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Everything posted by Spiel

  1. .....Brutal! It could have gone tragic real fast. I'm glad everyone is okay and certainly much wiser for the experience.
  2. ....Super! Glad you were all able to enjoy each others company for a day out on the water. Don and I are still trying to get some time together out on the water and I look forward to it.
  3. ....The entire idea was Dan's and and all the mods felt it was a good one. I expect it'll be a hit Dan, have fun with it. I hope to be able to contribute to it as well in some small way.
  4. ....Oh now you done it. You know me secret location and tube colours. Oh well, it's big water. Nice job on the catching.
  5. ....Looks like the ghost of the bird that hit your window....lol. Pretty interesting.
  6. ....Braid all the way. As already mentioned go big, #80 for casting and #100 for trolling seems to be the standard with heavy floro leads. Advantages, fish are boated quickly and have a better chance for surving when released. Not to mention more solid hook ups when driving those over sized hooks home as wells as keeping those expensive baits tethered to the end line rather than lost in the fishes mouth. It's a win win situation for sure.
  7. ....Aw shucks, looky at what I missed out on....DANG! Glad to see you had a good one Ron.
  8. ....Congratulations on dat der anniversary thing. Fine, fine women you got there boss who's willing to spend it working and relaxing in a bush camp. And the camp's looking great as are those fish. Guess I shouldn't be surprised that it took a 77 year old women to show you where the big "eyes" be hiding.
  9. ....Sheeeesh, that is a "biggun" KIrk. Congratulations to the whole family. You know he'll be needed a new rod pretty soon.....*I says while chuckling*
  10. ....Suddenly I have an urge to visit "The Rock". Must put it on my "to do" list. Great pictures.
  11. ....Super, great job Joey, Paul and Pam. Kuodos as well to everyone who helped out. Having purchased a painting from Pam I know first hand what a great job she does and how proud you'll be to display it Lew. Hope it hangs in a place of honour for many, many years.
  12. .....Super spectacular. Now that's the kind of thing I'd have loved over a bachelor party, either time! Despite the few mishaps yous had a great time and got home safe. Wish I'd have seen you on the way through. Praps you could schedule your highway troubles closeer to my place, like last year.
  13. ....Now that I'm finally able to view the board I'll give yous a small report of the camping/fishing trip[ the kids and I took a few weeks ago. We left on a Monday morning to a near north adventure where I've been taking the kids since they were in diapers. It's a small lake but it has a decent warm water fishery though I'd only get a few mornings to test my rusty talents. Anyway I'll keep it short. The campsite. The docks. Which is where my boy spent a great deal of time harrassing the local panfish population. The docks is also where I met Karl Kolanka (Extreme Angler) on the first morning I got out for a quiet (solo) fishing adventure. Nice guy that Karl, we traded tales about fishing the lake from past adventures and I filled him in my mornings success. I'm willing to venture that Karl's boat may be a tad quicker than mine. My success was limited to a handful of smallmouth bass which I found interesting since I was targeting largemouth. The area I was fishing was 2 to 3 feet deep and thick with weeds. Surface temp was 82.5 and deep water was a few hundred yards away. The sun had already been up for near two hours but I wanted to toss top water baits in an effort to avoid the heavy weeds. It was a good choice as the smallies were on the bait often before the splash subsided. Here's a couple of the better ones. The big'n was 19x13, what a fatty! Yes they were all released. The afternoons were spent boating and swimming in order to quell the stifling heat, man it was a hot week. On the second morning I awoke early to a very bright moon. It was just past 4:30 and I was on the water before 5. This time I couldn't find a smallie? I did however manage a dozen or so largemouth. Most were running an nice 2 to 3lbs. But is was the 2 that broke me off that left me shaking. I'd guess both to be over 7lbs. I had a good look at both only 20 feet from the boat when they busted my Chug Bug. The first one actually came back out of the water after I broke him off in the weeds, shook his head and sent my lure flying about 10 feet away. Thanks! The moon and the bass. My boy who continued day in and out harassing the dock fish also managed a nice bass. I also got my son tossing some top water on our last evening and he got his first surface busting bass. However he didn't think it would be to flattering to take his picture with a 6 inch fish after his prize dock bass....lol Well that's it for now. Another adventure is just around the corner for the kids and I. Should be a blast!
  14. ....Good morning Shelley. Congrtaulations to you and Chuck on the new boat. Can't says as I'd be sleeping either, like you I'd be way too excited.
  15. ....Oh my, I can hardly believe it. Well I hope you had a great day Bud. Happy Birthday, have a great year.
  16. ....Great report 007. That Aaron sure is a hell of a nice guy. Good luck with your quest.
  17. .....Seems a little steep to me Lew. I had an oil furnace and tank replaced in my previous home (some 12 years ago) for $3000. I was told that the cost of the new furnace was a little higher than normal due to the fact it was a horizontal type furnace which was installed under the house in a crawl space (no basement). The price included the pump out and transfer of the oil in the old tank. I wanted to switch to gas at the time but the cost was quoted at $6000, hence I stayed with oil and the $3000 was added to my monthly budget plan and paid off over 5 years. I might add I had no replacement plan for the old furnace and the cost quoted was for the purchase and instalation.
  18. ....Well where is he? Oh yeah, he's shy....lol
  19. ....Top water is certainly a heart stopping riot Brian but man those Simcoe smallies is huge! Best get out there and locate those hawgs for me.
  20. ....Exactly correct Lew. Any gimmick to sell a product, we fisherman can be colour blind when it comes to dollars spent on equipment.
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