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Everything posted by ehg

  1. Have to make sure your first person there in morning or last to leave in evening. Make sure lights, powerful flashlight are good. Sunrise or sunset is so key. Have baitcasters, spinning combos tied and ready. Google Earth is your friend. Wish i had that 20 yrs. ago.
  2. Fished nuke plant from boat maybe 50 times The only time i could go usually was early morning or sunset weekends luckily. Usually 30- 40 browns, bows, white bass, walleye, etc...at first light or night. Tried midday and only managed a few snagged gizzard shad. Would love to try Live Target baitball lipless crank in morn. night, this peak weekend.
  3. The key thing is to time it so your there at Sunrise or Sunset. The fish disappear between 9 am to 5 pm.
  4. Not sure if you are still around but Friday, Saturday this weekend has winds straight from north or northwest. Best winds, peak time of year, even big rainbows start showing up with non-stop browns and white bass, Sunrise or sunset fish frenzy on lipless cranks etc...
  5. Dalrymple nicest and best fishing of "lesser" lakes you listed. Even found thread about 50 inch musky caught there. http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=74946
  6. A friend had place on north part of Dalrymple. Caught big crappie, big smallmouth and largemouth. Some walleye but tons of hammerhandle pike. Musky are hard to find. Good times still.
  7. http://www.cutleryandmore.com/victorinox-forschner-fibrox/flexible-straight-boning-knife-p12873 Have had this one for last 30 yrs. of home use daily. Relatively cheap, best quality. Victorinox at any culinary shop.
  8. There is a spot on west side of the bay, road is right along shoreline. People launch into the bay. Check Google Maps etc...do your homework. Unless you get light northerly winds it is dangerous and sketchy. Have fished Pickering nuke plant a lot in past. It is only worthwhile sunrise or sunset. The light sends them running. Anyways, here is a post i did 3-4 yrs. ago that outlines how to have success. Check the weather and be prepared to bolt when wind picks up. http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=67005&page=1
  9. It's a boardwalk over a marsh/ small creek. Maybe puny sunfish or small bullhead. Waste of time. Just the truth.
  10. Had a place on North Pigeon Lake for 30 yrs.and fished all the time. Noticed that before a cold front fishing was hot. Also noticed that lunar phases had much to do with the bite. Followed these Joe Bucher lunar tables and found them to be true. http://www.muskyhunter.com/moon-secrets/ 2-3 days before /after full moon during day. Full moon scared them of at night.
  11. The guy who wrote "Go fishing, Go to jail" is Phil Morlock who works for Shimano (80% bikes, 20% fishing). The guy lives in Arizona. Some how sending an email to this Peterborough room benefits Shimano. CSIA doesn't really exist except for e-mail listing. Bill C-246 exists to legislate against importation of shark fins. Cute how they put young girl fishing with Barbie rod and stating in future $10,000 fine for hooking worm. Unless you buy Shimano. Need a bike part soon.
  12. Sounds like some are walking river slitting fish for roe for profit. Most people have smartphones. Maybe need video evidence. and a hotline to proper authorities.
  13. Ya that is the point off the thread. Hopefully in the future the medicinal benefits will be recognized. Cannabis derived oils and tinctures have saved me from serious medical issues, Multiple Sclerosis and severe chronic post surgery back pain. Way better than opiates i am prescribed. Not going to act tough and fire my Dr. despite all this however.
  14. Liberal or Conservative? Doesn't matter to Kevin O'Leary.He will take run for Liberal leadership. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/kevin-o-leary-liberal-leadership-1.3467710
  15. Ya my condition is cerebral palsy like. Tinctures and oils are very helpful and saved the life of someone i know with cancer. Also wanted to point out that the main consumers of dope around here are well off professionals and retirees with fancy dogs at dog park.
  16. My yard backs right on to a dog park here in T.O. Always smell dope back there. Not young people but upper-middle class housewives and retirees gathering together in groups chatting about their fancy dogs and getting buzzed on weed. It stinks and is somewhat offensive to my 13 yr. old. Sometimes see her teachers back there with dogs puffing. Tinctures and digestible cannabis oils (not smoked) have saved lives of some people i know with cancer. Even effective for my post surgery back pain and ravages of my severe multiple sclerosis. Hopefully Shoppers Drug Mart and government can get it right. Smoking weed isn't beneficial but tinctures, oils if medically supervised are better than all these Oxy-opiates.
  17. Ya, you need to use meat hammer. lol Did my chef apprenticeship under German chef at Sheraton Hotel. Rouladen was my favourite. Pastry chef was Scottish. I gained 50 pounds during 3 yr. apprenticeship. HaHa
  18. If anyone clicked on link you provide, they will see the EXACT same lure as OP. So castmaster Europe style. Online purchasers were from Belarus and Russia.
  19. Great post! That's a day your family will never forget. Bet despite the soaker your 3 yr. old will talk fondly about this 20-30 yrs. from now. Still remember and talk to my father about family fishing Brome lake, Que. 45 yrs. ago when i was 3.
  20. Great live bass, drum, guitar trio performance 5 decades ago. The drummer is real good here.
  21. Hey Manitoubass2 as Shakespeare would say 'et tu brutus' or 'Much ado about nothing' i like NF posts. A page back you liked my grumpy old men allusion. lol The heart of this post has to do with 82 yr. old taking 2 buses and seabus in B.C while Harper was prime minster. Nothing much to do with Trudeau's 3 months or Ontario here. Like how i am being targeted. Fun stuff.
  22. This 82 yr.old having to take two buses and sea bus occurred in British Columbia while Stephen Harper was prime minister. Not sure what that has to do with Trudeau or Ontario fishing, but whatever....
  23. Just saw movie "Grumpy Old Men" This thread reminds me of that movie. Ya know, all about grumpy old men worried about Italians coming over to take over their ice fishing bait shop. Instead we are worried about Muslims going to Yellowknife, Kenora, etc Same kinda comedy happening here...
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