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Everything posted by ehg

  1. Ya, the guy was asking about water temp, nothing else. So far there have been 172 page views not "Lot's of lurkers". Probably mostly return visits... The amount of people fishing is dropping. Except for urban tribs not much to worry about. Lurkers is a myth... back in the early 80's i would count a 100 boats jigging walleye on Pigeon on a Sat. evening. Now with internet there might be a half dozen there on Sat. evening.
  2. Did that type of fishing in the area for last 25 yrs. or so. You have to be around the 8th concession to get brookies or resident browns. Smallest panther martins work best. These fish are easily spooked so stealth is needed. Access has become more limited in that time. Finding bridges or conservation areas is your best bet. Flicking spinners in little pools works best as there is no room to cast.
  3. If that is Lake St.Clair i am starting to think that is best musky fishery in the world. Many posts recently of numbers of fish of great size. Incredible fishes. Congrats.
  4. That is Rock Bass... they don't get much bigger than that. Since you're new to this it might be worthwhile to learn to identify fish properly. Learn your fish using charts like this etc... http://www.seagrant.wisc.edu/greatlakesfish/bigposter.html
  5. Thanks for putting this excellent report together. Just curious if those are Rice Lake or Balsam Lake musky? Not like they're going to be fished out. Anyways, good going.
  6. First reply... x2 lol x2 x2
  7. You should just get the watch sized one if your going to be going to Mountsberg or near Lake O shore or small river or whatever. In that case you just need depth anyways. Those units don't find fish. They mark water-logged sticks or weed clumps floating underneath and call them fish. Even if they were fish you need proper presentation and the right time to catch them. Would suck to spend lots of money and have unit fall out of inflatable into the drink.
  8. This is a great thread with lots of incredible stories. Seems like the close encounters with wolves are the scariest. Like manitoubass' story above. Have had close encounters with moose in Algonquin. About 20 yrs. ago at Booth Lake went out early in morning for bass. On way to canoe there was a female moose standing still about 20 feet away trying to hide behind tree. I am sure it thought it was hiding even though it was huge and quite visible. It didn't move and i just stood there and looked at it. Eventually i decided to just go fishing. Coolest thing i saw the other day in park here in downtown T.O. A robin was chasing a monarch butterfly. The butterfly would pause go straight up vertically the robin tried the same unsuccessfully. The butterfly dropped straight down the robin followed. Then it turned 180 degrees. etc.... The butterfly got away with its crazy flight pattern and ability. The robin just went back to pulling worms from ground i guess.
  9. You are apologizing for a report of a slowwww day of fishing up there on Lac Seul. That would be a great day down here in southern Ontario. Nice report.Thanks.
  10. Have been around here for 9 yrs. or so in a low key way i guess. Never did a formal introduction. During that time have met and fished with many folks here, especially the Toronto pike dudes 5-8 yrs. ago. Fished all my life. From Brome Lake southeast of Montreal as a 2-4 yr. old. To the eastern tribs around the 'Shwa where i moved as a youth. My favorite place was Pigeon Lake where my family had place for about 25 yrs. There i learned to love musky fishing. Unfortunately due to disability, have not done very much fishing last few years but still like checking in here. Wish more people would do reports. They were the heart of this site back in the day.
  11. The above link provided shows what a scientist discovered. It seems that a certain protein usually excreted through urine is released through the skin causing the blueish colouration. It is a regular walleye with this feature. Helps to do the little extra reading.
  12. That is a big musky! Those St. Clair muskies are quite unique with there spotty pattern. Great stuff. Thanks!
  13. Good job on the video. Found those maps kinda helpful when on new lakes. Balsam is a good lake. Pike are in there now on west side especially. It seemed tough for everyone that weekend so don't be too discouraged. Spinners and topwaters are productive starting last week of August into first few weeks of September. Try casting shorelines from boat. Seems to work for me. Keep at it.
  14. Incredible fishing trip there. Thanks for taking the time to put this report together. I really appreciated it.
  15. Beauty specks! That sure looks like excellent eats. Thanks for post.
  16. Jigging spoons are pretty good for walleye off the bottom in deeper water. Usually i would tip them with a minnow hooked through skull to remain on hook. Let them go to bottom(preferably rock) take up slack and give quick snap upwards about 5 ft. or more. Let spoon flutter to bottom again. Repeat. Many times fish will pick up lure as it falls so watch line to see if it stops falling. Sometimes the fish will press bottom of jaw on lure at bottom of lake. Therefore it is good to wait a few seconds before ripping up again. I guess that's why its called rip jigging. Have caught pike, bass and mudpuppies as well this way. Preferably you would do best with little wind and a fishful spot. Hope this helps.
  17. Always talked to other fishermen when on shore. If in a boat and others were close enough would talk with them as well. Found that other fishermen were really friendly and had no trouble discussing spots and techniques if they were successful. Didn't you have a post last week where you just found out you can't use 2 rods. No use being a hypocrite.
  18. Carp on fly fishing gear is impressive. Excellent report!
  19. Wow! You are so lucky to live up that way and have access to a private lake. Looks like bass heaven. Thanks for incredible report.
  20. Ya, apparently there are no snakeheads found in Ontario. It is too cold. Lots in the Potomac around Washington, D.C. however. Apparently they eat them where they originally exist.
  21. Bit off topic but... Saw a skunk in my backyard right here in downtown T.O. last night. Called my daughter over to check it out. The skunk was obviously scared of us and was looking for way out. There was a spot where the fence was about 21/2 inches off ground. The skunk flattened out and crawled through this space. Couldn't believe it did this. Musta just been enough room to get skull and rib cage through. Don't think the 50 lb. racoons see around here could do that.
  22. Seems to be lots of lakes named after birds not fish. Pigeon, Sparrow, Gull, Loon, Eagle, Hawk, Owl, Heron, Crane, Robin, Crow, Raven, Duck, Goose, Falcon, Dove, Nighthawk,etc...
  23. Having fished all my life, have seen a type of racism or whatever you want to call it directed at people of Asian descent. When going by a causeway; folks would be filling buckets with panfish or whatever they caught. Sometimes they weren't following rules for whatever reason. There would be racist assumptions that is the reality. The solution is... i dunno? Maybe better education for all around. Proper observation of rules for some. Proper channeling of resentment for some others.
  24. Nice fallfish. Have caught them while fishing for brookies north of Belleville in Cold Creek many years ago. They are obviously quite different than suckers. They hit small Panther Martins. Just curious if it was caught in the St. Lawrence or a small feeder creek?
  25. Good to see a better attitude towards this native species. Killing and wasting a native fish is wrong period. Only invasive species such as round gobies are to be dispatched. When a child my father would take me to mouth of eastern Lake O. tribs for bullheads, perch and sunfish. Once i caught a drum and was a totally thrilled 7 yr. old.
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