Dave--in all 3 dimensions--barreling down the 407 East--Keep up the good work Dave and Staff Cheers Paul www.lake-simcoe.ca Take A Kid Fishing Ontario
  10. Betcha Right Fang..never seen a Bear wear 'Blaze Orange" before Good on them i say--must have been pretty easy to track it--smelled like grease and was humming a Tuba-Like monotonous tune Too Funny TJ LOL ID1
  11. Well Done Lads! Congrats Terry and Crew NICE Chunky WF on the right there! Cheers Paul BELIEVE
  12. no--there may be 2 of us lol Weird hardly captures it accurately Laz The Drama--what the hell? sorry our Community disapointed you Get over your self dude--you have a demonstrated Ego the Size of Manhattan Seriously-- wish you every success on your Journey but really -am taking my ball and going home--Grow UP! GOOD BYE ID1
  13. I wish the guy luck Bump! it is not 5 years to pitch to the Dragons Den CBC folks on air if they like what you have for reality TV entertainment puposes, they fast track you-of this i know ID1 www.TheZingy.com sorry Mods--just a shameless plug--lol Thanks
  14. Nice unit Drifter-good value--for my purposes.... UPS Import Charges--$38.70 a Valentines Day present-the lady is going to love it Thanks again dude Cheers ID1
  15. Thanks for the heads Up here Drifter UPS Ground--Trackable/Traceable 69.99 all in i paid--shipment is not flagged for Customs Clearance [email protected] price compareable here at 200 bucks They really should Harmonize USA/Canadian PFD devices in this man opinion let you all know how it works out--plan on being wet in the next couple of weeks LOL Tight Lines Paul
  16. Congratulations on your Pond! Fish with a guy at Aquascape Inc. from time-to-time highly recommended if you get the POND Disease and start building bigger--not that there is anything wrong with that the current Gold Standard in reference material is Earth Ponds,by Tim Matson,Second Edition,1982,Countryman's Publishing,Woodstock, Vermont ISBN_ 0-88150--155-7 Enjoy your new found hobby Cheers Paul
  17. --Yes Well Said! great thread--this is something though to be concerned about and am glad our Community is discussing it--one fish-for now-- the current aquatic DNA evidence may be another thing though right? Live BigHead Carp sold in the GTA and Surrounding Area is pretty disturbing too if they enter the Great Lakes The Lakes are their own Stewards-Nature always seems to work these things out personally i have faith that Fisheries and Oceans Canada still have one of the most technically advanced,monitoring,control and surveillance programmes on the planet just my 2 cents ID1 BELIEVE
  18. Terrific Report Meegs--nice pics--love the colour of that water-the turtle watchin is cool eh? felt like i was there man..thanks for the vacarious adventure--had my adrenalin pumpin LOL--going to be tuff for you to come back to Lake Simcoe Ice Guiding--a memory makin Fishin Trip for sure Meegs lucky dog--now get back to work--LOL Thanks ID1
  19. Sorry to have missed you yesterday afternoon Henry--good news is your associates told me you were busy with a client doing a deal trust everything went your way! next time Cheers Paul
  20. great to see a fellow Zappa Fan Here-Susie Cream Cheese...Classic brilliant musician am probably from a differentm musical genre as well--may have shoes/fishing gear older than some of you--LOL for dedicated CD Highway tunes play K C Roberts and the LIVE Revolution Parkdale FUNK 1 sure you can google search it friend is the bass player oh--David Clayton Thomas and the Toronto Symphony Orchestra Massey Hall Feb 12 & 13th for those that may not know the dates sorry for the SPAM-no i'm not--LOL Tight Lines All Play ON Paul
  21. All in for 'The Cars" drivin tunes? Q107 Radio North from here play -"Black Velvet"--till i get to where i need to be and call my family works for me-LOL vehicle is tune-free half the time on the road
  22. thanks for the collective invite Henry--always good to meet a fellow OFNER as soon as we finish up with DUMA the Water Skiing/Boat Ridin Jack Russel pooch--will stop by and say Hello at your booth tommorow Paul "Take A Kid Ice Fishing"
  23. good luck with keeping that schedule Congratulations Laz and Lady--get a Barbie Spincaster in her little hands at the first opportunity now Cheers Paul
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