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Everything posted by icedude

  1. be interested in knowing as well-Pompano Beach haven't been there in maybe 3 years or so..out-of-the-loop clearly-good spot for a family holiday was my take away experience Hear yah--can't take the bride on the salt water-- understood-you too--sea sickness-Ocean Trips can be pricey too Fisher Going to War with Fish isn't every ones idea of a holiday in Florida Research the Piers maybe--relax -just buy the local bait-toss a line-rent a rod and reel----crack a beverage of your choice-and hope for the best--multi species territory Have Fun- Play Safe and........... Kindly report back ID1
  2. icedude


    agree--just a wonderful shot--the detail photography is nowhere near my wheelhouse personally--but i admire those folks that practice your art Thanks for sharing RB Paul
  3. I believe this is Midhurst MNRF territory--appears there are no migratory salmonids there netminder that can reach the reservoir-there is a dam there without a functioning fishway as SirCranks points out. There are populations however of Brook ,Rainbow and Brown trout that lie in the fishing area and upstream in the Pine River There is no fish stocked currently ! Hope you catch something-let us know OK Cheers ID1
  4. what he said-works for me consistently Garcia--maybe some resident Carp Pros here will chime in--Photoz ?
  5. Unleash your inner loogan--have FUN-Cool Experience Happy Easter
  6. Absolutely beautiful shots man--Icy Gator-Kick for Freedom--if you ever produce posters-Kindly let me know-love to have a couple for our our office-Thanks !
  7. Hey Thanks for the pic Drifter Would love to see one in the wild--only rumors of sitings in these parts Enjoy your Spring Dude Cheers Paul
  8. Good Stuff Kevin Thanks ID1 www.perchinforms.com
  9. Makes sense
  10. x 2 LAO
  11. x2 Why am i not surprised Often imitated Never duplicated Good shootin ice Sweet picks too Paul
  12. Didn't get one..but i should have. Consider yourself special i guess Appreciate your post Paul www.perchinforms.com
  13. That's the Spirit Woodsman !--Good on Yah Got a good vibe i may see you here prior to Sunday 8:58 local time ID1
  14. -Right back at yah my friend--Was working a trade show--no time to hang A wonderful invite i plan on taking you up on--you're on my bucket list Art Cheers Paul www.perchinforms.com
  15. 200 for the cats--missed this one last year i believe to that Spiel and Crew-lol
  16. 10 years--was a 6 year precedent delivered recently- -- Muzzo will be out in 5--No "Affluenza" defense here one-for-one time served civil suit--possible if he hasn't legally buried his assets terrible decision to drink and drive-Always-that is a stretch of highway i drive often-- can see speed and distraction could lead to death pretty sure Muzzo understands the horror he has created--that family tree is rock solid-they have a sound moral business compass ----------------------------------------------------- ON a positive note DUDES--Don't forget your Valentines Peace ID1
  17. Nicely done ! Very cool video Good update Cheers Paul
  18. Well said Muddler !--Happy Thanksgiving to our American Cousins here ID1
  19. Looks vaguely familiar MTB2 Just to be on the Safe-Side Opinion Only ID burn it my friendly Dial up the YOUTUBE Pump the Speakers to 10 plus and select Trans-Siberian Orchestra muti cam Boston MA 2014 Merry Christmas--you're one lucky dude
  20. x2 Gorgeous Shot Dude
  21. Impressive Stuff by any standard..am absolutely exhausted after 3 hours of continual play Heart-Physicality-Musicality-determination and Passion collide on the kit-Thanks for the Post FS Bravo to All involved here ID1 p.s. What do you call a guitar player without a girlfriend? Homeless-Ha
  22. Top Shelf-thanks for the heads up woodenboater--It is Gooder - Dude-is that real word?--guess it is now-Ha Onward and Upwards
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