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Everything posted by ehg

  1. Awesome pictures and write up! Have been bit by water snakes and cut by musky teeth as well. Nice PB musky!
  2. Despite there being hundreds of different types of mushrooms (enjoyed just identifying them) my list of edibles i would keep was short. Honey mushrooms i would skip over for different reasons. I would highly recommend next summer chantrelles (especially black trumpets). Need to find deciduous hardwoods., Once you gain knowledge and experience finding buttons of fairly new king boletes or even meadow, horse mushrooms is good before the bugs get them. You seem to be cautious which you need. There are others even, found 'sweet tooth' a few times they were great.
  3. Get a chainsaw and cut off chunk of log where mushroom is fruiting, The mycelium is already there, it is the plug. Follow instructions used for 'shitake' log. Soak it, give light, keep at room temperature, etc.... Never did this myself, who knows? It could be like a 'chia pet'. lol
  4. Super well done! Lots of multitasking to produce this video to share here. Many thanks! Like your comment.about catching 80-70 15 inch walleye and still having 3 hours to still fish.
  5. Honey mushroom are most similar to 'shitake' mushrooms. Grow out of dead tree in fall, Almost never found bugs in them . Good for drying and storing for later use in soups, stirfrys, etc....
  6. Dude, i feel the same way as you. To me PC is worse than Liberal. Re-read my post.
  7. Political threads on fishing forum. Gotta love it! They don't get locked as long as it is bashing the Fiberals. With the PC's led by Hudak wanting to give everyone temporary minimum wage part time jobs. The conservative druggie Ford brothers etc,,,,,.....Maybe the NDP are the choice. Just graduated from college last time tNDP were in power and was offered a bunch of well paying unionized jobs. Mike Harris PC's came to power and i lost good job due to lack of seniority in the sick union busting crap.
  8. That looks firm, bug free. How was it?
  9. Maybe they were thinking of coming back after work and cleaning it up a little more.
  10. I guess whoever gets one of these beasts will bring it to good butcher and get tons of meat. My guess is it's good quality meat. The venison (tenderloin) would be a chunk. Does seem very studied and controlled.
  11. Yeah, a political thread. Maybe if the Tories like Ford brothers, Hudak it will be outdoorsy with more 'snow' and grass around....lol
  12. Hey, you are right. Someone told me it was elk a couple years ago. Should have checked Google first. lol Cool sighting!
  13. Most people see an elk profile daily. It is an elk on the quarter Really didn't pay attention, thought it was a moose or something.... but it is an elk on the quarter. Again, cool sighting!
  14. Really got into mushroom identification 15=20 yrs. ago. Found the best eating mushrooms were in order- !. By far Black Morels- they are around when fiddleheads are best. Best dinner ever was Morels, fiddleheads, with fresh caught crappie in spring. 2 Lobster mushroom- easily identified and surprisingly great-read up on them. 3 Chantrelles and Black trumpets. 4.King Boletes- have to find buttons or they get lots of bug/larvae 5. Blewits- Latest in season usually bug free. Keep up the interest- very interesting stuff. 'Shrooms are the Fifth kingdom. They are earths natural decomposers. lol
  15. What a great experience and pictures! One of the few out there. They estimate there are maybe 600- 950 elk in whole province. Too bad when people just want to kill them when there are so few. MNR page,,,http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/en/Business/FW/2ColumnSubPage/279012.html Amazing sight of a majestic wild animal.
  16. That is an impressive fish! Almost looks like you caught it from shore in someones backyard. lol
  17. After Justin Trudeau admitted to using marijuana there was a surge in his political popularity. Then all these political folks all started admitting to using. Premiere Wynne, PC Tim Hudak, etc.... Of course mayor Rob Ford bragged he smoked a lot lol Met someone 10 yrs. ago who tried small outdoor grow-op around Bancroft and got caught. It kinda wrecked his life was my impression. Interesting find in woods. A flowerpot of pot
  18. I would rather spend my time with a REAL sweet girl by a fireplace in winter. Maybe it's just me but icefising is kinda overrated. Stuck in one place, no casting, freezing, etc....
  19. English muffin or crumpets. Apple,strawberries, raspberries or whatever is best fruit in season. Fresh ground Starbucks french roast coffee. This stuff is always here.
  20. Yes, they are. Not the best eating mushroom but,good to make soup. Fry first Look for Blewits soon they are best.
  21. About 8 yrs. ago had to leave workplace and go on Ontario disability due to multiple sclerosis. The medications for this disease would cost U.S folks about 2500 dollars a month. I paid nothing. Broke my back about 4 yrs. ago (fishing related accident) lol. Had to wait about 3 weeks for surgeon to be available. Cost of this surgery and more medications is covered. Thankfully was able to keep vehicle, home, etc....and still get out fishing. Disability has made fishing a tough go but friends and great health care system still make it possible.. Canada ( Ontario ) rocks for fishing and its health care system! .
  22. Really enjoyed this video! Lac Seul on you doorstep must be nice.
  23. My guess is that fish pushed 50 lb. If so a 50 lb musky is a very rare catch. But whatever, this fish is such a remarkable catch i keep checking back at it. So often people catch a big musky and B.S like crazy. Like this.... http://www.ottawasun.com/2011/11/17/huge--muskie-unbelievable-catch Not Moosebunk...
  24. Another bountiful walleye, pike excursion for you. Apparently pike when filleted properly are as good as walleye. You should highlight a pike fish fry sometime. Noticed you have Ricky and Julian (Trailer Park boys) with you again. Beginning to think you must be Bubbles, incognito.......lol.
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