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Everything posted by icedude

  1. see a lock down commimg here LOL Yah--more Chins than the Markham Ontario phone book was the comment i received when i first saw this viral message As they say--it is what it is brotha Pesonally--maybe Chief Spence accomplished her mandate Hold our First Nations community in high regard and am fiercely proud to call some of them friends Clearly she had her name all over the Idle No More Movement Sketchy--and the Global Press had a field-day--including Worthington @ the Toronto Sun that peed-me off The 'Distraction" on the --where's the documentation on these tax-payer funded expenses--was strategic You have to answer for that--No suggestion of fraud--we require a paper trial--don't care if your significant-other is a mandated business manager Think our Chief Spence--gets it--come home Food for thought Paul. www.perchinforms.com
  2. The boy don't know how to smile, cept when he's in his cups Guess ya'll call him' LILUGLI' on the home front Just kiddin --Hope to see you again @ Fishing For Tyler this year Nice Yellow Perch BTW ! Cheers ID1
  3. http://www.cbc.ca/ne...s-research.html Appreciate the linkage here dude Cheers........ Oh--- and ...........Merry Christmas All Tight Lines for 2013 OFC Paul
  4. Nice ! More Inspiration to buy his new CD Never heard this tune before ! Yet another reason to visit OFC Community and this incredible thread Cheers All Paul
  5. You'd know--you're one of them ID1
  6. Also Beak was a good shop, and in Brampton. Agreed 'cram'--Beak held a lot of talent--most of which appears to reside @ EcoMetrix Incorporated--Mississauga ON Good luck with your search Rob ! Cheers Paul
  7. It most certainly does. Looks like you've been outfished by a girl again TJ x 2 Of Course it counts T.J. ! Suck it up buttercup LOL Paul www.fishergirl.com
  8. I'm pretty sure that unfortunately he will keep fishing anyway . I'm pretty sure you're right Last time i had a cursory look at the MNR enforcement/Stewardship financial commitment in Ontario --looked like something in the order of a 57 percent decrease in provincial funding since the Mike Harris era This character clearly "doesn't give a crap" Personally, would do a thorough examination of his income tax over the last seven years,vet his standing as a Canadian citizen and ask the folks closing the Kingston Pen to leave the doors open for an extra 6 months just an opinion Paul
  9. LMAO It Happens --Don't beat yourself over it P-l-e-a-s-e ! Am sure you can do a re-write ? Thanks for the Chuckle Stay Well TightLines Paul
  10. Would agree with Bill M-run with what you have maybe 'Ralph Bice'--named after an old logger i believe may offer a good access point for you-Good Trout West side access #3 i think Opeongo is a monstrous lake by Algonquin standards- 10 HSP limit the last time i was there---2011-there is a water taxi service available if the Portage Thing is limited for you colin 519 Tim Lake has good trout--may want to search engine that if that access point is workable for you In any event Good Luck on the Trout and be sure to report back here Have FUN Play Safe Paul CAW !
  11. A great song with a Fish-A-Thon'r on the drums Cool ! A Fish-A-Thon'r on the kit no less Mr. Bouck ! Even Cooler Dude ! to answer your question youtube Tuneage---Gino Vannelli 'A Pauper in Paradise' 3rd Movement Tight Lines All FISHON Paul
  12. Acknowledged--frustrating stuff--have an 'MNR Company' associate who often says--"Civility Costs Nothing--Why be ignorant" Education component here to be sure Saw a 'character' throw his kids diaper in the Lake Simcoe Water Shed last week---Thought new parents came equipped with diaper-disposal gear? As our very own MercMan says Respect the Resource -Yours to Explore--Ours to Protect TightLines All Nice Pooch Big and Ugli ! Well Done Dude Paul
  13. Sorry I missed your post there me brudder. I be doing a step.n to that song. Nice,real nice JT. Soggy Bottom Boys is 'good stuff'--liked the Movie as well RIB IT ! Happy Easter All OFC'rs Paul p.s.---listening to--Genesis---Youtube---'Conversation with two Stools' Cranked to Mach 12----makes the Easter House Work go faster somehow-lol
  14. Welcome Aboard Steve---one heck of an intro ! You'll love this place-we used to have an Anthem posted---maybe the Mod Sqaud and senior management can fire it up again? Lots of knowledgeable folks willing to share here---the humour is often " off the hook" "off the dock" funny ! Enjoy Paul " Take A Kid Fishing"
  15. hahahahha Yes, truly high calibre craftsmanship Chris-good on yah dude I think i got my name attached to something comming off that work bench in the very near future Paul
  16. X 4 have had the distinct pleasure of Being Aboard Ryan Hare's old boat-targeting Salmon and young Shane out of Oakville Lots of good Captains on LO Personally---We Pound-Em is my go to guy if we are not navigating our own boat Have a good weekend All Cheers Paul
  17. Funny Stuff ! Paul
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