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Everything posted by icedude

  1. Well said Dude....the temptation to jump all over a comment here was overwhelming With Best Wishes All for a Merry Christmas and a Healthy and Prosperous New Year OFC ROCKS !
  2. Way too funny...and you all thought our members Sinker..TJ and Crew, et.al. were batchin up " Maple Syrup" this Winter past ? Cheers to the Home Brew..EXPLOITS Good Thread Drifter Tight Lines All Paul
  3. Why am i not surprised ? ID1
  4. x3--worked best for us recently.Buffalo and area ..Have FUN..Travel Safe Dude
  5. x2 Appreciate the humour Paul
  6. Good to know.............Happy Thanksgiving OFC Have Fun..Gobble Gobble ID1
  7. Just reading this for the first time Bruce. Stay strong dude--it's a horrible dance, i know from experience Good vibes to you and your Lady --Every New Day ! Looks like you guys are receiving rock solid medical care here Keep the Faith Bruce Stay Positive. agree with fellow poster..............ask stacks of questions Cheers Paul
  8. Welcome Aboard ! Thrilled to learn you are not 'Expired' any longer Have FUN with the Perch--Good Luck on a WIN ID1
  9. Hello Misfish: Trust Barrie ON is treating you and yours exceedingly well these Spring-Like days Classic Tunes--Good Stuff ! Drummer Steve Gadd has been known to play with Mr. Taylor and Crew TightLines Dude Paul www.berkleemusic.com
  10. Bump WOW Worlds of Wonder........... Esquire Who would have Thunk ? Talent and 'what the heck is that instrument' ? collides with Hendrix knows No Musical Borders Thanks Paul
  11. Next Year Maybe? Appreciate your follow up here Ron Have a warm weekend All TightLines Paul
  12. Very Sad News indeed Am truly sorry for your loss here Dan..hang onto those memories Paul
  13. x 2 You certainly put your time in on-the-water Sir ! Well done Greggers Cheers Mate ID1
  14. Thanks for the local update Fisherman ID1
  15. Keen eye Fisherman--have learned to always expect this from you . Probably not appropriate but--what the Heck? Orillia Perch Festival April 20-May 11 Winternet or do we wear shorts? Just a question......... Sheesh !-Relax ! Paul
  16. Cool Pics...appears this event is well attended/managed.Kindly post here should you feel you require some hands up on the 13th Ron. Thanks www.ontario.ca/livingwithwildlife
  17. Good Stuff Ron No Promises--will pass this along ! Can usually find a couple of dudes willing to get wet..........for the cause TightLines Paul
  18. Our Plumber has it right---at least from my limited experience. Got pulled over in Virginia of all places--speeding--20 over--Three Years ago...Still feel the Coppers targeted my Ontario licence plates. 210 Bucks--Curb -Side U.S. Justice in Action God Bless America--lol Paul
  19. Absolutely--Find it cool to watch from that perspective as well. Thanks for the linkage here ! On-the-Ground is a neat experience as well as you probably know. The Live Sounds of ICE-Out in this region is an annual right of Spring Have FUN--Play Safe TightLines ID1
  20. Very Nice indeed ! Paul
  21. Yes Sir--you never fail to inspire 'Fisherman' Keep on Keepin on Partner and--favour if doable--my personal Best. to GBF Paul
  22. Hear Yah brantford....don't profess to have any meaningful answers here btw for the 'jump on the rabbit ' lurkers that visit this place @ OFC Kool thread though Let me share something with you Channel 13..comming back last week from shift--from my place of business---am on Hwy # 48---near # 18 the cut off to Sibbald's Point Provincial Park. Some guy --mid 40's on sliders--dumps his sleigh just under a guard rail--just before that mobile Fish-and Chips Shop on 48 Sled was ancient--he is NOT hurt-Sled is leaking fluids--some moron on scene is smoking a cigarette--NP--smoke bud--just not NOW ! Two cars on scene Stopped right?--Comes with my territory!-You would have too Left--he was fine--in my rear-mirror --two good dudes/duttes STOP--Ford 150--Chains out There are good people in this World Have a good week man ID1
  23. x2 Well done...you're a brave man. Paul
  24. Welcome Aboard Dude ! You'll fit in great here--They love pictures ID1
  25. Well Done Rick Where praytell is this "SPRING" you speak of ? Paul
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