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Everything posted by Spiel

  1. ....Been using Maxima Ultragreen on my float reel for years and the same stuff (lighter test) for leaders. Guess I somehow knew it was the right choice.
  2. If he did I really don't want to know! Great report Wayne, thanks.
  3. Sure thing Paul but we haul it in the back of your truck!
  4. Oh man I'd love to try that! I've no doubt that I'd pass out as well and that's probably why I was laughing so hard everytime Steve did.
  5. Thanks John a great idea and no I hadn't thought of it. Coffee! Ah you will be putting Baileys in it, right? I had it all sorted and stacked in bundles of $50 Doug but still she counted every bill. I'm just grateful no one was waiting in line behind me.
  6. ....I could live with that Wayne. Then everyone in the area would be thanking me.
  7. ....Well I finally broke down and bought a snow blower (health issues necessitated it). I purchesed this one yesterday. The price at $999.99 was offset by my having saved $305.00 in CTC funny money and a scratch and save event that netted me another $100.00 in CTC money refunded. I know many of you could or would rather wait for the white stuff but me, I'm looking forward to using my new machine.
  8. ....lol, I think Brian just wanted someone to post more picutres of himself. Just teasing Brian. Thanks for posting your view of the weekend Carole.
  9. ....Verbatim....lol. Well there are other types of glue that would or could work but IMO epoxy is the best because it is for the most part, permanent! Thanks Wayne.
  10. ....Good stuff Shelley. Congrats to you both on the PB's.
  11. ....Super, while I haven't read all the reports yet it's apparent I missed another great OFC G2G'er.
  12. ....Well, well, well, best wishes to the both of you.
  13. ....LePages two part epoxy will work (not the 5 min variety), use masking tape to secure while it dries.
  14. ....I actually don't know where to buy kits (locally)? But if you if you don't mind shopping online there seems to be plenty of options here....http://shop.mudhole.com/s.nl/it.I/id.67/.f As for help, I'd be happy to help. You can PM me any questions you may have.
  15. ....It's not that difficult and it's quite rewarding as is any do it yourself project. If I can assist you in any way should you decide to go for it just PM me,I'd be happy to help. Oh and I might add that Fishing World in Hamilton has a limited but reasonable selection of St Croix blanks though you may have to look else where for components.
  16. ....As a new dog owner in east Hamilton I've had my pup at Kingsway Animal Hospital (1770 King St. East) three times this past month. Service has been top notch though I have nothing else to compare it too. I've heard that they may be a tad pricier than others but it's close to home.
  17. ....Now that's a great way to spend a weekend. Super report Joey and nice, very nice fish. Well done.
  18. ....Truly an unfortunate accident, I hope the injured does not suffer any permanent damage. I must say though that I'm at a total loss in regards to the following statement.
  19. Spiel


    ....I recommend the addition of Baileys, makes any coffee tolerable.
  20. ....Ah but many or most tribs have extended or year round seasons in the lower reaches (mouths). Now not knowing exactly what trib and precisely where in said trib who's to say it is an OOS fish? That being said if'n your not sure what you've caught and the potential for it to be out of season....."let it go!"
  21. ....That's kind of a tough bill to fill with one rod but like outdoorguy61 said I'd go 9' but I'd likley go 8 or even 9 weight, especially if he would like to cast big bulky topwater flies for the smallmouth. A 9 weight should also be able to tame the toughest steelhead/salmon and I'd stick with a 2 piece no doubt about it. Reels can go from the bargain bin variety to the break the bank account variety. I'd reccomend you don't scrimp too much and be certain it's rated for the line size (and sufficient backing) you buy. Another option is to buy one with interchangable spools for the different lines he may purchase (ie: floating, sinking,a etc.). For a beginner a floating line is a good start. You might consider a cheap level line at this time as it's likely to get destroyed. Then when he becomes more proficient he/you can purchase a quality line in a weight forward or shooting head for punching out those long casts.
  22. St. Clair River excused in L. Huron water woes But all Great Lakes remain below average levels Manitoulin.ca The International Joint Commission (IJC), a quasi-judicial agency that oversees regulation of Great Lakes levels, said on Thursday that video images from the river's depths indicate that, contrary to claims of significant erosion, the bottom remains "fully armoured" with a layer of rocks. "On a preliminary basis, we're finding that ongoing erosion does not appear to be a cause of low water levels," IJC spokesman John Nevin said during a news conference in Toronto. The Georgian Bay Association (GBA), which represents cottagers along the eastern shore of Lake Huron, has argued that dredging and scouring of the shipping channel at the lake's exit near Sarnia has resulted in a greater volume of water escaping the Huron-Michigan system. A study undertaken on behalf of the GBA in 2005 by a firm of hydrological engineers supported this position, and more recent investigations undertaken by the cottagers' group suggest the water loss through the St. Clair may be even greater than first estimated-as much as 10 billion litres per day. The IJC, which launched a five-year study of the upper lakes last spring, admits that more research needs to be done before erosion of the St. Clair channel can be entirely ruled out as a factor in the decline of Lake Huron's water level. Ted Yuzyk, co-chair of the IJC study group, told reporters that other measurements still need to be taken, and no firm conclusions have been reached. It's possible, the group allowed, that more substrate once overlaid the river's present padding. But the fact that rocks exist at this level indicates that the riverbed remains generally intact, and is not likely the culprit in a decline of Lake Huron's water level, in the estimate of IJC scientists. Mary Muter, chair of the GBA's environment committee, feels it's much too early to discard the theory, based on the research of a reputable hydrological firm, that her group has posited. "I think this is premature," she told the Globe and Mail last week. Her association blames dredging conducted in 1962 for an increased outflow from Lake Huron. That dredging, done by the US Army Corps of Engineers, was supposed to be accompanied by protection against erosion, but this work, the GBA contends, was never carried out because of high water on the lakes in the 1970s and 1980s. Lake levels, of course, are anything but high now. Lake Superior reached a record low earlier this fall, falling 10 centimetres below its previous nadir, set in 1926. And Lake Huron, while still above its all-time low, remains well below its average. According to the October edition of Level News, a monthly bulletin provided by Environment Canada, "the level of Lakes Michigan-Huron began October at a level 59 centimetres below average and 10 centimetres lower than last year. Levels on Michigan-Huron have been consistently below average since January of 1999, almost as long as those on Superior." However, the Lake Huron-Michigan basin "received relatively more rainfall than the Lake Superior basin and levels of Michigan-Huron are still about 17 centimetres above the record low for this time of year, which was set in 1964," the bulletin points out. Superior, for its part, benefited from a spate of rainfall in October and has gone way up in recent weeks, with the big lake now closer to normal water levels than it is to record low levels. As of this month, the lake is within a foot of its norm. As of Sunday, the level of Lake Huron stood at 175.83 metres, putting it 18 centimetres above its record low, but a full 1.5 metres below the high set in 1986. Compared to its long-term average, the lake remained undernourished by more than half a metre. In its water level bulletin for October, Environment Canada indicates that Lakes Huron and Michigan are "forecast to continue their seasonal decline, and remain below average, for the next several months."
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