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Everything posted by Spiel

  1. ....I believe it is indeed a spawned out male brown.
  2. "Gotta love "networking" on OFC" ....Yep you gotta love it!
  3. ....While I prefer not to I'm sometimes forced to fillet (due to hauling up from deep water) small perch and have no difficulty in doing so. Admittedly though I prefer them to be at least 9"s or more.
  4. ....The origional question asks "If you had to pick one lure, For a trip? (To take with you on a fishing trip what would it be?)" Now I don't know about the rest of you but when I take a "fishing trip" I generally take my boat and I always have plenty of jigs.
  5. ....Reading you post Corey has been the highlight of my fishing year, thanks.
  6. ....Not sure if it'll help Mo but I had to dump my cookies (not as bad as it sounds) before I could access the board this morning, you might try that.
  7. ....Yep, white twister tail jig here too. I can work it any where in the water column (cast it, troll it or jig it) and it'll catch the attention of everything finned.
  8. ....I use offshore releases with braid and to solve the slippage problem I double up a few inches of line then twist it before putting it in the release, problem solved.
  9. ....Personally I think it's crap. Since this is soley for the use of trolling why not go with a superline? Back it up with some mono to save $.
  10. ....Bitter, cold, windy and the lake to yourself, Perfect!
  11. ....Gimmick, I mean really who waits for the fish to swim into their net? I lead mine into the net when the time is right, I don't give them a choice.
  12. ...Hey I'm not feeble I have legitimate excuses.... Oh wait, were you talking to me....lol
  13. ....lol, it just occured to me after reading your vehicle/boat cost reply that your HOME! Shall we be seeing a report soon?
  14. ....Welcome, glad to have you. If you need any help with your profile feel free to PM me.
  15. ....Congrats to your dad, I can well imagine the adrenaline rush as he patiently held is draw till the right moment. Sounds like he a good clean kill to me. Enjoy the rewards of the harvest. I know I would and do when my hunting buddies bestow upon me a nice feed of wild game....yummy! As for the "fishing board" comment well I'll post an excerpt from the rules (has anybody read them?). "If your post contains hunting images that may offend some, please note Hunting Images in your post description."
  16. .....Oh ya, my boat is worth much, much, much (you get the idea) more than the van that pulls her.
  17. ....Well I decided to clean up all the childishness in this post so as not to see it go bye-bye. There's plenty of good steelheaders out there and they're not all float fisherman so lets keep that in mind. Zib did ask "Any other suggestions for a newbie steel header would be appreciated." Oh and I might as well add that I'm in the process of retiring my current float rod (center pin) in favour of a new level wind. That should make me the new elitist type in vogue steelheader. Now if I could only find some cold hard cash for those nifty breathable waders.
  18. ....Ouch, I didn't see that one coming. Best I think before begging....lol
  19. ....Hmmmm, perhaps you missed this post from earlier today. Oh and welcome to the board.
  20. ....I've changed a couple. In both instances I was doing lower end maintanence and decided to inspect the impeller while I had them all apart, and in both cases the impeller was cracked and showing signs of imminent failure. I'm not sure how old the impellers were or what is the expected life span but if you're working on the lower unit I'd take the time to change it. If not and it's been working fine then by all means leave her in.
  21. ....While I have a number of steelhead rods in various lengths if I'm choosing one for tossing hardware it's my 9 1/2 footer I go to every time. Something rated for 6 to 10lb test is ideal.
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