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Everything posted by Spiel

  1. ....Ah come on Garry, the weather is finally shaping up for some fall steelie fishing and 100* anywhere is too hot. That being said thanks for the report.
  2. ....Congratulations Brian. I applaud your efforts. I'll post the cheque a.s.a.p.
  3. ....Yes they appear to be Rudd. I suspect the video was shot some where in Europe.
  4. ....Always enjoy your reports Justin. But tell me, do you ever get skunked?
  5. .....He's a holding the rod handle behind the reel Dan, a definite no-no in my books.
  6. ....Beauty report smokinall4s, looks like a great day out with the kids indeed!
  7. .....Incredible, I'm gald you were able to recogonize a potential problem Iceguy and keep an eye on them. Could have been a disaster had you not been near by. Also glad you and your partner Magnum did not become victims of the big lake.
  8. ....Rain what rain? Skies are clear and blue here Chris but I guess if you got rain we'll be getting it here later today.
  9. .....Oh my, seems I've slept in. Oh wait, it's Saturday I'm allowed. Mornining folks.
  10. ....Snowy white heron you say, never heard of such a critter. Great looking bird though and I've learned something today, guess I can coast from here till tomorrow.
  11. ....Sweet looking fish there Fidel. I'd be happy to see them replace the chinooks with cohos anythime. Almost as good as steel.
  12. ....It's a preference for some to go big and I believed in that as well when I started float fishing 30 years ago. These days I use an 11 1/2 footer and I'm telling you it's plenty. I almost exclusively fish the big flows of Huron and Georgian Bay and I honestly don't feel handicapped by the shorter, lighter and more comfortable rod. Funny when I first got into steelies an 8 to 9 foot fly rod used to bottom drift was considered a long rod, honestly!
  13. ....I retired my 13 footers years ago after decades of use and switched to an 11 1/2 footer. No regrets and no handicaps. Wouldn't go back to anything longer. As for the Quantum Tour Edition, I have one I use for walleye, been a terriffic rod.
  14. Spiel

    Welcome !!!

    ....Congrats on your new "Baby" Dan.
  15. ....Good to hear from you Garry. I hope your health issues are all behind you and that you'll be casting for many years to come.
  16. ....Ah the tales of "boat laaunch bozos", often the highlight of many a trip. Always entertaining even if they be making me wait to launch. Good tale Glen, or would that be tail.
  17. ....Good to have you back Tom. Though in all honesty I did not know you'd been absent on account of I've been mostly absent these past few months as well. But I think I'm back?
  18. ....Well you done a whole lot better than I Al. My season ended last May and it wasn't planned that way, just sort of happened. I'd hoped to be up there this week but that too fell apart. Oh well guess I'll have to try for two trips next year. super pictures, congrats on a great year.
  19. ....Best wishes fellow Virgo. Have a great day.
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