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Everything posted by icedude

  1. Your'e Classic Drifter--Thanks for your post here--haven't laughed this much since March 1st Take Care Dude "Take a Dog Fishing' Paul
  2. Raycaster lot of good questions--am sure some will chime in here with 10 feet of on-the-water experience Stay the cource bud Cheers Paul.
  3. That says it all gd28 Sweet shot Have a good summer All Paul
  4. Done! Cheers ID1
  5. Looks like it Art--happy to learn this special place on the net--doesn't change much FISH ON Paul
  6. Me as well-sure looks like Lake Okanogan-will we ever know?-jk Paul
  7. Funny Stuff--good to learn you haven't lost your edge Tight Lines Man Paul
  8. Pretty Much CP-trust in journalism--pick a media you like-- is at an all time low--lots of spin--short on facts is the new norm
  9. Dogs are huge part of my life as they are yours or you probably wouldn't be reading this thread Stop on Command for sure-Start There--a life saving message Thanks for initiating this thread Erich-you're an excellent dude Not everyone is built to live in harmony with a dog(s)-or has the time and commitment Dog Parks-Off Leash-am all for socializing your pooch--any Lugan--thank you for the correct spelling BB- can adopt/buy a canine these days--It is a big responsibility to teach your pooch Invest in a leash--no need for a dog to be killed by a car Peace
  10. Fascinating thread-not my wheelhouse but -one of the reasons i love this place--learn lots
  11. Am so very sorry to learn of your loss here Paul. Admired Joey's photography and told her as much. When i met her at a Fishing for Tyler event-Joey caught the winning fish that year as i recall- could see she was a very special lady My deepest condolences to your family's and friends Paul
  12. Thanks for posting--did not know that--topic is always -well--- a hot topic
  13. WOW-Worlds of Wonder--Stellar performance you two==glad to learn Steve you did not fall on your ass--investigating that Fresh Water Cod Your bud Seabass-Smells like an a aquarium--LMAO--Mr Fish Monger Zehrs--Can i clean that scale for yah--Class Act Enjoy a record -breaking success you two Paul www.perchinforms.com
  14. Hey Chris-- a whole week--just kidding -Scat is DNA--am with Shag here i think My best guess as a layman--There are cougars in Ontario--in addition to the Barfly variety-:-) Paul
  15. i bet you're right OI Paul www.perchinforms.com
  16. Yes-- definitely Bubbles-- 10 stars-- exceptional customer care and local waters knowledge---trust that young Hungarian Vizsla dog-was a gift from a customer i believe--- they had bouncing around a few years back became a ' ice dog' and fit into their family well Have a terrific hardwater season Paul
  17. Now that's Clever Stuff LR--Yes--did visit this sacred place a while back and got the distinct impression NO political fighting among members-Thanks for the Laugh Dude--Well done-If you ever get bored with Fishing--Maybe Stand Up Comedy is in your future Paul www.perchin4ms.com
  18. For sure-son tymes are special--Hear wonderful things about Rob Hyatt---booking a trip in that area mid Feb-let you know where we stayed and how me made out-we require a-- well-trained dog friendly-- environment never been an issue It's an Adventure for sure--have FUN Cliff and All--report back please Paul
  19. Dang Cagey 'Crossing Guards'-- A lot of factors involved--not gunnin for honest fisherfolks with a healthy sense of humour from Ontario-To be Sure MIchael-lol Paul
  20. Npt1--Thoughtful of you to remember this man-musician -entertainer--before my time but i know who he was--Dec 7th--Another musician more of my generation perhaps-R.I.P> Greg Lake-Dec 7th/2016 Emerson Lake and Palmer and IMHO The Best King Crimson vocalist ever-Peace
  21. Nice job man-trippy looking handle bud--forget the riff raff here-they're just jealous dark rum dark room-funny sheet BB Happy New Year All
  22. and --you dessert it Bruce--Peace-like many here perhaps-- have enjoyed your reports over these short years-sharing trials and tribulations and Carp Advise -we've met== Fishing for Tyler and........in a world of negativity you always manage to play a positive spin--Take the High Road--All the Best --Stay the Course and SMILE--hey to LIL Ugly Paul
  23. All good questions JD-haven't a clue--will check with some Top Shelf- dudes and dudettes in the New Year and share it with you Good Fishing to you Always ID1
  24. Good Stuff--thanks Chuck and All Paul
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