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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. I read years ago that he was bipolar(manic depressive). Really sad. 1 of the very best--- a brilliant guy!
  2. http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/woman-crashes-into-firehouse-with-python-wrapped-around-her-neck-1.2727872
  3. Some folks run straight braid when fishing lures for salmon. It's an aggressive strike and they don't seem to notice or care. The reason for using a leader in that case is not to make the line invisible but to create a weak point---or 'fuse'-- so as not to lose a lot of braid on a line break.
  4. Bell probably fired her for being too helpful! Made the others look bad!!
  5. a situation that 'Oh crap!" doesn't quite cover!!!! (Funny, the S word got changed automatically to the C word!!)
  6. I'd take along Mike if I were you. He seems to have the GPS co-ords of all the big fish!!
  7. Maybe not everybody, but the people who had their food spoil last winter during the power outage when the biggest deep freeze in the world was outside their door are at serious risk!!!
  8. went for a paddle yesterday---no sweat, no sunscreen, no bugs. Perfecto!!! ( and I've had it with weather folks who inject their opinion re what is a 'nice' day. Just give us the bloody forecast and keep your opinions to yourself!)
  9. I'm happy to report that our kids grew up with an awareness of the natural world and that our grandchildren are probably more aware than their parents were at that age. one 7 yr old granddaughter is quite into snakes, frogs, lizards etc.
  10. no kidding, eh? I'm surprised at the # of pix with Mike sitting down! You'd think with those horseshoes sticking out of his butt sitting would be too painful!!
  11. I have a pelican for my camera but, yes, quite expensive. If you want to cheap out on a waterproof hard case, get an olive barrel from a local food store. Quite a few people use them for canoeing.
  12. No Sex after Surgery x After Surgery A recent article in the Kentucky Post reported that a woman, Anne Maynard, has sued St. Luke's Hospital, saying that after her husband had surgery there, he lost all interest in sex. A hospital spokesman replied ... "Mr. Maynard was admitted in Ophthalmology - all we did was correct his eyesight."
  13. Could try something like this---maybe put some items inside in tupperware etc. just to keep them a bit more organized http://www.mec.ca/product/5018-131/mec-transparent-dry-bag/
  14. The ones in those kits are crappy but you can spend a few more $ and get a good one. I don't thing cost cutting on safety gear is a good idea.
  15. Thx. We were upstream from B Chute. Fished from Coulter Bay down to the first 1/2 of Lost Channel. Fished some of the S Shore on the way back. as I said, it looked like prime territory to us with minimal fishing pressure---weed beds, rocky areas next to deep water etc. So we were a bit taken aback to just catch a few dinks
  16. I'm a bit puzzled. We went there on Wed. Fish lots of areas that looked like prime bass territory. Just saw 2 other fishermen the whole day but all we caught was a few dinks. Has anybody fish that area and did you have any luck? thx
  17. I don't know about lakers, but specks come into shallow water to feed around dusk. Offshore shoals are good spots.
  18. What---no pix of monster specks!! As others said, great report. I notice a different in focus/concentration between your son and your daughter in that pic on the river. I guess that acorn didn't fall too far!
  19. still a lot better than kicking the bucket!!
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